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A Many Splendored Thing — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

His head twisted from side to side as the older agouti spoke, announcing that he missed his home. If he missed it why did he leave? It did not make sense to the little Leigh. He still was not sure about the raccoon-eyed wolf, for it was going to take more than one adventure for him to trust Tikhon, but Sachiel hoped the older wolf would find a home among all the orange. The vale was a good home, perhaps the best, even if it was plagued by the most obnoxious colour ever.

Sachiel’s head tilts quickly turned into a frantic nod as Tikhon mentioned settled in. That was exactly what the agouti needed to do. Get used to the vale and the surrounding territories. Make it home.

Unless he still missed his home. Then he should return, for home was where the heart was. Or something.

Where the orange was?

Let’s go this way. His paws vibrated as he followed after the larger male, his tail practically spinning behind him as he struggled to keep up. Sachiel hoped that Tikhon was going to take him off somewhere scary and eat him. That certainly would not be a good way to settle in. Dismissing the thought with a sharp shake of his head, the little bird followed silently behind his companion, his denim gazed fixated on his large frame. The boy was glad that his packmates did not hesitate to take him on adventures, big or small. His parents were often busy with their duties and Sachiel did not want to bother them, for he would rather explore the territory on his own than disrupt their routines. 

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

Tikhon mused about missing home but there was nothing the dark agouti man could do about that for he has been banished. What was left was the opportunity to make the Vale a home, get to know the wolves there and build a life there. He needed to recover so that he could find his brother Lorcan. The Artemieva man didn't think he could really settle down until he had found Lorcan and spoken with his brother not only to warn him but also to tell him he was around.

He knew that settling into the Vale was exactly what he needed to do but with unfinished business he didn't think he could. Having his mind eased of his worries would go a long way in helping him to concentrate on doing what he could for the pack that had been kind enough to take him in. The nod the boy gave him in response to what he said was indication enough that Sachiel felt the same. “I am sure in time I will settle in,” he assured the child with a smile.

Tikhon was sure the vale pup was tired of sitting and though he'd been searching for a place to rest he didn't see why he couldn't take the boy in a small adventure. The suggestion if it seemed to make Sachiel very happy so he led him off in a different direction than he had come. “Have you explored much of the territory?” He asked to get a bearing on where the child had been.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

The boy gave an exaggerated nod at the agouti’s words, for he was confident that the older male would find his place in the Vale. The thought of joining a new pack and starting over terrified the little Leigh. There were so many things to learn—names to remember!—Sachiel did not know if he would be able to handle it. Were rules the same in different packs, or did they vary? What if he did not like all of his new packmates? What if they were mean to him?! He frowned, his denim gaze studying the larger wolf beside him as his brows narrowed with concern. Did these thoughts run through Tikhon’s mind too?

“Nuh much,” he answered quickly with a small shake of his head. The agouti had kept close to the dens, exploring the striped forest and learning the lay of the land to ensure he would not get lost when he went beyond the territory. There was a marvellous clearing that he and Castiel had ventured to see the sky, but aside from that Sachiel had not seen much of the Vale. He frowned again. Was he boring for staying so close to the dens, or was he being safe? Was being safe the same thing as being boring? Ugh, being a puppy was so difficult! He thought exploring was bad but he longed to see the world beyond the orange trees—to see an array of greens, blues, and even dull browns! “Hab you?”

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

While Tikhon wanted to rush out and find Lorcan give his warning and let his brother know he was okay and had found a place to call home he knew it wasn't smart. He had yet to fully recover and he had no idea where to find Lorcan, he considered asking some of the wolves of the Vale but hadn't been too social. The past few days had been filled with eating and rest to get his strength back up. Now that he was feeling better he thought he'd start socializing and getting to know his packmates. He wasn't quite at a point he could go out hunting but he would be one day and then he would contribute what he could to this pack that had taken him in.

He was curious just how much the boy had explored in his home and was both disappointed but happy that he hadn't yet. <B “That's okay, I'm still recovering from the winter,”</b> he informed, “If you'd he up to it we can explore the Vale together?” It would be nice to have company on his outings and the boy could learn about his home with an adult around. Tikhon shook his head when Sachiel asked him the same question. “I haven't, my time here has been spent resting. Today was the first day I have felt well enough to leave the den,” he explained, “But I am looking forward to learning more.” And he was, he wanted to know every nook and cranny of his new home so that he could serve the pack well.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

His rump wiggled in excitement at the agouti’s suggestion. Although the boy was fully capable of exploring the Vale on his own, and often preferred to, he was not opposed to the idea of company. Being with an adult meant he was able to go further and, perhaps, explore beyond the Vale. Sachiel nodded slowly in response, a wide smile tugging at his lips. “Yes p’ease,” he added in a soft voice as he quickened his pace to match Tikhon’s. He eyed the older male curiously, a single brow raised as he wondered where he was taking the little Leigh. He liked that neither of them knew much of the Vale—it made the adventure much more exciting.

A flurry of words rolled off Tikhon’s tongue as they continued through the orange forest, his falling into a fine line as he struggled to to comprehend most of what was being said. Something about not feeling right and resting. Until today. Which was very exciting. Although he was still wary of the newcomer, Sachiel was pleased that he was feeling well enough to explore the Vale. “Lo’sa twees ‘ere. Y’ave lo’sa twees in old ‘ome?” He did not know if he was conversing correctly, but it felt right. 

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

The dark agouti man was glad that he had run into Sachiel on this day since it was the first day he really felt better. It was for that reason he was able to offer an exploring outing which he hoped would please the boy and give him something to do for the day. He led Sachiel through the trees of the Vale not sure of where he was taking the boy but confident they would find something interesting along the way. He'd explored some outside the borders while he'd been living in the forest but he was more interested in what the borders hid from the rest of the world. He looked down at the pup as he spoke, “Then that is what we shall do,” he said giving the child a friendly but gentle bump to his shoulder.

Tikhon had also explained how he'd been resting and getting his strength back which was another instance where he wasn't sure how much the boy understood. However while talking with Sachiel he felt that talking to him like he did understand might be more beneficial to the child. He looked to the boy once more as he spoke. At first he wasn't sure he understood what had been said so had to work it out but he soon realized what Sachiel had asked him. “Yes there are a lot of trees here and there were back home but I'm not sure there were quite so many as there are here,” he said thoughtfully. He considered the boy for a moment before asking, “Do you like all the trees?”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

He bounced happily at the agouti’s side, his tail arched high over his back as it wagged with every step he took. Being with older wolves meant he could explore much further than he was able to when he was on his own, or if tagged along with Laurel. Who he mostly avoided, for Sachiel enjoyed being on his own. Conversation always hindered his memorizing, for being young made it difficult to concentrate on both talking and seeing at the same time. Adults he did not mind spending time with, as they were able to take him on longer excursions. He just did not like it when they treated him like a child, even though he was one, for he was much smarter than he looked (and sounded).

His ears twitched as the older agouti spoke, mentioning that his previous home did in fact have trees. His features sagged. Did everywhere have trees?! Oh no! Perhaps he wouldn’t be able to escape them after all…

“Kinda,” he responded with a soft frown, his denim gaze studying his companion out of the corner of his eye. “Not all da o’ange twees. Yucky colour,” he added, his nose scrunching up to emphasize his point. “Some twees good.”

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

Tikhon couldn't help but hope that the adventure he was taking the young pup on would be everything the boy hoped for. He didn't want his first impression on Sachiel to be a bad one since he rather liked the youngster. He did know that in his current state he did have his limits but they would only last as long as he was recovering. Once he was back to his old self he could take his young packmate on more extravagant adventures. The boy was young though and might not understand that he still had some ways to go before he was able to do the things some of the other adults might do with him. As he looked over to Sachiel he was glad to see that he seemed happy with what they were currently doing.

The question that had been asked of him reminded the dark agouti of his home and how much he missed it. The banishment was still fresh in his mind as was the betrayal of his brother. When he answered he left the anger he felt out of his tone, he did not want Sachiel to think he was angry with him. There were trees in his old home but that had not been the only thing to make it beautiful.

He couldn't help but wonder if his young companion liked trees since he'd asked about them. The answer wasn't what he was expecting but it made more sense as Sachiel went on. A smile crossed his maw, “Well then it's a good thing they all aren't orange then,” he said with a chuckle, “Perhaps when you are a little older and can travel further I can take you to a place where the trees aren't all orange.” By then he felt he would be in better shape. “Some trees are good, personally I am not much of a fan of pine trees but their needles make good bedding,” he admitted to the boy.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

He liked the little bouts of silence that fell between them as they walked. Sometimes talking was exhausting—especially when walking was also involved. The boy still struggled with multi-tasking, but he was getting better. It was why he preferred to be quiet as he observed his surroundings, for it was much easier to soak everything in and commit it to memory.

His denim gaze flitted over to the older agouti as he spoke, announcing that not all trees were possessed by the annoyingly bright orange colour. What wonderful news! His tail swayed with excitement behind him, a lopsided grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as he wriggled with delight. “Gud!” He chirped instantly, his nose lifting slightly as he looked at the golden-eyed Artemieva.

As the tawny male continued speaking his eyes widened in disbelief, his brows lifting so high they nearly tumbled off his small forehead. “Re’ly?!” He asked, his voice hushed as he halted his steps for a moment, dumbfounded by Tikhon’s kindness. “I wuh’ld like tha’ vewy much,” he added as he scrambled forward, his little legs working overtime to catch up to the long-legged adult. His next statement caused Sachiel’s brows to pinch together in confusion, his head tilting to the side: “Pin twee? Wha’s tha?” He had not heard of such a tree before. All Sachiel knew was orange. Yuck.

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

While they continued their walk through the forest Tikhon kept a lookout for any places that Sachiel might find Interesting. Since he had just started getting out and about in the territory there was a lot that was new to him. He didn't mind that the conversation had turned to trees and actually liked idea that he could share knowledge with the pup. They had some moments where they didn't talk but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, Tikhon waited to hear what the boy would say next.

He had tried reassuring the child that not all trees were the orange color. It had taken Sachiel pointing it out that cause him to notice that all of the trees in the forest that was his home now were in fact orange. He found that rather odd and made him curious about why at the same time. His gaze went to Sachiel as he expressed how happy he was to hear that all trees weren't the color of the ones he was used to.

To prove that to him and give him the chance to see some green trees. It would be a new experience and he would be happy to do it for the child. “Really, they are a little distance from here which is why I want to do it when you're a little older.” He explained but he fully intended to take the boy, he felt it would be something he would enjoy a lot. It was no surprise to Tikhon when Sachiel asked about pine trees. “Well it's a type of tree. They are a little different from regular trees,” he started to explain, “Like they don't have leaves like the trees you're used to. Instead they have what's called needles which are like thin spiky things. Their bark is also different, it's not as smooth as the bark on these trees. When we go on our adventure I will show you one.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you