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all i need, all all i need — Round Stone Crest 
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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

Just as predicted; the great mass of the man's form whirled much faster than it looked like it should have been able to. Gent was strong; and the heaps of muscle beneath that ebony coat were headed straight for her. It was the swiftest fragment of time between her peripherals catching the dark blur and her brain registering on some primal level that he was going to be on her right then. Her snarl remained; deepening suddenly as the realization occurred. He was not going to give her time to find her feet. If she didn't act now he would crush her back into the dirt once again. The allotted time to plan her moves was so scarce that she hardly planned at all. Coupled with the fraying of her nerves during this whole encounter; it made for a hasty and aggressive response much like her first. 

If this had been a real fight it would have been the woman's teeth that secured her victory; not her brawn. She was fighting him wrong by holding them back; of course the smaller wolf couldn't succeed by strength alone. A quiet; raspy growl sounded from her open teeth as she lunged; desperately trying to get out of the path of the mammoth's charge. The dreaded impact landed squarely into her hindquarters; spinning the lighter female and knocking them clear off of the ground. She had moved only milliseconds fast enough to have hope of reaching his hide with her fangs, but it was more of a glancing blow now than any true counter attack. Her forelimbs hit the ground while her hind fell away from the force of the blow; scrambling to stand and try to face him before something more happened. Rae's eyes glowed with the intensity of the moment as they landed back on her adversary again. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

He felt the scrape of her fangs across his skin, abrasive but enough of a glancing blow as to not completely slice open his flesh. His pale eyes regarded her constantly, finding her face no matter what direction his body and limbs twisted in. She was tapping deeper and deeper into her more feral instincts, reacting in order to survive, and that was what he wanted. That she would actually turn her teeth upon him was forgiven, taken the circumstances involved. When it came down to it, he never wanted her to hesitate; he would rather the consequences of any slain wolf over losing Raela.

With only a moment of hesitation, allowing her a few seconds to better gather and re-organize herself, he curled around and lunged again. The same attack, from different angles and with different pacing would be today's entire routine. Never would he attempt to put more force into a mark than was necessary, nor part his jaws to use them against her. Eventually, they would be able to mimic more and more realistic scenarios, but as of this point they were far from it. He needed to build upon the most basic and vital of instincts first.
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

Still coming. He just kept coming at her. The training session was far from over; and with her level of endurance it would not be over for some time yet. With a grunt she was moving again; trying desperately to keep out of the behemoth's reach while also landing a blow or two of her own. Gent was all business in the way he moved; there was a seriousness now that had not existed during her playful match with Astraeus not long ago. This was because of Vitani; and that had been one of the most serious encounters of her life. Only fleeing from her own parents and so called “family” had been more intense and death-defying. She might have hoped for some sort of praise; or some auditory reflection on her progress; but it was either too early into this match, or Gent had the intention of teaching her through experience. 

She'd not yet lost her breath; and that was a good sign at least. She could probably outlast him if they kept going; it was how she'd survived on her own – running like hell for as long as she could away from some other pack; predator or whatever decided it didn't like her at the moment. But, she couldn't just run away here; not anymore. If she ran away here; she'd be abandoning the whole pack; the pups, everyone to face it alone. She could never bring herself to such a conclusion, and yet she was still much too weak to be useful by herself. There was so much more to learn – and it started here with Gent.


Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]