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The princess has arrived — Kingsfall 
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Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
wow I suck on the spree im so sorry DX

<p>A 'humph' was let out as the tawny man began to apologize for not supplying his name sooner. You should be sorry she thought with a flick of her tail. Pyriel, a single word to identify the man. Was he so insignificant to his parents that they only bestowed one word upon him? A quiet chuckle fell from her maw at the thought. It seemed like everyone else she was better than this male as well. "My name is Rosalin Victoria Kingsley. Princess of Kingsley Falls" she replied with pride in her voice. Though he could not see it just yet her blonde and russet tail lifted high above her back.</p><p>Quickly filling the dirt over her kill Rosie gave her luxurious coat a shake to rid it of any stray dirt that may have tried to cling to it. Turning back towards Pyriel she was pleased to see him still turned from her. A prideful grin formed as she strode towards him. As she neared he asked how long had see been in these lands. These lands? she didnt know these were any different than any other unclaimed land. I dont recall when I exactly came to these lands but I do know I have been away from my kingdom for about two moons she stated as she came up on his right side. He didnt really need to know why she was away. Anyways she wasn't doing what she was supposed be. The Kingsley girl didnt take the trip seriously and has just been enjoying the lack of rules. She strode past him with her banner still high and her head held up as well. She moved with grace and regality. She didnt intend for her posture to be threatening, just proud. She was royalty after all.</p>
(This post was last modified: Jun 27, 2017, 01:27 AM by Rosalin.)
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Van who has 12 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tinley Attaya
I couldn't resist any further.

It had been around two weeks since the warrior had entered the Lore, and she had yet to make any memorable connections with any other wolves. She'd had no leads on her father, and the time she'd spent alone had taken a bit out of the girl. It was fine, though - it wasn't as though she hadn't been hungry before. There had been many times in the Bloodbreakers that she hadn't had time to eat, or hadn't had the resources available. Physical needs and the like came secondary to the black wolf's prime directive - whether that was fighting, healing, or finding Mace Attaya.

But, like everyone else, Tinley was very much just a wolf. While physical issues were simple and easy to deal with, it was those pesky little problems of feelings and thoughts that drove her off-course. She missed her father, she missed her comrades, and she missed Pyriel - though she would never admit that out loud. The annoying furball might have been a thorn in her side, but he was still the closest thing she had ever had to a partner - to a friend. She wondered how he was getting on without her.

As she'd headed up north, following nothing but her instincts, the girl couldn't help but catch the scent of killed prey. Though she'd never steal food, as that would be a wrong thing to do - she would certainly approach and see if there might be more food nearby for herself to catch. But as she walked up and got closer to the prey scent, she could catch the smell of other wolves. One almost smelled familiar... but that couldn't be. She told herself she was just smelling things - she hadn't been around him in six months, so it might have just been those feelings or whatever getting into her head.

But, sure enough, as she walked up, she discovered that it was undoubtedly his scent. She wondered what the hell he was doing there - perhaps the Bloodbreakers had sent him on a solo mission? It didn't make a lot of sense; after all, it wasn't like they worked solo often in the group. It's why they had partners.

Coming up over a ridge, the Attaya was greeted by the sight of her partner speaking with a lovely, younger girl. She was absolutely not surprised, as Pyriel was known for his libido. What did surprise - and amuse - the warrior was the young lady claiming to be a princess. In the Bloodbreakers, royalty was absolutely not a thing. It was silly to think that kings and queens and princesses held any more power than any other alpha.

She did not, however, like that the self-proclaimed princess seemed to be carrying herself above Pyriel. There was no doubt in Tinley's mind that her partner could, in fact, rip the yearling apart if he wanted. And while Pyre himself might not care overmuch about it, Tin had no issue with putting the young wolf down a couple notches.

"A princess, hm?" she asked, holding her own head and banner high as she approached. Her tone was laced with sarcasm. "You've certainly started aiming a little higher with your flings." She directed her second sentence toward her partner, then turned her tangerine eyes back to the young wolf. "What's a princess doing so far from her kingdom?"
Played by Kai who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pyriel Albarn
No wories to both of you.  Things just got interesting, lol.

While she took care of the rabbit she’d killed it would have been rather easy for Pyre to watch her then come back later for it. There was no honor in that so he kept his back turned. An amused smile crossed his maw as she spoke her name, clearly she was rather full of herself. What wolf really needed three names and to refer to themselves as princess when they were out in the wilds by themselves.  “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you.  Shall I call you Rosalin or your highness?” The pale agouti of course didn’t want to offend the lady by calling her something she didn’t want to be called.

The posture she held was ignored, she was his equal without a pack so her title of princess meant nothing.  It meant even less to the warrior when he didn’t believe in royalty, it wasn’t something he’d recognized as power in the bloodbreakers.

She did answer his question allowing him to learn that she’d been on her own for less time than he had.  Not by much but still longer and she had not been forthcoming on the time she’d been in the land they currently found themselves in. “What is it that would cause a princess to give up her throne?” He asked mostly to seem interested not that he actually cared.  No doubt she’d probably not gotten her way about something and ran away to teach her father a lesson.

As he spoke a familiar scent wafted past him on the breeze, he disregarded it.  There was no way finding her was that easy.  Shoving that thought from his mind he returned his thoughts back to the blonde female and the hunt they were going to partake in.  “So are we ready to go catch us something bigger to eat than a rabbit?”  Pyre’s hunger was starting to get to the point he could not ignore making it hard for him to be willing to wait any longer.

The warrior soon found out just how wrong he’d been about the scent.  Tinley’s familiar form appeared seemingly out of nowhere.  For a moment he didn’t want to believe it was her in case she was just a figment of his imagination.  His desire to see her was so great that his mind conjured more than a picture in his mind. When she spoke he knew that he wasn’t imagining her.  He stared at her as she spoke to Rosalin and it was clear that Tinley wasn’t impressed with the situation.  His smile left his maw as she turned to speak to him about his newest “fling” as she put it.  “It’s good to see you too Tinley, Who said anything about this being a fling? I assure you it was completely innocent.” Or maybe it wasn’t but regardless with his partner showing up there wouldn’t be a fling anymore even if there might have ben something.  Seeing Tinley after so much time however overrode that as he was very glad to see her.

(This post was last modified: Jun 30, 2017, 06:24 PM by Pyriel.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
sorry bout the wait y'all @Tinley @Pyriel

<p>Now facing the tawny man, she waited for his reply. Saying it was a pleasure he then asked what she would liked to be called. A normal wolf would have been fine with their name but since he offered...Your highness would do just fine she replied with a smile. Rosalin saw nothing wrong with her behavior and thought it was quite normal to act in such a manner. Her smile disappeared at his notion that she gave up her throne. I didnt give it up. I'm on a diplomatic mission to learn how to communicate with other packs. she replied with a scoff.
Give up her crown? What an outrageous idea. Still offended that he would think she'd do such a thing she simply nodded at him asking if they should go catch something larger than a rabbit. Turning from him she allowed her senses to open and search for any signs of food.</p><p>It looks like the duo was about to be a trio. The blonde girl didnt notice the approach of the other female for she was paying attention to finding food.  Her head whipped around as the sarcastic comment reached her russet dusted audits a princess, hm. The comment came from a dark female smaller than Rosie and Pyriel. She strode up with confidence that matched the princess, something that off put the girl. Before she could open her maw to answer the new female directed her next comment at the tawny male. Fling? The thought was insulting. Her red dusted tail flicked with annoyance over her back as she turned to face the other two. Green orbs partially hidden underneath partially closed eyelids watched as the other two loners greeted one another. pft look who thinks shes all high and mighty Rosie thought bitterly. She wasn't liking this new wolf, not that she could say she liked Pyriel either. Another swish of her golden tail was given at his response that this, whatever this was, was completely innocent. With her eyes narrowed still ever so slightly Miss Kingsley watched the dark she-wolf address her once more. Who said anything about it being far? she countered. If this woman wanted to act that way then so be it, two could play that game.</p>
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Van who has 12 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tinley Attaya
Regardless of how she treated the male, it was still very nice to see Pyriel. In a rare show of physical affection, she gave a light bump of her shoulder to his own. A snort left her maw when he claimed that whatever he and the princess had was innocent. "Yes, because you're known for your innocence, aren't you, Pyre?" she asked, but her maw still contained a smile. Orange eyes met his dark greens for just a millisecond with sincerity. "It's good to see you too."

But now it was time to pay more attention to little miss Highness. Dark ears swiveled toward the glorified child, a bit of her characteristic temper flaring in her chest, though she kept it contained for the time being. "Well, child, for starters," she began slowly, "I can tell you haven't been around other wolves for a while. Your fur smells only of you, and I haven't seen a pack territory nearby, so your Kingdom isn't in the immediate vicinity. Aside from that, you smell nothing like our surroundings, so you clearly aren't from around here." Her orange eyes narrowed into chips. "All in all, I can assure you that your 'Kingdom' is further away than you'd like us to believe. You're all by yourself." The diluted black wolf kept her posture up, but much more relaxed than the girl before her.

This girl had none of the scarring that Pyriel and herself held - her plush coat spelled out that she'd been primed and pampered for her entire life. Not to mention the entitlement in the way she was acting. She didn't know what exactly had possessed her to go after this girl so harshly in the first place - usually she waited to get to know them before snapping. But there had been something about seeing the young wolf so near Pyriel, and knowing of his flirtatious ways, had sent the temper flaring instantly.
Played by Kai who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pyriel Albarn

He should have known that highness was what the proclaimed princess would want to be called and it left a bad taste in his mouth just thinking about calling her that. Forgetting any manners he had the pale man scoffed at the request, “I'm not going to call you that,” he stated flatly. It was against everything he believed to call this female what she had requested especially when he found her to be no better than himself. Since he had no plans for this female at the current time other than getting something to eat he found no reason to stroke her ego which clearly didn't need anymore.

She also made it very clear that she had not given up her throne but instead was on a mission, what could she possibly know about missions? “How is that going for you?” He asked amused that she could think she was on an actual mission. He let her go on thinking she was in some kind of mission though he felt a girl who claimed to be a princess should already know how to talk to other packs. Shouldn't that have been a lesson she received as a pup? No matter because they weren't to be alone for long causing any thoughts about hunting to leave for the time being.

Her appearance was completely unexpected though not unwelcome, as Tinley approached the pair. She of course wasn't having a shortage of smart comments as though no time had passed since they’d last seen each other. A smile did pull at the corners of his lips at her comment, “You’ve been gone for awhile.” He left it at that sure she knew what he meant, things could have changed in the time she'd been gone. His smile only grew when she bumped his shoulder glad that it was his good one. Though she should know the other still pained him at times. It was good having her next to him once more, just like before she'd left. “We'll have to catch up,” as he was curious how her mission was going.

It was no surprise that Tinley had quite a lot to say to the girl easily pointing out things that Pyre wouldn't have done while trying to charm the girl. The pale warrior stood amused as he watched his partner give the princess a list of all the reasons why she had to be far from home. “Now Tinley I'm sure the girl has her reasons for claiming that her “Kingdom” isn't that far away.” Though he had to agree with his partner that what Rosalin said about her kingdom wasn't very accurate. “You shouldn't be out here alone,” he stated his gaze returning to the princess.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Rosalin Victoria Kingsley
So sorry y'all! @Tinley @Pyriel

His scoff took the yearling by surprise. Did he not just ask what she wanted to be called? And was it not him who suggested 'your highness'? Emerald orbs looked at him with a glint of hurt. "Well you're the one who suggested it". He continued to ask what she was doing out here and she promptly informed him of her diplomatic mission. One she was ignoring to do as she pleased. He basically mocked her as the amusement in his words were clear as day. "Just fine thank you" the golden girl replied bitterly. This male was not one that the princess liked very much.

As if to laugh at her distaste for Pyriel the universe threw another sarcastic wolf her way. The dark female seemed to know the tawny male which left even more of a bad taste in the Kingsleys mouth. The other she-wolf questioned why Rosie was so far from home. She countered by asking her own question. Feeling proud of her response the princess lifted her muzzle up ever so slightly. Then she opened her mouth. A quiet growl vibrated in the blonde's throat at the insult of being called a child. She was no child! What child would be sent off on their own? "I am not a child" she nearly spat but she was ignored for Tinley continued to speak.  Red dusted audits stood erect atop the girls head taking in all the words. Tinley explained how the blonde's pelt didnt smell of anyone and that she didnt smell like anything from around here therefore her kingdom must be far away.

Rosalin scoffed at the others logic but before she could reply Pyriel chimed in. “Now Tinley I'm sure the girl has her reasons for claiming that her “Kingdom” isn't that far away.”  So the females name was Tinley, that wouldn't be a name the princess would be forgetting anytime soon. Yes she did have her reasons. She didnt know this pair, why should she trust them enough to tell the truth? Yes the darker woman hit the nail on the head, but she didnt need to know that. It seemed as if the tawny man wasn't finished for he stated that she shouldn't be out here alone. Emerald eyes almost glared at him. "I'm fine." She stated flatly before turning to the other. "As for the scent of my pelt, yes I've been away long enough to lose their scent but that does not mean they are far away. Do you know every inch of land surrounding this place in all directions? No you dont therefore you can't tell me where my home is." Her tone was anything but flat when she spoke to Tinley. Whether or not she was right Rosie's pride would never allow her to know that. 
[Image: rosalin_by_becuffin-dblfwag.png]
Played by Van who has 12 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tinley Attaya
Short exit post for TinTin <3

Pyriel seemed amused by her deductive skills, and she simply shrugged when he pretended to chastise her. Of course, the two of them would have plenty of time to catch up later, but for now she was interested in seeing how the little girl was going to justify herself. And, as expected, she was defensive and stubborn, and Tinley just smiled slightly, thoroughly entertained and not willing to respond to the argument with more effort.

"Well," she said slowly, getting to her paws and stretching before turning her back on the girl. She trusted Pyre enough to watch her back, so there was no need to fear being jumped from behind. "It was nice to meet you, your highness. Good luck with being in charge of everything."

She glanced back at Pyre and waved her tail just once before speaking. "You should keep your word and go with this girl for now. We can catch up later." Then she turned to head back the way she came, fully intending to wait for Pyriel to get finished playing with the royal girl so that they could catch up.

{ exit Tinley }
Played by Kai who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Pyriel Albarn
@Rosalin this will be Pyriel's exit you can post one more or archive. Thanks! ;)

This of course was not going to plan, his partner showing up out of nowhere was certainly quite a surprise. The pale agouti wondered if he should have planted himself in the middle of this new land and waited before. Tinley may have just appeared for him like she had now and months would not have been wasted looking for her. All that didn't matter now as he watched what unfolded between the woman with some amusement. A low growl leaving the man as Rosalin's voice took a tone with Tinley he didn't like. He may have had more to say had his partner not rose to her feet and with her one word announced the argument was over.

The dark warrior said yet parting words to the self proclaimed princess before turning on him. A brow raised as she spoke as he highly doubted his presence would he welcome with the girl after what had just occurred. While the girl would be fun as any previous ideas were now out of the question he wasn't willing to risk getting bitten for it. He hadn't even completely recovered after the last injury he'd received, “I will take it under advisement,” he said to Tinley before she was gone back the way she'd come.

He watched her go before turning his head to look upon the princess, “Well it seems I have work out my welcome,” he stated with a grin, “And it seems you have everything under control here so I shall take my leave as well. It was a pleasure miss.” The pale man rose to his paws and with a dip of his head turned and followed in the same direction as Tinley. They needed to catch up and he had some words for her.

Pyriel exit

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