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A Many Splendored Thing — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

Sachiel tried to picture the older agouti’s description, placing pieces of his own memories together to make the image in his head right but it just wasn’t working. He frowned in frustration, his ears falling slightly as he continued walking alongside the older male. He wanted to see these pine trees now so he could get the picture, and colour, right. What were these needles Tikhon spoke of? Thin, spiky things?! How was he supposed to picture that?! “Wha’ colour?!” He asked quickly, hoping a little more information would help him. It was not the same as seeing the trees and he grew frustrated with his small size.

He blinked, his frown deepening as he glanced up to meet the Artemieva’s golden gaze. If the bark on the tree wasn’t smooth then what was it? His brows narrowed in frustration at the lack of description, his denim gaze quickly averting from his russet packmate. He needed more, for the picture in his head was an array of colours and he knew it was not right.

“See soon?” He asked, his voice small, almost desperate. No matter what details Tikhon shared with the little Leigh it wouldn't help. He needed to see them; smell them and really see them. Words did not help. Exploring did. 

(This post was last modified: Aug 15, 2017, 05:15 AM by Sachiel.)
ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

Pine trees were something that Tikhon had grown up around, they'd been a part of his life everyday until he came to the Vale. It was the orange trees that he didn't understand, why were that color baffled the dark agouti. He accepted them though as part of his life and home now. He'd described what the pine needles looked like to his small companion but the boy wanted more detail which Tik was glad to give. “Well they come in different shades of green and I have even seen some that look blue.” He wasn't sure.of the name of that one but it had been quite the discovery when he had seen his first one. He'd also found during his time alone that pine trees made very good places to rest during rain showers. That was something he could teach Sachiel when the time came.

They continued on until the dark agouti spotted a small rock formations with a fallen tree, it looked interesting enough. A place Sachiel could maybe find something to hunt or at the very least climb in the rocks if he liked. It wasn't much for their first adventure but since Tikhon had yet to get his full strength back he felt it would get a good start for him. Also since the boy was still rather young it seemed safer than some of the other places he was sure existed in the Vale.

His gaze was brought to the boy as he asked about seeing the pine trees soon. Tikhon smiled and nodded, “As soon I have recovered a little more I will take you to see them. I know there are some in the route that brought me to the Copse,” he told. He wanted Sachiel to be a little bigger but at the same time he needed to be stronger with more weight on him. He needed to be able to protect the child should they run into any trouble while outside the territory.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

Green. He frowned. It was a colour he was familiar with, for despite the abundance of orange in the Vale, there also was an array of green hues. He was not sure how he felt about the colour, but he certainly liked it more than that dreadful orange. It was not as warm as the bright yellow orb in the sky, nor was it as refreshing as the soft blue of the river that cut through the territory. It was neutral; calming. He offered the older agouti a soft nod. A better picture was painted in his mind now, but it still was not good enough.

The older male’s explanation only deepened his frown, but the boy remained silent, not wanting to upset him with his impatience. He did promise to take him to see the pines once he recovered, whatever that meant. Suddenly his curiosity spiked, his brows narrowing softly. “Re-cuv-erd?” He sampled the word for himself, his tongue feeling strange as it bounced around his mouth. Was something wrong with his new companion? Had the orange sea overhead done something to him? Sachiel knew something wasn’t right about the retched colour. And there was no escape from it in the Vale—not unless he trotted over back boundaries and explored the Copse. 

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

It was because the boy didn't seem familiar with what pine trees and that he was asking quite a few questions about them Tikhon agreed to take him to see some. He felt that Sachiel should be able to experience as much as he could. Perhaps if he'd experienced more what had happened to him wouldn't have. Now that it had he had to make a new life which he hoped would be with the Vale. They seemed to be nice wolves and he rather liked the boy even if he was quieter than others he'd met. He knew the description he'd given of pine trees left a lot to be desired which was why it wasn't all more important that he take Sachiel to see them.

The pup seemed okay with the what he'd been told so Tikhon waited to see if there were more questions to come as he led Sachiel over to the rocks that he'd found. In the meantime it appeared that the boy wanted to know about recovery. “I was out on my own for a long time this winter,” he started trying to find words that Sachiel might understand. “It was hard to find food and I lost a lot of weight so now I have to get it back.” He hoped that the pup would understand and if he didn't Tikhon didn't mind answering more of his questions.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

He kept his denim gaze fixated on the older agouti, trying to ignore the sea of orange that surrounded them, held up by long, striped trunks. The repetitive scenery made his head hurt and he longed for the strange green pines beyond the Vale. While he was impatient he also did not want to test his luck with the older male. If he remained complacent and understanding Tikhon would take him beyond the territory. If he continued to pester the name, begging and pleading for the newcomer to take him out now! now! now! there would be no future adventures.

So he listened, as patiently as he could, his navy pools widening softly as the male began to answer him, explaining that he had been on his own for quite some time. He frowned. As much as he enjoyed being on his own Sachiel knew that it got lonely sometimes. Especially with not having a lot of food! That must have been positively dreadful! His eyes swept over the male’s lean figure, concern bubbling inside his chest. “Teek-on s’ok now?” He asked, his head tipping to the side as he maintained his companion’s pace, curiosity fuelling his movement. 

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

Upon reaching the small rock formations Tikhon sniffed around for anything of interest, he wasn't quite up to chasing anything but perhaps Sachiel might like the chance. After the boy had spoken of all the orange that was in the Vale Tikhon had certainly taken notice of it. It was a rather unpleasant shade of orange and it was everywhere, he could see why his young companion was so interested in seeing something else. His gaze went back to the child, “What is it that you like to do for fun Sachiel?” He asked a friendly smile drawing across his maw.

The dark agouti had shared how he'd been alone for the winter and the toll it had taken on him. He didn't see any reason to explain why he'd been on his own, that was something not meant for a child's ears. He hoped that Sachiel would never have to endure something like that as no wolf should have to be betrayed by two brothers. The question that was asked of him was a natural one, how could he not want to know if Tikhon was okay. <B “I'm not just yet but I will be with plenty of rest and food to get my weight back up. I'm getting there,”</b> he said with a reassuring smile. The dark agouti had seen plenty of wolves come back from where he'd been and he was sure he would too.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

His nose twitched with silent excitement as they approached some oddly shaped rocks, his brows scrunched together. Sauntering past the older agouti he examined them with heightened curiosity, his denim eyes wide as he committed them to memory. It was a good find—not as good as the green, needle trees beyond the orange, but good enough to satisfy his (current) thirst for adventure. It would be a good place for him to hide out when he sought out solitude, for he did not always like being surrounded by his packmates. Their voices were often loud and distracting, making it difficult for the boy to focus on what was around him

What did he like to do for fun? He frowned slightly, his nose turning to look at the older male. “I dono,” he mumbled honestly, his head tipping to the side. “Esplorin’, I s’ppose,” he added with a shrug, unsure how to answer the question. “Like spen’in’ time on m’own.” Another shrug. It wasn’t that he disliked his packmates, he just preferred to do things on his own. Sometimes company got in the way, or prevented him from doing things he actually wanted to do. As he returned his navy gaze to the rocks the boy poked at them with a forepaw, his brows still pinched. He hoped that Tikhon did not think he wasn’t enjoying his time with him, as he definitely was, Sachiel just did not know how to express that.

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

Tikhon watched his young companion as he moved to investigate the rocks they had found. The dark agouti had been worried that the child might find it a boring place as he'd always heard pups liked but adventure and explorations. Sachiel would have his time to have that great pup adventure, Tik would see to it himself if he had to. Their trip to see the pines would be quite the adventure for the boy, the Artemieva was sure of that. He couldn't wait to share the pine trees with him but he didn't want to put the Vale pup in unnecessary danger otherwise the would have already left for the pine trees. This was a good lesson for Sachiel to learn, patience.

All puppies were different just like all adults we're different and he felt the boy that was now investigating the rocks was at an age where he was figuring out who he was. The answer wasn't one that surprised the dark agouti by any means who didn't like exploring. “Two very good things to like doing. Even I like spending time on my own from time to time.” It gave him time to think and figure things out. “Have you ever been hunting?” He asked wondering if Sachiel had started learning the skill yet.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 339 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sachiel Leigh Selwyn

The rocks were interesting enough, but they weren’t anything like the green pines Tikhon had described. They were a dull grey, looking as though they had been licked clean of their colour. His lips fell into a soft frown as he sniffed around the formation, unsure what to make of it. The colour reminded him of the soft, white clouds that often littered the sky (when he was able to see it through all the dreadful orange). Just darker. Like clouds before an onslaught of rain. It wasn’t an interesting colour, but it wasn’t boring. Another neutral.

His ears swivelled to his companion as the dark agouti spoke once more, announcing that he, too, enjoyed being alone. Huh. Then why did he seem so determined to spend time with the young Leigh? His head finally turned around as he met the male’s golden gaze just in time to be greeted by another question. Hunting. He had heard about it but did not really have a clear picture of what it entailed. Something about prey and catching it. “Nah,” he answered with a sharp shake of his head. “Neva twied b’fohre,” he added with a mumble as he wasn’t really sure what else to say. 

ridge is a mature character
aka he curses a lot due to his frustation with his memory loss
ridge associates colours with moods/feelings & uses them to describe others

Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva

Their walk hadn't been too strenuous for the recovering Artemieva but he took a seat atop one of the flatter rocks. He watched the younger wolf as he explored the others. He only needed a few moments to rest his tired body before continuing on. He wasn't sure what could be found among the rocks but he was sure that if they looked hard enough there might be something of interest. They could see what there was to find once he'd had a couple of moments to regain his strength.

He had taken notice that Sachiel was an older puppy which had made him curious about if he'd started learning to hunt yet. If he remembered correctly from when he was a pup he'd started about the same age as the boy was. So he was surprised to hear that Sachiel hadn't ever tried hunting. Tikhon rose to his feet and went to stand in front of the boy. “Well maybe we can work on that too once I get my strength back.” He liked the child, he wasn't overly rambunctious but he was inquisitive. “After all we may need to eat while on our trip.” It would be a perfect opportunity for Sachiel to learn a few things about survival.

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