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Head Above The Water — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
guardian dem 3/3

XIX did not understand what Aleksei had done to anger the raven so much. He had left Hearthwood, shortly before his mother’s death, but even the pale ghost did not fault the Baranski for that. After hearing the Baranski’s departing howl he had angry at first. Not because he had chosen to leave. No, Lachesis had respected his decision. He had been angry at how he had left. A howl, echoing through the trees. He had never learned whether Aleksei had told his mother of his plans or not. Lachesis never asked. But he got over the anger, just as quickly as it had arrived, it had left. Then came acceptance. And he got over it; moved on. Just like he always did.

Was it because Aleksei had figured out who her daughter was and grew tired of Inna denying the truth? It had been not long after Lorcán had shown up on the Hearthwood borders, seeking acceptance into the pack. To be closer to his daughter. The corners of his mouth twitched at the thought. Perhaps Aleksei couldn’t stand living with them, for their situation eerily echoed Karina’s.

“I’ll let her know,” he hummed, his expression soft. “I’m sure she would like that, too.”

He nodded at the agouti’s statement, his chartreuse fixated on the younger male, for he knew Inna did not want the man near the Tainn children. “They are your family, Alek. You are welcome to see them.” Lachesis could be an asshole and refrain the children from seeing their big brother, but he couldn’t do that. Family was important—especially when most of theirs had disappeared or passed away. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
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Inna Baranski

Inna stood silently at Lachesis flank wondering what repercussions she would have to suffer for her behavior this time. Her thoughts had even gone to a place she didn't really want it to but after seeing how Lachesis had been with her brother she couldn't help it. She couldn't help but worry About the safety of her daughter if Lachesis allowed Aleksei to come to their borders. As the exchange continued it was clear that Lachesis couldn't see it, couldn't see her brother was a liar and a threat to everyone in Hearthwood. The way he'd talked about their family, what right did he have to be near her mother's children. The longer these thoughts went through her mind the more panicked she became.

Had he told his new pack how he had left when Hearthwood needed him? Had he told Jessie that maybe if he'd been there Kisla might not be dead? Or of the threats to Lorcan? The broken promises? Had he promised the rye wolves.

It seemed it had been decided about the hunt between the two packs and she would be there for Oksana. To make sure she would be able to get through the winter and grow strong. Inna's heart sank as Lachesis gave permission for Alek to visit their half siblings and in that moment she knew Risa and Matheo would leave the river. Maybe not in the next months but it would be soon enough and more of her family would be gone forever and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Inna was just about to leave the border when Aleks voice asking about her daughter brought her orange gase to his. There were so many things she wanted to say. Things like ‘better if she had her uncle in her life’ or 'like you care’ but she bit her tongue, “As good as can be expected considering what's happened in the past months.” She didn't just mean Kisla's death but her absence from Oksana's life since it and finding out about her father and h now missing again. It was starting to feel like Oksana's life was a reflection of her own and Kisla's.

~Table by Jacqueline
(This post was last modified: Oct 24, 2017, 12:25 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
He breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing could possibly ruin this moment, not even Inna’s rancid attitude. To hear from Lachesis that he was welcome to see Risaela and Mathéo lifted a weight from his shoulders, eased the pressure gripping at his heart. Aleksei bowed his head, deeply grateful. “Thank you,” he breathed out, lifting his crown with a broad smile.

At his question for Inna, he expected words laced with venom. He wasn’t surprised at the response he got, her frustrations oozing from every single part of her. Her posture, her tone, her glare. He could practically taste the sting on the tip of his tongue. Aleksei’s ears perked and his brows knit, though his hackles remained flat and his lip uncurled, despite the overwhelming urge to snap. She hadn’t really answered Aleksei’s question, only given a vague response. What the hell was ‘as good as can be expected’ supposed to translate to for the agouti male? “I suppose that’s all you can ask for.” Really, what else was he supposed to say to her?

Attention returning to Lachesis, Aleksei slowly stood from his seated position. “Uncle. Could we possibly talk? In private?” Queue a brief glance to Inna. “I want to explain myself, to say why I did what I did.” He knew he had to apologise. He wanted to. Just not in front of her. As far as Aleksei was concerned, Inna didn’t deserve his honesty.
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He could practically feel the heat radiating off the raven beside him but he did not acknowledge it, or her behaviour. Not yet. It could wait until Aleksei was not present.

The raven diid not have to voice her opinion for him to know she was not happy that he had allowed the older Baranski to visit his younger half-siblings. There was a stretch of tundra between their packs—even if XIX had not allowed Aleksei permission to visit, he would cross paths with the young Tainn’s eventually. There was nothing he could do to prevent that from happening, whether Inna liked it or not. She could prevent her own daughter from seeing the agouti, but she could not keep Risaela or Mathéo from him. The ghost would make sure of that. Any issues between Aleksei and Inna could remain between them—not the younger generations. They deserved a chance to get to know their brother; their family.

A single brow arched at Inna’s response, his maw canted toward her as she spoke. It was not the answer her brother was looking for, but it appeared it was all Aleksei was going to get out of her. And it was much nicer than the previous words she had spoken toward him.

Uncle. His focus returned to the tawny male, ears pinned forward. Could we possibly talk? In private? His curiosity peaked as he nodded, accepting the male’s request. “Of course. Let’s talk a walk?” He suggested as he returned his gaze to the raven, his features smooth; relaxed. “Thank you for greeting Aleksei at the border so swiftly, Inna. You’re dismissed, I’ll see you back at the dens.” He gave her a soft nod before motioning for Aleksei to follow him along the edge of the trees. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Like a lot of other things she'd had to learn to accept losing her siblings was one of them. She didn't trust Alek not to turn them against the river after the way he'd spoken of the family and the river wolves in the past. It was just another thing gone from her life.

The question from Aleksei had caught her off guard, she had not realized he even had an interest in knowing anything about Oksana. The way he had spoken of her pregnancy and her daughter in the past had led her to believe he wanted nothing to do with her. So she gave him as much of an answer as she was willing to give when she didn't know if he sincerely wanted to know or if he was doing it to try and save some kind of face in front of Lachesis, show the pale leader that she was the one that had no reasons to be upset. Still Inna had tried to be civil with her brother but she shrugged at his response. All she could ask? Inna could ask so much more for her daughter but she knew herself that things didn't work out that way. “Yeah, I suppose,” she said quietly. What else was she to say to the man who wanted nothing to do with her.

Then Alek asked Lachesis to speak privately, to explain why he had done what he did. Inna did want to hear it, to understand why he had broken his promise but then part of her already knew. She looked to Lachesis hoping to not be dismissed but was to be disappointed. Inna swallowed before giving him a nod and she couldn't help feeling that the loss of Lachesis as her friend and father figure was another thing she would have to accept as well.

The Raven turned and slipped back into the forest, what really was left for her in Hearthwood?

Exit Inna

~Table by Jacqueline
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Inna was dismissed, and Aleksei watched her leave. With her went the overwhelming atmosphere of anger and judgement, something the agouti wolf was grateful for. At least now he could speak freely about why he did what he did. Nodding, he drew up alongside Lachesis, allowing the pale medic to lead the way.

Aleksei worried at his bottom lip with his teeth, brows pinched together. He’d be touching on a delicate subject, and wanted to handle it carefully. It deserved some kind of gentleness—this was not an honesty that required the ‘rip off the band-aid fast’ technique. “I know I must’ve hurt you.” He decided that was the best place to start; acknowledging how he’d left wordlessly meant he knew he’d done wrong. “And I’m sorry. I should’ve said something. You and mother deserved that much at the very least. But I couldn’t stay, everything felt so … so wrong.” His gaze drifted to Lachesis with a tight frown. “I felt all this pressure to be like my dad—‘last’ Barnaski man in the pack, and the first born of the first litter—and it just smothered me. Like I was choking in a shadow that’d never belong to me. I guess I’ve always felt that way. Guess I’ve always resented it, somewhat.”

But that wasn’t all, was it?

“And Inna,” he breathed finally, jaw tensing, carnasial teeth practically grinding, “I couldn’t stomach it. Her lies, her hypocrisy, how she’d judge Karina without even realising she was doing the same thing, but doing it from her own free will.” It made Aleksei’s blood boil beneath his skin. “Sure, I broke my promise to her, that I’d never leave again, but why does she think she deserves it—deserves me at her beck and call—when she lies, and lies, and lies?”
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He watched as Inna disappeared into the trees, silent and dripping with frustration. Now was not the time to deal with her brash behaviour. The two Baranski’s were considered family to him, nothing would change that. Not @Aleksei leaving the pack, without an explanation. Not Inna breaking pack law and mating with Lorcán outside of river territory.

Perhaps Lachesis was too forgiving. Or nice. It had worked out in his favour before, but would it always be that way? He was beginning to realize his nice guy attitude was getting taken advantage of. A deep frown cut into his lips at the thought but he dismissed it quickly, his focus returning to the tawny man at his side.

He listened patiently; quietly. XIX dared not interrupt his nephew, for he did not want to disrupt his train of thought. It made sense—the pressure. Whether it was (unintentionally) brought on by the pack, or by himself, it made sense. The ghost nodded softly, his expression smooth as Aleksei elaborated on how it made him feel; how it pushed him away. The wolf at his side closely resembled his fallen father, but in appearance early. There was a flame that burned inside of Aleksei, and Lachesis could tell that he had grown into himself. Wild Rye had helped him with that, and while Lachesis would have liked the Baranski to stay within the Kingswood, he understood he reasons for leaving.

“I was mad, in the beginning,” he responded after a break in Aleksei’s speech, his expression still soft; neutral. “It didn’t last long. I knew things were different for you in Hearthwood after you returned, and I do not fault you for leaving. Hearthwood will always have a place for you, but it’s not your home. I know that.” He offered the male a small smile, his tail swaying gently behind him. “I’m happy for you. Whether you choose to stay in Wild Rye or seek another home in the future, I’ll still be happy for you—and proud of you. Nothing could change that.”

His ears twitched as the Baranski mentioned his sister’s name, the malice in his voice so thick it hung in the air around them. Lachesis could not stop the heavy sigh from rolling off his tongue, his ears sweeping back against his skull, his worried brows pinched tight. “Like your mother, I was forgiving. She had broken pack law and we accepted it. I think part of it was because your mother was scared to lose her, like Karina.” Another sigh. His own frustration grew, hot and bubbling inside his chest. “She threatened Jessie—to sever the alliance. I punished her for it, and since then she’s shied away from me, as though I’ve done something wrong? Even after, when Risaela was still in your care, she was not happy. Thought you were going to poison her mind.”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Aleksei would always hold a place of admiration in his heart for his father. Maksim had been a great leader. Perhaps not the most emotionally open of fathers—instilling a sense of duty and pride in his children had always been his focus—but far from a bad one. Even if the sting of anger caused him to spit harsh words, made him damn his family name, think his lineage cursed, Maksim and Kisla were his mother and father, and he would never stop loving them. Besides, at least he had known his parents. There were plenty of young wolves out there who didn’t, orphans and runaways who would never have the safe upbringing that Aleksei himself had been privileged to enjoy.

The same stood true for Lachesis—he would always be Aleksei’s uncle. The pale medic had been a member of Hearthwood longer than anyone, through the days of Cut Rock River, too. Because of that, his words meant a lot—more than he probably realised. Happy and proud. That was what Lachesis had said, and Aleksei felt warmth swell in his chest. He smiled in response, his own tail swaying happily behind him, sweeping through the air in long strokes.

It seemed that Lachesis had his own woes when it came to Inna though, and he aired them. Aleksei frowned, shook his head. God, he was so angry. Fuming, even! Did she really think him so heartless? Did she really think he’d poison Risaela against them? Why would anyone think that—how could anyone think that?! It was disgusting—a whole new level of disrespect. Aleksei’s tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth, a heavy exhale through his nose. “I think Inna’s never been told ‘no’, and that means she hates being wrong, or being told that she is.”  He’d put a lot of thought into her behaviour and couldn’t come to any other conclusion; she was just a brat. “You didn’t do anything wrong, uncle. When I heard about what she’d said to Jessie, I was furious.”

He closed his eyes. He vividly remembered Askan’s words. Aleksei had wanted to storm right through Kingsfall and drag Inna back by her scruff so she could personally apologise to Jessie.

“Acting like she’s the leader of this pack—I can’t begin to explain how angry it makes me.”
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

Part of him felt bad, or guilty, for sharing his thoughts aloud. Like Aeksei, the raven Baranski had been a constant in his life, and he had cared for her since the day she was born. Lachesis was a permanent uncle in their family—he had doted on all the children and was present for all of their births. However, as the tawny male at his side spoke of his frustrations, Lachesis realized that he had some of his own festering in the dark corners of his mind. Little annoyances he had brushed to the side; dismissed.

But why?

Even Aytigin was receptive to his punishments. Sure, the ebony male had a sharp tongue and was not afraid of voicing his opinions, but he took his scoldings without protest and never held a grudge. Inna, however, seemed upset and angry after Lachesis had dished out her punishment—as though she felt she was immune to them.

He nodded at his nephew’s comment, the worry line between his brows deepening. “I think you’re right.” She did not take to discipline well. But what was he supposed to do—let her get away with every mistake she made? That did not seem fair. How would the other wolves of the river react? “I should have gone myself, or Lilya. But they offered, so I didn’t think anything of it.” A low hum of frustration followed his words, his tail lashing out behind him. “She’s too emotional. And does not like it when she doesn’t get her way—which was why she insulted Jessie.” He exhaled sharply out of his nose at this, his chartreuse gaze falling to the tawny male.

A heavy sigh emitted from his chest at the Baranski’s comment. He was not wrong. Inna acted as though Lilya did not exist and acted beyond her rank in Hearthwood far too often. Aytigin had stepped out of line once or twice before, but he had been corrected immediately and taken it with stride. Inna, however… she made him feel guilty for punishing him. “I don’t know where this sense of entitlement came from. I can’t remember if it started before or after Kisla dismissed her pregnancy.”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you