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Seven Kinds of Lonely — Sunrise Ridge 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

His pale friend made some valid points to his mate, but Lachesis also knew the agouti fairly well. She was a determined woman and do whatever necessary to find her children—even if that meant walking until her paws were nothing but bloody stubs. He nodded softly, his chartreuse gaze observing the pair silently. Perhaps you can talk some sense into her? A half smile rolled onto his pale features as he gave his head a quick shake. If you can’t then I certainly won’t be able to, he scoffed in response, hoping his joking tone would help lighten the mood. She’s a stubborn woman, Emrys. You know that. He flashed his former packmate a sharp wink to show he spoke in jest. You two are more than welcome to rest in our new home. I do agree with Emrys, however. If you plan on heading up the mountain you will need to regain your strength beforehand. If the two ventured toward the summit in their current condition they would lose more than just a few toes…

What’s it like in your new home? He smiled, wider than before, as his gaze fell onto the pale healer. Similar to Hearthwood, he admitted with a shrug. He couldn’t help it—the ghost was partial to the river. That would never change. Just more open. We’ve still got a river, though. The question that followed next did not take him by surprise. It wasn’t home anymore. He didn’t want to get into details—not yet. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

His wife was bound and determined to keep going even though they needed rest and a few good meals. Emrys was sure they wouldn't make it much longer if they didn't get what they needed. Her silence was plenty message to tell him she did not agree with his words as he tried to talk some sense into her. With Lachesis there and the both of them trying to make her see what she needed to he hoped that she might relent. Lachesis joked about not being able to talk any sense into her either and he gave a nod in response to the comment about her being stubborn. “She certainly is that but she is also a reasonable woman, usually.” He spoke that as he looked at his wife giving her a raised brow as if to challenge her. He was thankful when Lachesis spoke about regaining their strength before heading up the mountain. “Let's go back with Lachesis and spend some time recouping and then when we are stronger I will go up the mountain with you no arguments,” he promised, “Please Jynx for me and our children. I want them to see their mother again and her to see them.” He hoped that maybe his promise to go with her would break through to her.

Hearing what the river wolves new home was like was also something he hoped would change her mind. “You liked Hearthwood when you were there wouldn't it be nice to rest in a place where you could feel safe again?” With the notch gone they didn't have anywhere else but wherever they happened to be. “And there is still a river, you like the river don't you Jynx?” His head turned to look at Lachesis when he spoke the reason for their move. “Jynx and I we can understand it not feeling like home anymore. That was how the notch had gotten for us.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin

Remaining rooted to her spot, golden eyes fixed firmly on the mountain in the distance, it seemed as if Jynx had made up her mind. That maybe no amount of persuading from both Emrys and Lachesis combined would sway her. A russet ear turned to receive the words of advice from her mate. He did have some very valid points. Winter was far from over...they both knew that. Neither had faced the challenge of the mountain, and they were living off of mere morsels for food. What was even more interesting was that Lachesis announced that Hearthwood had moved. And, that they were welcome to recoup with them.

Adding to Emrys' advice, Lachesis seemed to share his concerns. He was an experienced wolf, and not one whose judgement was to be scoffed at. Her time in Hearthwood may have been short with him, but he was one of the handfuls of wolves she put her full faith in. They finally got a real reaction out of her. Turning her head away to look at the ghost directly, her hardened expression lifted, if only a bit. Her brows knitted in a mix of genuine curiosity and confusion. Was he offering them a new home? "You'd do that for us? Lach, you are too kind dear friend." She managed with a tired smile. Releasing a breath she hadn't been aware she was keeping in, she let the tension slip away from her body. "Alright...for you two, as my husband, and you Lach, my friend. But most of all for our children." Her shoulders visibly sagged, as if suddenly weighed down by a cascade of fatigue all at once. "I guess it really would be perilous to keep pushing myself like this anyhow."

With the invitation accepted and persuaded by both of the men, Jynx couldn't help but be curious about the new home Lachesis and his family had claimed. "Hearthwood was a lovely place, yes Emrys. I find it ironic...it felt as if the Notch was telling us it was time to leave for some time now, too. Despite all that it had been, it just didn't feel like a real home anymore." She stood slowly, arching her spine in a slow, careful stretch. "Is your group as tight knit as ever?" A spark in her eye began to come back to life. "I have to say, that's a feeling I really have missed."

(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2018, 03:38 AM by Jynx.)
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
feel free to fade with your posts <3

A frown creased his maw at Emrys’ persistence toward his mate, but it wasn’t the ghost’s place to intervene. He just wanted to ensure his friends were safe and received some warm food to recuperate, as it looked like neither wolf had gotten a proper night of sleep in days. The frown, however, quickly reversed as his former packmate spoke, her voice softer than it had been before. Of course, he responded, his own tone level as he studied her weary features. You are welcome to stay as long as you need, or permanently. Whatever you decide. I, along with the rest of Driftwood, will try to help you locate your children as well. Scouting patrols could easily be turned into look for the children patrols; his wolves were capable of multi-tasking.

Is your group as tight knit as ever? He nodded. It is now. The move had helped that. They had left the ghosts and the tainted memories behind and moved forward together, to start fresh. Hearthwood had never belonged to him. He had done everything possible to keep it afloat, in memory of the Baranski’s, but he couldn’t sacrifice his happiness any longer. He knew that they wouldn’t have wanted that for him. Driftwood belonged to him and Lilya; they were no longer in the shadows of their former leaders.

It’s not far from here, he added as he motioned for the pair to follow him as he took a step backward. His mission had been cut short but it had resulted in Driftwood growing by two members—which made up for the one that he’d left behind in the Kingswood. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

Relief washed over the former leader when his wife finally seemed to relent to his and Lachesis efforts to do what was reasonable. Still had she remained stubborn and wanting to search the mountain he would have gone with her. He loved her too much to leave her all alone no matter how foolish he thought the endeavor to be. He turned to his pale friend as he spoke, “Thank you Lachesis. Jynx and I really appreciate your kindness and the help that your giving us.”

The healer felt that this change of lick was something that the two former leaders truly needed. After everything they had been through spending sometime in Driftwood might be exactly what they needed. He turned to his wife as she spoke about the notch and it having seemed like it was telling them to go. “The notch will always hold a special place in my heart but I do think that it was time, that despite whatever we are feeling about it we did do the right thing for us and our children and our packmates. Maybe Driftwood is what we need. Your a devoted mother and I am sure our children know how much you love them and taking care of ourselves so we can see them again is part of our love for them.”

The healer turned back to Lachesis as Jynx asked about how tight know the group was. “I too have missed that feeling. It will be good to be in a place that could give it back to us.” Then Lachesis mentioned that it wasn't far. Emrys looked to his mate, “We should go with Lachesis, he can show us the way.” He probably didn't need to say it but he felt he needed to.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin

To know that she and Emrys were welcome in Driftwood was a relief. She was particularly keyed into the word permanently Lachesis had thrown in. He wasn't just willing to give them a place to rest, but a new home as well. Who could turn down an offer like that? Feeling the need to utter her thanks again, she parted her lips to speak, but Emrys had already pitched in. The Surge male had done more than enough already by simply just being here. She decided that no more needed to be said. The appreciation shown in her eyes and through her body language would more than suffice.

"I'm glad all seems well for you and the pack." She commented, happy in knowing she'd join a tightly knit group. One which she would try to be a part of, once recuperated of course. Without the stress of leadership to worry about, Jynx could look forward to forging more close relationships with the wolves in the pack.

She turned to Emrys and shook her head. "I agree. But remember, the Notch was never truly ours. Our children may have been born there, but it was time for a change..." Maybe if Arwyn and Elyan hadn't went off on their own, none of this would be happening. They wouldn't be getting this change that they agreed they desperately needed. The Notch could be left stagnant, the wolves who called it home held back from their potential or callings elsewhere. They wouldn't get to reconnect with Lachesis and his extended family. Funny how things came full circle. "We'll find them eventually..." She added, trying to sound hopeful. Only time would tell if her words were true. Meanwhile, just under the surface Jynx would remain anxious. With Lachesis assuring them the river wasn't far from here, she nodded and stepped forwards. Wedged between both ivory males in a show of comradery and comfort, the former Notch ruler slipped away from the mountain. Towards home.
