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cost me a lot — Driftwood Surge 
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
RE: Driftwood Surge, it seems a black bear has decided to find a place to hibernate within your territory. 
All welcome for @Lachesis @Lilya @Anastasia @Oksana @Aytigin @Jynx @Odysseia @Emrys @Reid @Mako @Matheo @Caelean @Lilliana @Risaela @Lavender
Thinking out loud

The smell was off. The paw prints, upon continuous inspection, were wide and outstretched, the nails much longer than any wolf she'd ever encountered in her years and she knew upon further inspection that this visitor had no intention of leaving. She had caught whiff of the musky smell many times during her trek along the border of her home but never once did she consider that the scent was coming from within, and whats worse, close to the communal den and caches. She panicked, knowing that the creature, if hungry and grumpy, could harm more of them from pure fear alone but if left alone to its own devices could be a pestering problem for many months to come. The message needed to be clear and concise--no bear could mooch from the resources of their land. She watched it from a distance, it sniffed and prodded its nose in search of something worth keeping it here but Rory was smart enough to know that wolves and bear could never be neighbors.

She was quick to alert the others, any wolf within the distance of a mile could hear her warning if they were paying attention and she hoped that every wolf was up in arms over the threat of their space. This event would require muscle and tactic, but most of all, numbers. Remembering when she had seen the stretched out hole she ventured back to the center of the land and called with a warning howl a second time, hoping that this one would reach even more ears than the previous. She was frantic, and truthfully she had no idea what to do beyond her attempt to gather the army together, her encounters with bears were infrequent on purpose, she avoided them the instant she recognized the threat but to have one at their front door ready to go was a issue all of its own, she hoped that someone with more tact than herself had a plan to ward this beast off for good.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski

The little Crow had taken to napping in the communal den that day, it was a nice change of scenery as far as the walls of a den went. She'd found a quiet place in the back corner so that anyone coming or going wouldn't have to worry about waking her. It still felt a little transfer to be sharing a den with everyone but she was getting used to it. Usually she would curl up next to Reid on the nights she could sleep. She expected this to he more frequent now that she was putting things behind her. She just needed a little more time and she hoped that the others would be patient with her while she worked through it all.

She had just opened her eyes after being asleep for awhile when she heard the distressed call. It was a voice she wasn't completely familiar with but she knew it was one of her packmates. Rising to her three good legs she hobbled over to the mouth of the den. The message had been clear that help was needed. She looked down at her hurt leg wondering if there was any help she could give. Deciding that maybe one of the adults could give her a job she left the mouth of the den to go meet up with the wolf that called. When she found her she recognized her as a wolf she'd already met.

If nothing else Oksana felt she could at the very least moral support her pack as they battled the threat. What can I do? She asked looking to the woman.

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys
Guardian Demonstration 1/3
'cause darling you're nothing but brave

Her scent had started to change, and it was fresh off of her moment with Lach to celebrate the change that the alert game – she heard Rory’s warning and her instincts kicked in. Should she be going anywhere near them when she just found out she was pregnant? No, probably not… Was she going to go anyway, risking being yelled at by more than one wolf? Definitely. She couldn’t bring herself to take a backseat on this, not when this was her pack, her legacy that was being threatened by the beast’s presence. She arrived with a worried look on her features. Is it jus’ one… or are there more? She asked in a softer tone, her eyes flying to the subordinate as she took a whiff of the air, eyeing the tracks with suspicion.

They could be delaying with a lone bear, but it’s possible a momma bear could have come out of hibernation with her cubs early, and that they were all wandering around. That would mean they’d have to find a way to take out the mom first, or scare them all off without the mother getting protective and putting up one hell of the fight. It was only after she asked the question that she locked onto the fact that there was only one scent and one set of tracks.  No bear’s gon’ use our land fer it’s restin’ place… Rory and Oksana were the only ones present, but she had faith that the rest of the pack within hearing range of the call would be there soon.

(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2018, 04:14 PM by Lilya.)
[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
OOC: Throws in a very angry Jynx

Her return to Driftwood from her visit to Oak Tree Bend couldn't have come at a worse time. As the air warmed and the snow slowly began to melt, a telltale familiar itch burned under her skin. Her scent thickened and grew tantalizing to any males well within a mile, interested or not. With the onset of her heat, Jynx grew more and more irritable by the day, frustrated by the hormonal urges of her body. This year she would bear no pups, that she had already decided long ago. She would ride out the cycle of her heat, venting her fury in more productive ways. Whenever Emrys strayed too close or sniffed for too long, she drove her mate away with a mouth of fully exposed teeth, vocal snarls and raised hackles. The message was clear; leave me alone or else!

When she exited the communal den, woken from the alarm calls of one of her pack mates, it didn't take her long to figure out what the problem was. The thick, offensive scent of bear slammed into her nostrils, setting off red flags. The giant paw prints in the mud confirmed it's presence and that it was deep within their territory. As @Oksana whisked by her on three good paws, she strode ahead with purpose in her step. Her blood boiled, golden eyes narrowed into deadly slits. As she converged upon Rory and Lilya already assembled, her body language radiated loathing and hostility towards their uninvited guest. Crown level with her spine, hackles up and tail raised like a war flag, a guttural snarl akin to thunder released past her lips. "The miserable beasts just ain't gettin the message..." She rumbled darkly, reflecting back on the latest incident involving a black bear when she left the Notch. Her gaze drifted to Rory, to Oksana, then Lilya, who she was most concerned for. "We need to drive it out. Come at it from behind as a group." Her ears flattened, jaw clenching. "When the others arrive." She stated grimly. Lilya had discussed sparring for situations just like this at the pack meeting. But now they were facing their first test already, before they could even get practice in. Just perfect.

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2018, 02:34 AM by Jynx.)
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

Jynx had returned nand her heat in full swing setting his protectiveness of her on high alert. He was careful not to get too close for fear of losing his face but he stayed close by. Always keeping watch ready to strike any male's who got too close to her. His mind was fully focused on her and her needs as the season wore on. They wouldn't be bearing pups but he also knew this could be a tough time for her. He hoped that by being nearby she would know that he was there for her as he always was.

He'd been resting near the communal den while Jynx was inside when the call of one of their packmates reached his ears. It was a call he'd heard one too many times while in the notch. It seemed they couldn't escape them, the bears and their constant want to enter a packs territory. He hadn't yet moved to get up when he witnessed Oksana hobble out if the den followed by his wife. With a huff he rose to his feet and loped to follow them.

He soon found the group that had collected and came to stand next to his very upset wife as she spoken of what they would do with the bear. The scent that filled his nostrils spoke of them being in some luck, there was only one bear so that was something. If the entire pack came to fight it then they would surely be able to chase it from the territory. He was starting to feel that these bears were following him and Jynx. “We need to chase it far from our lands so that it won't be tempted to return once we've stopped chasing it.” He said adding to what Jynx had said

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The bear couldn’t have come at a worse time—or, perhaps, it was the best time for the large creature to make an appearance.

Tension was unusually high within Driftwood, due to the arrival of spring and the raging hormones of the adult wolves. Only six days had passed, leaving another twenty-five days for the females to remain uncomfortable and irritable. Lachesis just hoped that his subordinates could restrain themselves this spring, for he did not want a repeat of the previous year. Even if they had the numbers to raise more than one litter. There was already barely enough room for the current children to move up into the adult ranks; he did not want his future children to be met with the same struggle.

Lachesis was quick to answer the call, but not quick enough. Not only had his mate beat him to the scene, but so had Oksana, Jynx and Emrys. He had not been as close as he had hoped. He sidled up next to the blue-eyed sparrow as he reached the group, his chartreuse gaze narrowing as he studied the drowsy bear in the distance. His own tail was raised, curved over his back as his upper lip pulled back to expose a row of ivory teeth. Jynx had given good directions—to drive the creature out. He nodded to show his agreement. They had just claimed this territory as their own; they weren’t going to allow some bear to chase them out. Especially one bear.

guardian dem 1/3
(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2018, 06:07 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Moving this along, if someone still wants to join in go ahead :D

Rory Thanne

She grew more frantic by the minute, knowing that eventually the bear would feel the threat of gathering wolves and either flee or attempt to protect what it had already claimed as a hibernating spot, either one was enough to make her fur crawl. It didn't take long, a few minutes at best, before she saw Oksana enter the scene--her youthful presence was welcoming but not exactly what she'd expected. She couldn't quite contain her excitement, happy that someone had answered her and before she could respond to the dark pups question Lilya had entered the scene like a raging bull. She was grateful, the leader always knew what to do during a time like this one and she felt the weight lift from her shoulders when the burden of what to do with the bear had been passed onto to Lilya. She eagerly gathered behind the blue eyed dove, waiting for instructions and watching as more wolves filtered in--Jynx, Emrys and last of all Lachesis.

She didn't say much else, her nervousness was at its highest and all she needed at this point was direction in how to handle this situation without getting harmed. In the mean time, having heard the ruckus, the bear turned in the direction of the commotion and watched as the league of wolves gathered in its honor though fright was not the expression plastered on its face, instead it looked more pissed off that these wolves would dare to interfere with its urge to gather and hunt. Like the wolves, this bear was under the impression that these carnivores had no right to scare him off, not when there was plenty of food in these lands. "It's only one bear and its huge. I don't think it likes that we're staring it down..." she trailed off, speaking to no one in particular. 

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski

Their home was in danger from a bear, Oksana hadn't ever seen as bear but from the way Rory was acting it had to he bad. Then others started join them, Lilya and the woman who had been there to help her. A white wolf that reminded her of Lachesis and the alpha himself. Rory didn't get her chance to tell her what to do before the adults started to appear so she sat back in her haunches to listen to all that was being said.

As they each spoke their minds it was clear to the pup that the bear wasn't wanted in the surge and the woman that had been there to help get her off the ledge was clearly angry about it. She had a plan though as to how to get rid of it. And the white wolf she didn't know seemed to agree with her. Then her attention went to Rory as she spoke of the bear, What if it fights back? She asked hoping the adults would hear her. What will we do?

Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys
Guardian Demonstration 2/3
'cause darling you're nothing but brave

Lilya took a deep breath as others filtered in. In all honesty, she didn’t want the pups involved in this. Oksana was here, and it felt too dangerous – she had the least amount of training. Bears are big… like cats but Ah think with th’wolves we ‘ave here and the right strategy we can at least get it off our lands. She posed as she glanced at Lachesis. Even that was a risky move. We need th’faster wolves ta move towards it’s front while th’others go fer it’s sides… if we time it right, it should force it back. Had she ever taken on a bear? No, but her and her siblings had dealt with larger predators before.

Th’things ta watch fer are th’claws n’muzzle. As long as ya can avoid those ya should be good, which means not getting’ too close until ya strike, n’ya back off quickly after we should be fine. That was, of course, unless the bear charged at them. She was pulling on a lot of memories she didn’t want to think of, but she could deal with that later… probably closer to when they all went to sleep after this, because nothing bad was going to happen to any of them.

(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2018, 04:14 PM by Lilya.)
[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]