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[BWP] Don't forget to write — Turtleback Lake 
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Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin
jynx myrddin

Too little too late, she realized her mistake. The instant she let the coyote go, it lunged for her to attack. Apparently she had only managed to anger it more than anything else. But the russet woman was not the sort who would submit to a lesser canine like this, let alone be pushed around by anyone. She backpedaled, hind end scraping against the foliage of a shrub, teeth barred. Fortunately, her mate was there and seized control of the situation, grabbing the coyote by the scruff. It's needle like teeth only managed to scrape the surface of her foreleg, barely leaving pinkish marks in their wake. That was the closest it would come to doing any serious damage.

Emboldened by the fact that the coyote was less a threat with Emrys handling it, she leapt into the fray again. While he shook it's neck violently, she went for the hindquarters. Her parted jaws specifically targeted the hips, seeking to wrap around the lower spine. Bone crunching pressure forced down, inch by inch. She ignored the flail of delicate paws, small but sharp nails scraping in protest against her muzzle and forehead, ears pinned back protectively. If she succeeded in severing it's back (which was her full intent) the coyote would either die instantly or be paralyzed from the hips down.


Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn

The act of killing was both satisfying and a little...not quite disturbing but on the same tangent of unpleasantness. Askan was a moody git, prone to lashing out if all of the wrong buttons got pressed, but he didn't really consider himself a violent man. He didn't enjoy it as Savion clearly had. When it came to hunting it was a means to an end, a necessary evil. Coyotes were inedible-or at least Askan had no interest in eating them, the mere idea was as repulsive as eating his own kin- but they still needed to die.

Once the deed was done, Askan opened his jaws and paid no heed as the coyote's lifeless corpse landed to the ground with a muted thud. His means of ending it's life had perhaps been a little brutish, but no less effective. It had taken a few adjustments to get his teeth into place but his grip on it's throat had been tight, unwavering. It bled out quickly, probably didn't suffer too much. Not that he was going to lose any sleep over this anyway, the life of one coyote hardly mattered. Not these days.

The taste of blood was still thick on his tongue as he turned to face the wolves of Driftwood Surge. It seemed as though he'd been right to assume that they were capable of looking after themselves, as they'd made as mess of their coyotes as well. Onto business then.

"As I'd been about to say...I want you to pass on a message to Lach, or Lilya, either works." He began, as though their snouts weren't all coated in blood. "Wasn't really an issue before, but I don't want Surge wolves to hunt in the falls. Nothing personal, just with all the coyotes there isn't as much food to go around." He idly wondered if they'd think he was being unreasonable, greedy. Probably, most folk painted him with that brush. "If you're chasing something and it heads this way, fine. Not disputing that, but don't hunt here. Understand?"

It was a fair request. He hardly imagined the Surge wolves would appreciate his kin skulking about the lake, taking down prey that could feed them in this time of difficulty. If they really wanted to be pedantic, he supposed he'd be willing to negotiate.

Askan & Reyes
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 135 posts.
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Mako Coho
With a bit more struggling, and a crunch as the coyote's trachea collapsed between Mako's powerful jaws, it was over. His chest heaved as he caught his breath, looking down at the glassy-eyed corpse. He'd killed before, fish and rabbits and deer and other things, but things he'd meant to eat. It was different when the body he'd just crushed the life out of was so very similar to his own. Everything had been a flash of adrenaline and survival instinct with no need to think, just the need to protect his packmates and himself. He would do it again, if he had to. But it didn't make him feel any better about it.

Mako stumbled back out of the shrub, emerging with twigs and leaves sticking out of his coat at all angles and small red nicks and scrapes tucked between long grey fur. His legs were shaking the slightest bit and his stomach felt like crawling out of his throat, but then the stranger began to talk. 

Mako moved to stand beside his packmates, and tried to listen but felt like half the words were leaking out of his other ear. His eyes kept sliding towards the bush where the coyote he killed lay. He forced his gaze to rest on the brown male, managing to suss out something about not wanting them hunting in the falls. Mako blinked, looking towards Emrys, his superior, then Jynx, who he had been hunting with lately. What did they think of this?
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

Emrys wasn't about to let his mate down when the scum tried to take her while her back was turned. He would teach it a lesson if he didn't just decide to kill it for what it had planned to do to the mother of his children. With its scruff between his jaws he took it as violently as he could which he was sure would do some damage to its neck if not to more parts of its body. It seemed his mate wasn't quite finished with the coyote she took hold of the scavengers spine. He could see the force she was using and didn't expect this coyote to have much chance of surviving this attack. Good, the more they got rid of the better for everyone.

The former alpha stopped his shaking buy held the animal still so Jynx could do her part. Once she had he dropped the Coyote to the ground panting lightly and turning his attention toward Askan as he spoke. Stepping toward the man he nodded, “We will be sure to deliver your message. As you know I won't speak on behalf of Lachesis or Lilya but I feel its a fair request.” Emrys felt that Lachesis might feel the same way. He turned his gaze on Mako, "I can check you out when we get back to the surge," he told the young wolf.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
jynx myrddin

The deed was done, and with the coyote limp in the grasp of her jaws, she let it go. Her teeth had pierced the flesh, allowing a fresh flow of blood to stain her muzzle red. But she didn't care how she looked, nor anyone else as long as they weren't injured. The threat had been dealt with and their point made. Back to business.

Attentively, as the dark brown male began to speak, her yellow eyes rose up to meet his face, patiently absorbing his words. He had not come here by chance. He knew Lachesis and Lilya. Jynx was fully aware that the Surge wolves were allied with those of the Rye Fields and those of the Shallows. Given their closer vicinity to the falls, it was simple to deduce that this rugged male was from the latter, and their leader. His request was straightforward. Inform the Alphas of Driftwood that hunting so close to Shallows Edge should be avoided. She was silent for a moment, ears rotating back in contemplation. As both a hunter and a former leader, Jynx could afford to examine the situation from both Askan's viewpoint and that of Lachesis's. Coyotes were running rampant, which would stretch prey thin. Each pack needed to defend it's patch of hunting grounds and the prey in it. Had she been a more selfish wolf, she would have laughed and haughtily took what the pack needed, regardless of location, with the exception of on the turf of another pack. She had never been driven to a point of such desperation. Yet. "I see no issue if both our packs respect one another's personal space. I doubt Lachesis and his mate will either, but we will pass along the message." Her eyes squinted and she peered closer, as if for a better look...searching for a hint of recognition. Indeed, long ago she and Askan had briefly met, while ironically, a coyote had been harassing her. Amicably but coolly, she presented a second option. "I understand the Surge and the Edge are allies." She paused with a raise of a brow. "A joint hunt might be very possible, later in the year. I will have a word with them..." She referred to Lilya and Lachesis. "...of course. Would...that be something you are open to...?" Her sentence hung in the air, a pause settling so she might be offered his name.

Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Exit with y'all posts?

It was a fair request, but Askan was somewhat relieved they felt that way too. He was in no mood to argue, least of all in the middle of a forest teaming with coyotes. If Lachesis and Lilya were truly offended by his request they knew where to find him, though he doubted they'd go out of their way to rub his nose into the dirt. As far as Askan was concerned they were friends first then allies second, there was no reason for them to butt heads. Askan simply nodded in response to their words, he was content to leave it at that- when the tawny woman put an intriguing prospect on the table.

His ears tipped forward as he squinted a little in thought. Pack hunts were always a little tedious to organise, with so many paws on the ground, but Askan wasn't totally against the idea. Not only would it strengthen their alliance but it would serve as a good opportunity to show his subordinates how to take down something really big. A prospect that caught his interest for sure.

"Askan Selwyn." He told her without delay. "I'd have to confer with my partner before anything is set in stone, but I don't see why not."

He glanced about the woods once more, so now what? He'd more or less completed what he'd set out to do. In a lot less time too, thanks to the coyotes, he supposed, though he wasn't going to thank them for that. Shrugging his shoulders he turned to leave, only to pause, his paw an inch or so off the ground. A slight smile tugged at the corners of his lips, he had to say one more thing before he left.

"Tell Lach and his missus- Lilya- I said hi."

Askan & Reyes
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 135 posts.
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Mako Coho

Mako's eyes flicked towards Emrys as the white male stepped forward to address the Edge wolf's proposal. Jynx seemed to take longer to consider the request and lay out a response, and Mako made a note to ask his mentor later what ramifications this would have on their hunting routine. 

Mako shifted uncomfortably from paw to paw as the encounter drew to a close with Askan's departure. He didn't feel right leaving before taking care of one last thing. "You guys start back without me," He said hesitantly, amber eyes silently pleading with Jynx and Emrys that they wouldn't question him. It wasn't something he really wanted to explain, and even if pressed he wasn't sure he could put his need into words. Even though he'd killed in self defense, he didn't like leaving the coyotes here without their last rites. "I'll catch up in a bit."

(Mako fade (?))
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys felt the request that was set a reasonable one though he would have to speak to Lilya and Lachesis. He knew despite his position in the pack it wasn't his place to make such decisions and he made that clear. Jynx agreed with him but also offered a joint hunt to the edge alpha and that was something he agreed with. Though it wasn't too often that he didn't agree with her even if things between them seemed a little rocky. “We will deliver your message gladly and if it wouldn't be too much trouble you can send a scout to let us know of your decision or we can send someone in a couple weeks time to allow you time to speak with your partner.” Emrys believed that to be fair as well. He gave a dip of his head to the edge wolf.

Pale eyes turned on the young Mako as he asked that Jynx and himself start back without him. Emrys’ head tilted to the side considering as it was a strange request but he finally nodded. “Be careful, though I suspect the scents of what happened will deter any others but you must promise to leave this place should any more coyotes show up.” That said he turned and gave Jynx a bump on the shoulder to indicate she should follow before heading off into the forest.

Emrys Exit

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
jynx myrddin

Askan Selwyn. Ah, there it was. Had this been a time and place for more relaxed conversation, Jynx would have been happy to catch up on the past. Possibly jog his memory and see if he recognized her at all. She hummed pleasantly as he acknowledged her offer, though he'd have to consult with his counterpart at first. She understood. It was the sensible thing to do before any decision was finalized. As he turned to leave, with one last little message, she replied with a wave of her tail. "We'll be sure to pass that along."

She paused long enough to settle her eyes on Mako, who hung back, insisting that she and Emrys set off without him. "Alright. Be safe on the way back." She cautioned, unable to help the instinct to watch his back, even if he were a grown man. Emrys had surely seen the relationship forming between Mako and her. She hoped he supported it while she mentored the gray male. Turning her back to the pair, she left them to their privacy, her tawny figure slowly vanishing into the depths of the forest with Emrys in tow.

Jynx Exit