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A Many Splendored Thing — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

He hadn't been in the Vale for very long, only a matter of days but he felt a little better already. It would be awhile before he was feeling like his old self again but he had a place now and the chance to get better. In the days since his joining he hadn't done much but eat and sleep since it was all he felt like doing. He no longer had the worried he did while in his own and he didn't feel the need to do anything but get himself better. Once he was he planned to do his part to help the pack that had so graciously taken him in as it was the right thing to do.

After resting for the last couple of days he finally felt like moving around the lands to see what his new home was like. So he went exploring and had come to the border which he followed for a while looking this way and that committing the forest to memory. When he had finally grown tired he decided to head back to the communal den for a short nap and a meal to help him through the rest of the day. Upon his arrival he was a little surprised to find a pup outside the den. He'd known they were in the pack as he had scented them but he'd yet seen them which he accounted to the fact he'd been asleep most of his time in the Vale. He didn't have much experience with pups but he couldn't just ignore him either. Walking up to where the youngster was Tikhon tried to be as unthreatening as possible, “Hello there little one. What are you doing away from your mother?” He asked not knowing what else to say.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

The den, while comforting and providing safety, was also claustrophobic. It was dark, damp and restricting—especially when his parents were not curled up beside him. He did not mind spending time on his own; he preferred it. But the longer he spent in the den alone the more agitated he became.

Which brought him to his current situation. The tawny cub was sprawled out by the entrance to the den, his creamy stomach flattened against the warm ground as he attempted to soak up as much as the warmth as possible. The clouds were out to play once more, scattered across the sky hidden by the canopy of vibrant orange leaves overhead. If he twisted his head the right way he could see them, disrupting the blue he longed to see. The blue that matched the stones inside Castel’s skull. Perhaps blue was becoming his favourite colour. He snorted in amusement at the thought, dismissing it with a lazy wag of his tail.

His ears twitched at the approach of another, his creamy brows narrowing defensively as his maw canted to the side. The male’s fur reminded him of his own, or mother’s, for it was less red than Castel’s. Dark around the face but it faded into a soft brown—the colour of grass that had been left out in the sun too long. He scoffed at the stranger’s question and couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling. “Old ‘nough,” he retorted quickly with a deep frown, his ears pinned forward. “Who you?” Sachiel did not know this wolf, or his scent. Was he an intruder?

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

Finding one of the pups at the entrance to the den wasn't what Tik had been expecting. The fact was they were in the pack and he had been allowed to join despite the fact he was in such bad shape. The dark agouti man was just going to have to get used to the idea even if it did make him a little nervous to be around them. It was mostly the fact he wasn't sure how to interact with them, he felt so awkward. They were so small and what if he accidentally hurt in of them, he was sure that wouldn't go over well with their mothers.

There had been pups in his birth pack but he'd always kept his distance for those reasons. He felt that it was better that he kept his distance to keep the little ones safe. Now being faced with one he couldn't help looking around for his mother. Surely the child shouldn't be laying out in the open by himself, at least that was Tikhon's thought as his gaze fell on the child. He couldn't remember if the pups had been allowed to do such things in his old pack. His memory also wasn't what it once had been which he hoped it would improve with his condition.

It was clear the child had a bit of an attitude as he answered the question that Time had proposed to the boy. “That so,” he said sitting back on his haunches. Then the question of who he was arose, “Tikhon, I've only come to the Vale a few days ago.” Why he was explaining himself to a child he would never know. “So, you going to tell me your name or do I have to call you kid?”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

As he grew older he was spending more time on his own. His parents were beginning to return to their previous duties which meant Sachiel was left to entertain himself. It usually involved a lot of walking and too many striped trees. He was beginning to believe that Relic Lore was filled with the orange trees and nothing else. How boring.

“Mhhhhmmm,” he mumbled in response as his chin flopped over his forepaws. Despite the curiosity that burned inside his chest the boy wore a disinterested expression, his ears flopping lazily to the side. Tikhon. Dark markings beneath his eyes. Fierce amber eyes. Sachiel committed both the name and image to memory, his denim gaze lingering on the agouti as he continued speaking, announcing that he had arrived recently. His nose twitched. The vale scent was still weak on the tawny wolf, which verified his story. Why had he chosen to live among so much orange?! He blinked slowly but did not ask; instead, the question burned a hole in the back of his throat.

Kid. This time a crooked grin appeared across his pale maw. “Sachiel,” he countered, his tail thudding gently against the ground. Whether or not he wanted to share his name Tikhon would learn it soon enough. “Why ‘ere?” He asked boldly, a shortened version of the question that previously haunted his thoughts. He could not help but be nosey—it was what puppies did best.

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

His time in the Vale thus far had been spent in his opinion used well even if he had spent a majority of it sleeping. It had been the best rest he'd had since being on his own. Being in pack law ds once again have him a security that he'd known was missing all too well. He'd spent entirely too much time on his own and he. Blamed Laike for it since he had left the dark agouti to die.

Running into the child he had wondered about his mother and where she was. He supposed the boy was safer laying in front of the den then out galavanting when he could accidentally get himself into trouble. The boy’s response was just an affirmative sound so Tikhon sat back on his haunches, this was going to take some time. Since he wasn't being very forthcoming with information he felt a little goading might help, after all he seemed to think he was 'old enough’. If only the boy knew, Tikhon did. He had learned the harsh lessons of life the hard way and now he was paying for them.

It seemed the goading had worked for the boy relinquished his name quite easily. “Well Sachiel it's nice to meet you.” Regardless of how the boy was being it was still nice to meet another member of his new pack. Tikhon shrugged at the boys question, “I needed a place to call home and coming here was offered to me twice, it was a offer I couldn't refuse,” he explained not thinking Sachiel might not understand half of what he'd said.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

He had thought about pursuing the forest and venturing away from the dens. His paws itched at the idea of seeking the blue sky once more; the route Casted had taken him on was burned into the back of his mind, waiting to be called upon. If he was back before dark he was positive that his parents wouldn’t mind. Sachiel was usually good at following the rules and keeping his toes in line. A few infractions wouldn't hurt.

Slumping against the ground the boy continued to watch the stranger with heightened curiosity, his brows raised slightly as he listened to the newcomer’s response. Asked twice? How peculiar. More questions hesitated on the tip of his tongue. He was struggling with not being too nosey, for he did not want to upset or annoy Tikhon.

Keeping most his thoughts to himself Sachiel settled on one question instead, the words spilling into the air between them as a small smile softened his features. “From ne’by?” The scents that clung to the older male’s pelt were completely foreign to the cub; he was fascinated by them. The scents in the vale had grown stale, for he smelled the same ones every stinkin’ day. He could not wait until he was old enough (and big enough) to explore the territories beyond the orange. His parents had told him about the different sights to be seen and he longed to see them with his own eyes. Hearing about them was not nearly as exciting as actually seeing them.

His paws itched again.  

(This post was last modified: Jul 21, 2017, 03:13 AM by Sachiel.)
ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

It was a hard thing to sit back and do nothing while he recovered from his time alone. The winter had been harsh and taken quite the toll on him but he no longer has just himself to worry about. Being back in a pack his sense of duty had started to kick in the better he felt, he wanted to get back out there and help provide for the pack again. He knew that he couldn't while he was still recovering as it could prolong the process. That was the last thing he wanted to do since the Vale wolves had been kind enough to take him in he wanted to be able to contribute as soon as possible.

p>He'd explained how he'd come to be in the Vale the Artemieva catching the slight raise of his brow. Tikhon didn't comment on it but instead added, “I really would like it to work out here for me. Everyone I have met so far has been really nice and I've gotten along well with them so I can see this place becoming home.” Maybe once he found Lorcan and warned him about Laike he could finally settle down. That is assuming Laike hadn't found him first.

The next question had the dark agouti shaking his head, “I'm from a place called Artemus Valley which is some distance from here. I traveled over the mountain and found the Copse. There I met Kuwindwa and Castel. I spent some time in the Copse before finally deciding to join,” he explained to the boy. He was sure the boy didn't know his brother so didn't bother with mentioning why he had come. The search for his brother wouldn't be important until the day came he could travel again anyway. He did however have a thought that he decided to bring up to Sachiel. “Are you tired of being here?” He asked getting to his feet, a walk through the territory was something he felt he could do.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

… I can see this place becoming home. The boy nodded sharply at the statement, his sapphire gaze softening as he studied the masked wolf. “Home,” he repeated with a slow wag of his tail, brows narrowed slightly as he was trying to decide whether or not he liked the older male. Sachiel liked that the stranger did not talk to him like a child, even if he was one. Although he did not understand most of the words rolling off Tikhon’s tongue, for their meanings were lost to him, he appreciated the lengthy sentences and swarthy words. “Tee’kon will like Vale. E’ben eef Vale o’ange, ees good home,” he added with a snort of amusement, his nose wrinkling. Sachiel was not a fan of the bright, arrogant colour, but obviously the others were immune to how loud it was, or else they would not have decided to settle here.

He listened patiently, like a good boy, to Tikhon’s response, his brows furrowed as he attempted to understand what was being said. Castel. The girl that held the sky in her eyes, with her russet fur and creamy cheeks. She was a good adventure buddy—she kept their excursions a secret, which meant no scoldings for the little Leigh. The little sparrow gave a small nod, to show that he was listening, when the older male spoke once more—this time in the form of a question. He considered his answer for a moment, allowing silence to settle over him before he gave a frantic nod. Although this wolf was still a stranger to him Sachiel would never turn down the offer for adventure, even if it was just a short walk.

He scrambled to his paws and scurried toward the dark agouti, his denim gaze wide as he waited for instruction. 

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

Though his main objective was to find his brother and warn him of the wrongs that Laike had done he also was in search of somewhere to belong. The Vale was a refuge for now, a place that he could recover and regain the hope that had seeped out of him during his months on his own. It was as if with every point that he shed more of his hope and at times desire to live left him. He'd found the Vale and even that small thing helped him to keep going. “I miss my home,” he admitted to the boy after he'd repeated the word. He could never return to his home and that would never sit well with him.

A smile was given to the boy as he expressed that Tikhon would like the Vale, “I am sure you're right,” he agreed, “I just need to do some more settling in is all.” He was sure that was it. Soon enough he would become comfortable with the wolves that lived in the Vale and develop relationships with them. He had no plans to leave anytime soon so there would be plenty of time for that.

He explained where he'd come from and how he'd come to find himself in the Vale to the boy. Having not been around pups before he didn't even think about the fact Sachiel might not understand never thing he said. When he'd realized that maybe the child was bored sitting in front of the den he made him an offer which was taken up. With another smile, “Very well. I will be glad to have your company,” he told the boy, “Let's go this way,” he said heading off in the direction that was a little left of where he'd come from. Stopping once to make sure Sachiel was following him.

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