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Join my Song — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Rau who has 14 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ferdie Von Pelt
Random Event> Spring showers have come early, resulting in heavy downpours throughout parts of Relic Lore.
All Welcome please come andmeet my Main Man Ferdie Von Pelt

Ferdie Von Pelt was part of a pack but still lonely, his brief interlude with the pup was refreshing and he had learned a little about his new pack from her and rekindled his joy of pup sitting and rearing, but in order to rear pups he’d need to make his mark in this new place.

The soaked ground made finding a den harder but at least if he did find one in this weather he’d know for sure it would be a dry one. In the mean time however he was lost with no dry place to stay. and his pelt was getting rained on, His impeccable finely groomed pelt was getting wet, which meant later it would be matted and then need a grooming again. Ferdie Von Pelt sighed as a rather large drop of rain plopped onto his head and rolled behind his ear. He gave himself a shake and licked the water from his lips.

Finally he found a mostly dry spot under a thicket of branches as the large agouti male only a drop or two of the rain made it through every now and then, the rain picked up making it hard to see anything more then a few feet away and the sound of the rain drowned out much else, More rain made it through his thicket umbrella but not enough that he was getting rained on, not like it was out there anyway.

Ferdie Von Pelt enjoyed the sound of rain usually, but this was a bit much, so he decided to sing to the rain, mayhaps his song would help calm the skies, though he doubted it, if not anything else his song would lift his heart. His howl was long and low at first then became more and more uplifted soon his muzzle lifted toward the sky and his song more delicate and fun especially with it’s rain accompaniment .
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

It was time, she had to stop moping in her den and get back out there for Oksana, she needed to take care of her daughter. For so long she had been letting her little smudge down and after her little stunt it was clear Inna needed to be more present in her daughter's life. She couldn't let her grief keep her from her life any longer or at least she couldn't let it consume her. Inna decided that the best way to get back to her life was to take baby steps. Slowly she had been trying that but she needed to leave her den for more than water or Oksana being in trouble.

Stepping out of her den Inna didn't take much notice to the rain that was soaking the forest. Oksana was safe and sound asleep in the den and that was all that mattered just then. It was best that way, she didn't want her daughter to see her fail at her attempt to leave the den if things went badly.

It was a process leaving the safety of the den but she finally made it out taking a long deep breath. Her nostrils filled with the scent of the rain and wet dirt that was always present on such days. The earthy scent that filled the pelts of her and her packmates. She moved toward the river to get a drink before continuing on her walk. In the times when the rain was so dense she couldn't see in front of her Inna just ducked her head. She had been traveling the trails in Hearthwood for so long she knew the way all by heart.

The only time she stopped was when he came to a figure taking shelter under some branches. She didn't recognize him and thought she should see if he needed some help. It was clear he was part of the pack now something that she didn't know had occurred but that wasn't any of her business anymore. “Hello there,” she called out to the fellow, “You look like you might need a little help. If you don't mind I might be able to give that to you.”

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Rau who has 14 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ferdie Von Pelt
l REMEMBER posting a reply to this gahdimit, must've done preview post again flying Rats tails. And now my computer is screwing up and not allowing me to post I hope this goes through

Ferdie Von Pelt's song uplifted his heart if not anything else and perhaps just maybe lifted the sky spirit's too for the rain tapered off to a slight misting drizzle. Probably a break in the clouds, and the down pour would return shortly. Either way Ferdie was going to enjoy the reprieve no matter how short it was.

His song softened and ended naturally, but the moment his voice stilled, his ears twitched and picked up a distinctly feminine voice, he turned his head and his eyes fell upon a raven coated beauty, his breath caught in his throat. No she was not Ameke her eyes were not quite right, but she was breath taking none the less,

He smiled for her, his voice was slightly accented and warm, almost more baritone then it should be; however he was a rather large male himself.
I am Ferdie Von Pelt, I'm new here, to this land and to this pack, .... I am looking for a dry place to sleep he stood and gave himself a great shake sending water everywhere then moved closer to her slowly resisting his natural urge to hold his tail high over his back. but my plight is nothing you need worry about, just your company is much appreciated, what is your name?

(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2017, 02:35 AM by Ferdie Von Pelt.)
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The Raven felt the rain gave her the perfect cover to take her walk and not have to worry about facing anyone. It would keep everyone inside their dens and since she didn't mind the rain it might give her the chance to work something out. Walking usually helped, the movement helping to keep her mind on one thing at a time instead of wandering all over the place. It wasn't long after she began her walk that the heavier rain slowed until it was just a misty drizzle.

Inna couldn't say she was too disappointed, the heavier rains only reminded her about the river flooding. The thought of it happening again worried her and she felt that an eye should be kept in the river. She could pass by it in her way back just to make sure it wasn't escaping it's banks.

She was not expecting to find the figure under the tree, a new member she guessed. Had she been feeling herself she might have already found him and introduced herself or greeted him at the border when he'd come calling but she hadn't. The smile he gave was a kind one that she accepted with a dip of her head and a returned smile. “It's good to meet you Ferdie Von Pelt do you mind if I call you Ferdie? Has anyone showed you the communal den?” it certainly was good to see a new face in Hearthwood after the tragedy that had befallen them recently. Another smile crossed the Ravens dark features as he stepped closer, “I'm not sure how good my company will be,” she stated, “I'm Inna Baranski.”

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Oct 06, 2017, 06:52 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Rau who has 14 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ferdie Von Pelt
Ferdie Von Pelt inclined his head to her first question then shook it for the second but offered explanation I followed my nose to the communal den; where I met this lovely pup ... .... .... that reminds me of you.. He had no idea that this might be the pups mother; in fact Sana had not spoken of her mother at all; if he could remember,

So far as he knew only alphas were allow to rise pups all others were rejected or killed,he himself would not reject another females pups but he would take them for his own. However that was the pup loving/pupsitter side of him. That this wolf did not carry herself like an alpha, so the though of Sana being her pup was very fleeting, he put the thought aside with a foot note to ask Sana later. He'd not ask outrightly here, not this wolf, he wanted to learn more about her but not make her mad or upset. Due to these thoughts he did not even begin to suspect Sana was Inna's daughter nor would her without some one saying, Ferdie Von Pelt. these. two. are. related. you. idiot.

I am already enjoying your company Inna, your voice uplifts me in a way my own songs never will. he offered her a warm smile from the depth of his soul, the smile reached his eyes he leaned forward and nudged her gently enjoying he feel of her pelt below his muzzle, his favourite pastime was grooming though they did not know each other well enough for her to allow him to grooming her he quickly removed a short twig anyway, then offered her a sheepish smile

The Communal den is oddly empty, and one could always use their own space and place to call their own, or place a wolf can at least share their heart with He grinned an waited for her response he wanted to know if she had another. Either way it may be a good conversation starter
(This post was last modified: Oct 10, 2017, 01:59 AM by Ferdie Von Pelt.)
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

The man was agreeable to her calling him Ferdie but she found it a little disappointing to hear no one had shown him the communal den. She felt he should have gotten a tour when he first arrived. It was what he said about the pup that caught her attention, “You must be speaking of Oksana, she's a good girl. I hope she didn't bother you too much with all of her questions.”

If there was one thing that Inna could say about her daughter it was that she was curious, always asking questions. It reminded her a lot of herself, the many times she'd talked with Lachesis and asked him so many questions. It had never occurred to her how bothersome it might be but she felt the pale leader enjoyed answering them and helping her understand. She hoped that Oksana would seek guidance from him just as she had. Whatever her feelings were about Lachesis didn't matter she still felt he was a good teacher and she wanted her daughter to learn from him just as she had.

Ferdie had requested her company which she didn't mind giving. It was her current state that caused her to believe she wouldn't be good company. She could not help the smile that broke her features at his words or the heat rising in her cheeks. It had been a good long while that anyone had spoken to her in such a way. “That is very kind of you to say. It's nice to hear.” He then did the unexpected and gave her a gentle nudge that she leaned into without thinking. Only a moment later he removed a small twig from her pelt. Her orange gaze met his and his smile was met with an appreciative brush of her muzzle against his. “Thank you, that must have gotten stuck during my walk,” she said awkwardly.

“I must admit I haven't stayed in the communal den in quite some time,” she admitted, “You are right about having a place to call my own. I have a den that I share with my daughter...I probably should have moved her to the communal den awhile ago but I like having the den for me and her. I don't think she would like it anywhere else. Are you wanting to make your own den?”

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.