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White Fir Notch — Official 
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Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

About White Fir Notch.

The leaders of White Fir Notch conduct their business a little differently than most. Meetings are held with a more informal atmosphere, and active subordinate participation in pack decisions is highly encouraged. The Alphas care very much about everyone's opinions and thoughts, believing that the best way to maintain unity and cooperation among the ranks is to ensure that all parties are heard. Gent and Raela try to present themselves as approachable and welcoming to all members, so that they feel comfortable coming forward with any complaints or issues they may be having. While Gent is stronger and more oriented toward security and order, Raela focuses on intra-pack relations and offering support to those in need. Loyalty, family and respect are their core values, and they typically seek to keep their political relations neutral. The wolves here have scents that vary with the wide range of landscapes found within their borders, including fir trees, spruce, clean water, and sun-baked stone. Their fragrance is generally fresh smelling as compared to damp or earthy.

White Fir Notch came into existence after a very difficult time for the wolves of Round Stone Crest. Their founder and leader Minka had passed away the previous September, leaving behind children who would eventually completely disappear from the pack by the end of February. All the while they experienced the death and loss of most of their members, and in the end there was almost nothing left of the pack's original legacy. This lead the new Alpha pair, Gent and Raela, to make the decision to move those remaining to a new location where they could start again as a new pack, and as mates.

Several additional recruits were added to the group and together they made the journey to Secluded Springs; a veritable paradise hidden between the slopes of the mountains and Windsong Fijord. However, these wolves had to work hard for their new home. Upon discovering their shelter of choice; a large bear den in the side of the slopes of the fijord and surrounded by majestic fir trees; the pack was dismayed to find that the fresh scent of grizzly still lingered within. They tracked down and fought the bear; eventually chasing it from the territory and claiming the land for themselves with renewed unity and fervor.

After the first encounter with Craw of Whitestone Monadnock the notch wolves were left with a bad impression of the Whitestone wolves making their relations more strained. It wasn't long after this encounter that the notch wolves encountered their newest neighbors, wolves Askan and Drestig from Wild Rye Fields, this too ended in strained relations due to the closeness of the packs.

As the notch wolves prepared for winter they were joined by long time temporary member Emrys. He'd been staying with them in order to care for Jynx and in November decided to make his stay permanent. Just days after the joining of their newest member a hibernating bear was discovered in the pack's territory. This brought the pack together as they once again dispatched of the bear and ended the threat that it brought to the notch wolves.

With the beginning of winter upon them Craw returns for another visit that went better than the last one which improve relations with Whitestone Monadnock. The pack spends their first winter among the White Fir trees and as progresses it proves to be an extremely hard winter. The snow deepens causing the terrain to become more dangerous for the notch wolves to traverse. Prey become scarce to non-existent but the members of White Fir Notch do what they can to survive.

Jessie from Wild Rye Fields pays a visit towards the middle of winter and in the month before breeding season is set to begin they receive two more visitors. Lorcan from Whitestone comes seeking help for a pup in his pack and Adelayde with news of a pup missing from hers. This alarms the notch wolves to keep close watch on their pups. During this time Raela steps down from her position of leadership due to an undisclosed illness. In her place Jynx steps up and becomes alpha female.

With breeding season upon them Gent and Raela decide not to have pups and instead give permission to breed to Jynx and Emrys. Winter slowly ends with all of the notch wolves making it through. At which time the notch wolves begin their recovery from the harsh weather. Their hardship isn't over as Gent and Raela announce that they will be leaving White Fir Notch due to a threat. As breeding season comes to a close with Jynx having conceived her first litter Raela and Aleris take their leave from White Fir Notch. During this time it is also discovered that one of their pack medics, Sylva, has broken pack law by breeding. However, she claims that it was not by choice at which point no punishment is given. Two new members join Nauja and Ishtar with the hopes they will remain and help bring the notch into the future.

Once spring is in full swing Gent steps down and allows Emrys to become the male lead. The former leader remains for a short time to mentor the former beta and ensure a smooth transition. Just days before the birth of her litter Sylva confesses her treachery to Emrys with Jynx overhearing, she purposefully breed with the wolf know as Zilas. This angers the leading pair which leads them to demote the Medic to the rank of lowest.

Just a few days after Hawthorne is born into the pack and two weeks later Jynx gives birth to three pups. Unfortunately their second son Milon doesn't make it and is a stillborn. Their other two children Elyan and Arwyn are healthy and thriving along with Hawthorne.

In June a threat arrives in the form of an angry bison threatening Jynx’s life. The pack steps into defend her and take down the buffalo to feed them for the coming weeks.

Pack pride colors for White Fir Notch are "Dynasty Blue (#17a4ec)" and "New Growth Green (#13c572)."

General Information

  • Current Leaders: Emrys Myrddin and Jynx Myrddin
  • Established: March 4th, 2016
  • Location: White Fir Notch, Secluded Springs, Northern Eden, Relic Lore
  • Den Description: Nestled between the rocky slopes of Serpents Pass and Windsong Fjord, White Fir Notch derives its name from the dense foliage found on the north west edge of Secluded Springs. White Fir trees grow in great numbers around the pack's home; a vacant bear den tucked into the base of the hillside near their northern border. The Springs as well as the river that feeds it serve as the wolves' main water source. The plant life here is a mix resulting from the collision of the Ghastly woods and the Fjords as well as the changes in elevation; consisting of tightly packed conifer and deciduous trees. To the south the thick forest continues for miles, but in the west the trees thin into smaller clusters beside the rolling bluffs of the Palisade.
  • Pack Scent Identifiers: Fir trees, spruce, clean water, sun-baked stone, fresh.
  • Pack Colors: #17A4EC & #13C572.
  • Official Pack Alignment: Lawful Good.
  • Prevalent Character Alignment: equally lawful and neutral, mostly good.

  • Allies: None
  • Friendly: Secret Woodlands.
  • Neutral: Grizzly Hollow, Willow Ridge, Whitestone Monadnock, Wild Rye Fields.
  • Unfriendly: Hearthwood River. 
  • Enemies: None.
  • Unknown: Oak Tree Bend, Fallen Tree Cove.

  • Core Values:  Loyalty, Respect, Family.
  • Motto: "Together we have it all"

  • Age Range: Pup - 4 years old.
  • Size Range: Small - Large.
  • Roles Present:  None.
  • Roles Sought: Hunter, Guardian, Teacher, Scout.

Notes & Trivia.

  • Previously known as Round Stone Crest and before that Black Thorn Downs.
  • The wolves of White Fir Notch are not the first to settle in the Secluded Springs area. The old territory of Copper Rock Creek, inhabited from January to October 2012, lies to the southwest.
  • The pack operates more democratically than others; strongly valuing and accounting for the input and opinions of their members on all important decisions.
  • In order to claim their new home, the founders of White Fir Notch first had to fight and chase off a grizzly bear fresh out of hibernation, the den of which now serves as their own.
  • Their territory is highly varied in elevation, vegetation and animal life.
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2018, 12:27 PM by Griffin.)
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

Important Events.

These are the noteworthy events that have taken place in the history of the White Fir Notch pack. They can include pack meetings, changes in leadership, births or deaths, etc.

  1. 2/26/2016
  2. Gent and Raela become mates and amidst all the recent loss and death make the heavy decision to move the pack from Round Stone Crest.
  3. 3/1/2016
  4. Gent and Raela discover the new location for their pack, and decide to have children come spring.
  5. 3/4/2016
  6. The whole pack makes the journey to Secluded Springs, and together they fight off a grizzly bear and claim its den as well as the surrounding lands for their own, finally establishing White Fir Notch.
  7. 5/7/2016
  8. Raela gives birth to three healthy puppies.
  9. 11/16/17
  10. Another bear is discovered in notch territory once again. The pack came together to defend their land.
  11. 1/6/17
  12. pack meeting called to inform the pack of the lack of food.
  13. 2/16/17
  14.  Raela passes leadership to Jynx after becoming ill.
  15. 3/7/17
  16. After being sick Raela and Gent decide to not have pups.  Instead they ask Emrys and Jynx to bring the next generation of notch pups into the world.
  17. 3/14/17
  18. It is discovered that Sylva is pregnant.
  19. 4/13/17
  20. Gent passes leadership to Emrys before following Raela.
  21. 5/3/17
  22. Sylva's treachery is discovered when the truth of her pregnancy comes out.
  23. 5/6/17
  24. Sylva gives birth to one healthy pup.
  25. 5/15/17
  26. Jynx gives birth to two healthy pups and a still born.
  27. 6/1/17
  28. Jynx is attacked by a bull bison and the pack comes to the rescue.
(This post was last modified: Oct 21, 2017, 03:11 AM by Emrys.)
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

Noteworthy Members.

These are the members which have left a lasting impact on the White Fir Notch pack. This recognition is not restricted to certain ranks, however all leaders, no matter how brief their reign, are listed. This is not an all-inclusive list of the ranks held by each member, but rather the ranks that have earned them placement on this list.

— Founding member.
— I. Leader, 4th March 2016 — Present.

— Founding member.
— I. Leader, 4th March 2016 —Present.

— Second generation Lieris.
— Pup, 7th May 2016 —Present.

— Second generation Lieris.
— Pup, 7th May 2016 —Present.

— Second generation Lieris.
— Pup, 7th May 2016 —Present.

— I. Leader, 16th February 2017 — Present.

— I. Leader, 13th April 2017 — Present.
(This post was last modified: Oct 21, 2017, 03:12 AM by Emrys.)
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

Current News.

This is the current news for the White Fir Notch pack.

Jynx has stepped down from leadership.

(This post was last modified: Oct 21, 2017, 03:13 AM by Emrys.)
Posted by Spirit of Wildwood who has 4,813 posts.

Pack Pride.

Pack Pride images for the White Fir Notch wolves.

[Image: o8qr2qh.png]
By Sarah

Pack role trees by Jen

[Image: MCY07ea.png]
[Image: qX09QPg.png][Image: OqXPRpb.png]
[Image: WAMBx3g.png][Image: jaCxjbe.png]
[Image: KU1lZ4G.png][Image: wVAsz3v.png]
[Image: oPp5H48.png][Image: 5erSVvO.png]
[Image: NQor6Kq.png][Image: CLgHoPg.png]
(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2016, 02:11 AM by Raela.)