Ruins of Wildwood 2013 – 2014 Yearbook

Celebrating Four Years of Creative Storytelling.

Superlatives: Packs

Strongest Pack

Secret Woodlands

Weakest Pack

Whisper Caverns

Best Alliance/Bond

Whisper Caverns
Willow Ridge

Most Missed/Best Legacy Pack

Swift River

Superlatives: Couples

Cutest Couple

Mirren Kite
Mirren & Kite

Most Dysfunctional Couple

Datura Taima
Datura & Taima

Couple You Want to Break Up

Datura Taima
Datura & Taima

The Unsinkable Ship

Mapplethorpe Naira
Mapplethorpe & Naira

Going Down With the Ship

Maskim Sagacity
Maksim & Sagacity

Best Mentor/Mentee Relationship

Mapplethorpe Karpos
Mapplethrope & Karpos

Superlatives: Individuals

Best Father


Best Mother


Fight Club Leader


Needs to Shut Up


Monosyllabic Award


Best Vampire/Werewolf


Always Loses Their Shit


Calm as a Cucumber


Glass Bones & Paper Skin


The Superhero


The Jerk


The Usurper


Most Improved


The Tear Jerker


Make You Pee Yourself


The Quintessential Loner


Trouble with a Capital "T"


Goody Four Paws


Superlatives: Threads

Most Heartwarming Thread: Look Who's In Your Heart Now

As the realm begins to reawaken from winter's hold and breeding season is in full swing, the stoic leader of Cut Rock River find himself thinking of Kisla Tainn and the family they could have. She is summoned to the riverbank so that Maksim make his intentions known to her. Their words are simple and their affirmations unadorned, but the love they share for each other is palpable in this thread, stealing the hearts of many RoW members.

Most Heartbreaking Thread: Don't Cry For Me

In an intense and sudden blizzard, Corinna Donata is found stranded out in the snow by her brother in law, Ruiko. The cold claims the old woman quicker than Ruiko would expect, and after three long, hard years as the matriarch, mother, and widow of the relocated River wolves, six year old Corinna Donata closes her eyes and passes away surrounded by her close-knit family. Many of us have watched Corinna closely over the last few years, her sad journey leaving real tear stains on some of our clothes, making this the most heartbreaking thread of the year.

Best Random Event Thread: Hangry Hangry Hippo

In a desperate search for food, the wolves of Nomad's Pass are forced to search farther and farther afield for food beyond their inhospitable mountain they had narrowly escaped. Following the long stale trails of herds of caribou, scouts Sagacity and Gent find themselves on the doorstep of Cut Rock River and feeling pretty brave. Their attempts to break through the borders to take a peak at the River wolves' caches goes sour abruptly when Naia appears, summoning Maksim without missing a beat and are forced to use their teeth to drive Sagacity and Gent away. Out of this encounter a subtle rivalry emerges between the wolves of Hollowheart Keep and Cut Rock River that will take some time to overcome.

Best Plot Thread: Hunt Opportunity - East RL

When a lone caribou, separated from herd's long gone from Relic Lore, wanders carelessly into wolf country, the wolves of Magnolia Glen and Oak Tree Bend are quick to sound the alarms and summon their members. Although Tuqloq the Strong is smart and deeply religious, he is no match for a party of dozen wolves. Feeling the pressure of competition despite strong blood ties, chaos suddenly erupts and both packs are racing towards the prey, each hoping to get their first. Despite Tuqloq's attempts, he cannot out run the wolves, and he is brought down by Drestig of Oak Tree Bend. Unfortunately for Oak Tree Bend, however, members of Magnolia Glen were hot on Drestig's trail and unwilling to back away from what they saw as their kill. Neither pack could afford to injure their members in a winter such as this, though, and eventually the Glen wolves were forced to retreat.

Best April Fool's Thread: It is Mine!

After everyone's characters were spontaneously transformed into human shapeshifters for our April Fool's extravaganza, vampiress Naira finds herself panic-stricken and vengeful: her precious teddy-bear, Fluffy Butticus, has been taken. Without a thought for anyone's safety, Naira storms into the Slaughtered Lamb, a dilapidated bar off of Swift Street with a wary Mapplethorpe hot on her heels. Tensions quickly rose as Borlla reveals that she in fact took Naira's bear, and for a moment it looked as though their would be a brawl when Naira suddenly backs off. The rivalry between the werewolves and vampires of the Wildwoods only deepened, and surely one of them will be out on the streets looking for opportunities to get their revenge.