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Into the White — Kingsfall 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski

It was a nice day and Oksana didn't understand why her mother wanted to stay in the den. It was the perfect day to get out and do something, the question was what. She'd spent most of her morning venturing through the redwoods trying to find something to do. Her thoughts had turned to something she probably shouldn't do. Last time she had not been caught so hadn't gotten in trouble but Oksana was sure one day she would get caught. Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing though, maybe it would help her mum get out. So the smudge made her decision if it could help her mum she had to do it.

She was cautious still as she made her way through the first to where she knew the border to be. Like the last time she was a little nervous about crossing the border into lands she didn't know well. That was the reason she gave pause just before crossing. Taking a moment to smell the air and look back to make sure no one was following her. She wondered if her mother had yet noticed she had disappeared but she doubted it. Inna didn't seem to pay attention to much these days, Oksana missed how they used to talk every night before sleeping. A small whimper left her at the thought before she finally turned and crossed the border into the forest of Kingsfall.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Although her punishment had ended the raven still isolated herself from the rest of the pack, choosing to spend most of her time in the confinements of her den rather than join him on patrols or search for food to add to the caches. He could not help but worry about her. She was like a daughter, or a sister, to him. Someone he cared deeply for. Regardless of how angry he had been with her nothing would, or could, change that. The grief of losing her mother had yet to subside, whereas the rest of Hearthwood had (sort of) managed most of the sorrow that clutched at their chests. Sometimes Lachesis would forget that his partner was gone. He’d go to her den, a thought hanging on the tip of his tongue—something to pick her brain with—and he’d realize she wouldn’t be there. Halfway. His paws would freeze and his tail would droop. He’d feel embarrassed for a brief moment, then anger, then sadness. Once the wave of emotions would subside he would retreat into the redwoods, seeking the comfort of his family or packmates. Or he would seek solitude, his lips cut into a thin line and his alabaster body heading south to seek refuge at Lake Worry.

As he approached Inna’s den he caught wind of the youngest Baranski’s trail. Heading away from the den she shared with her mother. His brows pinched tight as he glanced in the direction of where he could hear Inna’s quiet breathing. Later, he promised himself before he tore off into the trees, chasing the invisible trail left behind by the little crow.

“Sana,” he cooed once he spotted her in the Kingswood, his expression relaxed and his tail wagging gently behind him. “What are you doing out here?”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

She felt her reason for crossing the border was a sound one, her mother couldn't ignore her misbehavior. She would have to do something about it. Though the smudge loathed the thought of getting caught she was ready for that to happen. How else would her mother know that she was beyond the borders if she didn't confess which she had no intention of doing. That was unless she had no other choice. She had checked to see if she was being followed and when she was satisfied that she wasn't she continued on. Like before when she had gone out into the Lowlands she had no idea where she was going or what she would see. Yet again she wanted to make the most of this outing as she could. If she was going to get in trouble then it was better to make it worth it.

She wasn't expecting to be caught by her uncle Lach though and she wasn't expecting to be caught so quickly either. She stopped when he said her name knowing better than to keep going when it was clear she'd been caught.

His question caused her hesitation because she didn't know how to answer it. What words could she use to best make him understand. They came to her quickly, “Help mum,” she told him, “Sana sad for her and need to help.” Her mother had always been there when she needed help and now it was her turn to help her mum.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He could not tell if she looked surprised to see him or not. It was almost as though she had been expecting to get caught, but not by him. A small, amused smile fell onto his pale features, his expression soft as he waited for her to answer him, his tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth. Help mom, the answer came and his breath caught in his throat, his ears twitching. Sana sad for her and need to help. His stomach churned. It appeared he was not the only one that had noticed Inna’s absence in pack activities. The girl before him was young and filled to the brim with energy; she could not stay confined within her mother’s den all day. He suspected that this was not the first time she had been able to slink away, unnoticed. Which worried him.

“It’s okay,” he hummed in response, maw canted to the side. “You’re not in trouble. How could he punish her? She was only trying to help her mom, who had sunk into a sea of depression. Oksana saw her the most and bore the weight of her mother’s grief, too. “How did you want to help her? Can I help?” He had wanted to check in on the raven but had gotten sidetracked by the smudge. This way he could return her to the den and still make his visit to the Baranski mother.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

She'd been caught just as she had hoped though not exactly by who she had thought would catch her. Uncle Lach would do though especially if he was already upset that he had found her outside of Hearthwood. He wanted to know what she was doing out there, the smudge peered up at the pale man. He always did seem to know what to do, she remembered when he had cleaned her off that one time when she was small and he had stayed with her until her mum could be there. Finally she told him what she was doing and hoped that he would understand how worried she was about Inna. Oksana was starting to think that her mother would never get better and never leave her den.

To her surprise he told her that it was okay and that she wasn't in trouble, “Really?” She questioned. That was not going to work with her plan at all, she needed to get herself into trouble which was the whole point of getting caught. She narrowed her eyes at him when he asked her how she wanted to help her mother and if he could help. She shrugged at the second because she wasn't sure since she wasn't in trouble with him. Maybe he could still help though so she went in to explain her plan. “Sana cross borders and gets caught and in trouble then mum will have to come out of her den. Can uncle Lach help?” She asked tilting her head to the side waiting for his response.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Part of him felt guilty for not tending to the Baranski sooner, for he felt like some of the reluctance to leave her den was because of him. She had taken him discipling her very hard, for the ghost had been fairly lax with the raven in the past. He had begun to fear that his laid back attitude was the reason why wolves were not sticking around long in Hearthwood and merely using the woods as a resting stop.

Had he pushed away the raven too far? His brows crinkled at the thought. He hoped he had not strained their relationship too much, for she was important to him, like a daughter or a sister. His heart sank. XIX would do whatever necessary to close the divide between them.

The girl’s voice caused his head to fall to the side, an amused smile tugging at his lips as his previous thoughts were (temporarily) abandoned. It was a bizarre plan but it made sense to the pale leader. Sort of. “So you want to be in trouble?” He asked as he adopted a quizzical expression, his brows pinched together. “I think I can help with that,” he added with a small laugh, his tail wagging gently behind him. The plan should work to bring the sullen raven out of her den… he hoped, anyway.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Oksana loved her mother and she was worried she wouldn't ever come out of the den again. It was the reason she had come up with her plan. In her mind it should work perfectly,all she had to do was get herself into trouble. She had spent please ty of time thinking about this and knew that it was the thing that would work. Her mother would have to come out of the den and punish her for her misbehavior. So often Inna had told her not to cross the border, that it was dangerous. If she found out the smudge had disobeyed her she would be very angry with her.

The smudge thought she had the best mum, she was strict but she was kind. There were rules that Oksana knew she had to follow but she was desperate to get her mother out of the den again. She was sure it wasn't good for her to be cooped up inside all day.

The smudge nodd when Lachesis asked her about being in trouble, “Mum will have to come out if Sana is in trouble.” Oksana didn't see how the plan couldn't work, she could fathom any reason why Inna wouldn't come out. A smile crossed her features and her tail wagged happily when he said he thought he could help. “You tell mum I'm in trouble?” Maybe it wasn't so bad uncle Lach had found her after all especially since he was going to help.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The plan made sense. Oksana was the most important thing in the raven Baranski’s life; she would do anything for her. There was no reason Inna shouldn’t leave her den if she knew that the littlest Baranski was in trouble. Not unless something was severely wrong with the new mother. Which he hoped wasn’t the case. He already felt guilty enough. Out of the river wolves Inna had remained a constant in his life. She had always been there for him, just as he had been for her, and offered both her ear and words when necessary. Knowing she was hurting, whether it was physically or mentally, caused his heart to ache.

He mirrored her nod as she explained her reasoning behind wanting to be in trouble. If it did not work he would have to seek out Lorcán, for perhaps he could reach out to the troubled mother. He gave the girl a small, soft smile before answering, his tail wagging gently behind him. “Yes, I’ll tell mom you’re in trouble.” It would work. It had to. “Wait here,” he instructed as he took a step away from her, toward the redwoods, “I’ll call for her. Make sure she comes.” He gave another sharp nod, his head tipped to the side. “I’ll be right back.” Without hesitation he padded away from her and glanced over his shoulder once to ensure she did not stray. Once he was surrounded by the towering giants he threw his head to the sky and called for Inna to say that little Oksana was in trouble. Come quick!

Please, he thought to himself as his lips drew together. He remained where he was for a moment before quickly retracing his steps back to the little crow.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

It had taken her some time to come up with her plan to get her mother to come out of the den. It wasn't something she could do on her own so she had explained her plan to Lachesis the best she could since he was the one to have caught her. Oksana believed it had to work, her mother wouldn't want her to get herself into trouble. She hadn't expected it to be her uncle Lach who had caught her but maybe it was for the better. If it was him she was in trouble with then Inna might be more inclined to come out. The smudge was ready to accept her punishment of it helped her mother. So she waited to see if Lach would tell her mum that she was in trouble.

Her tail thumped the ground when he agreed to tell Inna before she put her front paws on his chest and reached up to lick his chin. “Thank you Uncle Lach.” She cooed. Oksana then sat and waited as instructed while he stepped away to call for her. “She has to come,” the pup said hopefully. Still she knew there wasn't any guarantee that her mother would come. Oksana never questioned her mother's love for her but she did question if her mother was capable of leaving the den anymore. "Sana wait here,” she assured.

She watched as he stepped away and called for Inna his message clear, she needed to come. Oksana's gaze went to the forest around them as she looked for signs her mother was coming. When Lachesis returned to her she pressed her side against his, “She’ll come,” she said as she waited to see her mother emerge from the forest.

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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

She'd been left alone for the day but she was sure her daughter would be back soon enough. Inna never felt she had to worry about her daughter leaving her like all the rest, Oksana always came back. The Raven had pulled herself from the corner of the den and up the tunnel to the den entrance but she never made it outside. Instead she rested just in the shadow watching the forest around her den with her head on her paws. She still didn't feel up to venturing out but she did wonder where her daughter was since Inna couldn't see her playing in the clearing.

That question was answered when the sound of Lachesis call reached her ears. Oksana was in trouble? Inna didn't believe that to be like her daughter at all, her daughter was a good pup always obeying the rules. She raised her head from her paws, it had to be true though if Lachs was calling for her. Inna hopefully that the child hadn't gotten herself into too much trouble with the pale leader.

She slipped the rest of the way out if the den and rose to her feet. She traveled at a quick pace toward the direction of the call. It was all she could muster after having been sequestered in her den for weeks. Finally she came to the border, her brow furrowed. What was Oksana doing here? Was the question on her mind. She crossed it and quickly found the pair her gaze drifting between the two. She dipped her head politely to Lachesis keeping a submissive posture, “I'm sorry for any trouble she's caused you,” she said before turning her attention to Oksana. “What are you doing crossing the border? You know you're not supposed to and you've taken Lachesis away from his duties young lady. He's a busy man and shouldn't have to be chasing after you,” she said speaking sternly to her daughter. Then her gaze went back to Lachesis, “It won't happen again. She knows better,” she told with another dip of her head.

~Table by Jacqueline
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