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Empty out my memory — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
on WR's borders. Please allow @Adeltra to post first and tag for @Ravenna but any other Ridge wolves are welcomed.

They arrived on time, which was a bit of a blessing all things considered. The place didn't seem to have changed too much if memory served her right. Her expression was flat there was a familiar scent that stuck out the most but for now, she did her best to ignore. Her gaze settled on Adeltra for a brief moment. The young girl had been nothing but sweet and supportive. Truth be told, it'd be hard to see her go.

"Told you I'd get you home." Piety offered the best smile she could. Adeltra would be back with the wolves she belonged to. Surrounded by happier faces and away from the grieving group.

Her head tipped back as she let out her soft voice, calling for the wolves of the Ridge. Piety had found the wayward child and was here to return her. When her head lowered she let her body take on a more submissive stance. Best to brace herself for whatever face would be greeting them.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
Let @Cheedo and @Cyril post of course but I'm gonna go ahead and tag @Nicolò and @Sven  c:

Adeltra lifted her head and pulled in the scent of the willows. She was home and it almost felt like nothing had changed. Her heart gave a painful tug in her chest as something in the back of her mind said “I wonder if they even missed you.” She knew it was a silly thought and she pushed it away, determined to remain positive. A bright smile lit up her face, though when she turned her gaze toward her travel companions it lowered a little. She would miss them terribly. They’d changed her life for the better in the past month, though theirs had been for the worst. The Archer child wished that she could convince them to stay but she made no attempt, knowing that their chance of happiness was wherever they were going. Hopefully, once they reached it, they would send perhaps Cyril to tell her so she might be able to visit every so often. She couldn’t imagine never speaking to any of them again.

Her auds shifted forward as Piety’s call rang into the air, moving from paw to paw antsily. She angled her head toward her, her own expression soft “I knew you would.” She knew that taking her back home had been hard on them and she was forever grateful. Now it was their turn to go find their own happiness again.
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

He felt suffocated under the canopy of branches. The boy was used to the fresh air and open landscape in the north. Here it felt as though the trees would never end, no matter how far south they went. But the further south they went the more real everything became. This wasn’t some silly adventure. His father had died, right before his eyes, and Whitestone had crumbled around him. They left because there was nothing for them atop the monadnock—not anymore. And they had promised to return Adeltra to her pack. Which only added to the boy’s grief.

During their time together Cyril had grown to enjoy the lost princess’ company. Like the north, he had grown used to her, and while he still had not spoken since departing from the tundra, the ebony girl had kept him distracted. She had not coddled him or treated him any differently.

Arriving at the borders made it even more real—she was leaving. Going home. Where she belonged. His yellow gaze swept toward her, his ears pressed against the back of his skull. He wanted to be selfish, and have her stay with them, but he knew she couldn’t. This was her home, he could not ask her to stay with his broken family.

A frown graced his dark features, his shoulder bumping against her's as she called for her family. This was it. He kept his gaze fixated on the ground, his tail flicking in silent frustration.

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
There was a group at her doorstep, which was odd for Willow Ridge after it had fallen silent and to itself more or less after the death of its too long standing leaders. There was a number of scents - four actually. Two of which she didn't know, one which seemed familiar yet fell vague for her and one... The moment recognition hit she was rushing towards the borders, not daring to slow down even as she grew closer to the group. Piety was here and some male pup. She barely remembered Piety, yet still knew enough to know that she was Sven's mother. There was no love for her and yet, here she was with Adeltra safely back home.

"Adeltra!" She called out to the youth excitedly, her tail waving so wild her rump slid back and forth over the cold ground. She slowed down to a stop now so that she would not harshly rush into her like she sometimes did, nuzzling and licking along the youth, both in happiness and both secretly examining her to make sure everything was okay. Though the girl was not her own pup, Ravenna protected her as such, had been quite protective of Enoki too throughout it all. But where was Enoki? It was obvious she had not been the one to find Adeltra, so then where did she wonder now?

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
It didn't take long for a large silver form to appear. The name of the once wayward child was called out and soon affection was showered over her. Piety let the two have their space and time together, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "She was up north in the Lowlands. I found out she was from the Ridge and when asked if I knew where that was I couldn't lie." Her shoulder shrugged softly. She hadn't introduced herself or said how she might know the ridge, but perhaps that wasn't important this very moment. Piety couldn't remember the woman in front of her but mentioning she seemed about her son's age...well then perhaps it was no surprise she didn't exactly remember. "Glad she's back home." The mother mused softly. Here was where Adeltra needed to be. Not in the north and not with the rag-tag group.

"I have news and a question or two." Her voice was respectful but soft. "I'm hoping to speak with a Ravenna." Might as well check up on where Morganna told her. She hadn't swung by the lagoon what but covering her bases so she wasn't left lost and fumbling would be helpful in the long run.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
the devil is & always will

He knew that voice. Once it had played in his dreams, made him wish he never had to wake up. Now, it would only haunt his nightmares. But this was the waking world he was hearing it in, and while it made his blood run cold it also pushed his muscles into motion.

Why was she here?

He peeled himself away from @Leotie's side and exited the communal den, heading straight for the origin point of the howl. He could smell Ravenna just ahead of him, occasionally catching a glimpse of her silver tail and paws against the snowy backdrop that was the forest.

Before he could see them, he could smell Adeltra too. That was quite a relief, and possibly explained a bit. Still, why would she come all the way here to deliver a child she'd never previously met? It wasn't until he crested the horizon and caught the tail end of Piety's words did he decide fully on his response to this surprise visit.

"Why not Sven?" he asked curtly, pale eyes glaring as his tail stiffened behind him. Damn her. Morganna had been right about her from the start. But that was the irony, wasn't it? Morganna was the one she had ended up loyal, over her own son.

His rage began to build again. He prowled to Ravenna's side, features brightening only for the moment that he bent his head to welcome Adeltra back home with a few licks and nuzzles to her crown.

be a gentleman.
Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
The sound of pawsteps thudding against the ground found her attention and her auds swiveled forward, her head lifting and straining forward to try and see who was coming. Was it momma? Daddy? Rom? Ravenna’s white speckled form appeared from the trees and she didn’t find herself disappointed. Surely her immediate family would be quick to come behind. She moved forward the meet the barreling woman, a bark escaping her jaws as she was wrapped in the embrace. She laughed as she was covering in licks and nuzzles, returning her own to her cousin. “Hi Ravenna, it’s really good to see you again,” she grinned, tail wagging quickly behind her frame. 

Another white body was quick to emerge from the trees and her smile grew a little more, “Sven!” she called, but her enthusiasm died a little as his expression darkened. He pressed his own licks to her crown and she looked up at him in confusion, amber-yellow gaze switching from Piety to the pale man. He spoke words laced with venom and she felt the hair stand up on the back of her neck. The young Archer removed herself from his touch, backing up until she was standing perpendicular between them. Her tail lifted, not curling over her back because she knew better than that but enough to show she was miffed. It was obvious there was something between them, something she knew not, but this was not the time. She’d been gone for months and all she’d wanted to do was come home and be happy. Now there was going to be a pissing match? Not on her watch and definitely not toward the woman that had given her sanctuary. 

“Like Miss. Piety said, she found me up north. I’ll explain what happened when I disappeared later and I’m sorry, but she saved me. Her and her son, and I’m in their debt. I might be dead right now if it weren’t for them. They didn’t have to bring me here, they could have just pointed me in the right direction then let me be off on my own but they didn’t. They treated me kindly, fed me their own food and then personally saw me here,” she vocalized, her head lifted and eyes defiant. Her Archer blood was showing and when Addy was riled up she wasn’t known to back down. The little band had places to be, they didn’t need to be getting the 3rd degree.
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie's ear flicked when she heard the call not recognizing the voice she knew she would have to go though she wasn't easy to leave Sven's side. Of the two of them he was the first to rise and leave the communal den for the border. Leotie rose and followed closely behind the pale Archer from the den to the border to greet their visitor.

When she arrived she came to stand at Sven's flank as she had done before when his family had come. She silently took in the scene in front of her letting her presence offer any support her packmates might need.

She too had caught the ending of what the white female at the border had said. The Agouti woman knew Sven could be abrasive when he wanted to be, she'd seen it for herself plenty of times. There seemed to be a difference in his voice as he spoke to their visitor. It was also quite obvious with the way he'd addressed her that he already knew her on some level.

The girl that was with her Leotie took note of her as well and she seemed to know both Ravenna and Sven. The pale Archer going so far as to lick and nuzzle crown. Without having heard the child's name but hearing what the girl said she deduced that this had to be the missing Adeltra. This situation was getting more curious by the moment. Leotie just observed for now.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Her little cousin said hello to her, giving just enough time to let Piety know that this woman she was looking for, Ravenna, was standing before her right now. Though Ravenna did not have a moment to answer whatever question Piety might have, because both Sven and Leotie as per usual were hot on her tail and a back up. Sven's irritation was obvious, rather warranted, too. If this pale woman was up north long enough to find a male, have a child... Why had she not visited Sven after all this time, had she not cared? The relationship, or lack there of, was blurry for Ravenna. Sven didn't talk about it. Ravenna did not question.

Adeltra piped in as she stood between the Willow Ridge wolves and the two visitors, explaining how helpful they had been, explaining how they had cared for her, brought her all the way here even though they didn't have to. Ravenna smiled to the girl softly until her attention then moved to the ghostly colored woman and her pup. "Willow Ridge is very grateful for what you did. I, am grateful." She spoke honestly to the woman. Though the relationship between Piety and her first son was sour, it was obvious the woman did not hold an animosity toward all Archers or her former pack. "I'll answer whatever questions you have for me and extend my gratitude by letting you and your son rest easy in the safety of our territory for the night if you so wish... However," Her eyes then shifted to Sven, "Afterward I'm taking Adeltra to see her family" (or well brother and father) "and leave you and your eldest son to speak alone. I feel it's warranted..." Her eyes fell to Piety then, awaiting ever patiently.