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I Dreamed of Something Greater — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
Spieden Coho

Spieden watched as Drestig cast another look towards the creek, a hint of longing in the male's amber eyes. He seemed to be thinking of something, but whatever it was, it vanished in place of a warm smile as his attention returned towards her. Her heavy form shifted slightly, wondering what there was in particular to smile about and the questioning curiousity painting itself plainly on her grizzled face. The words he spoke next offered little explanation, but she nodded none-the-less. In time perhaps she would finally be able to understand her packmates as individuals, discoverer what motivated them, their hopes and dreams, but that day was not today. In any case, she was happy for his assistance in keeping the territory secure and gave him a stout nod, a slight smile and flick of her tail offered in return. 

"Take care, Drestig," She said, hesitating a moment before turning and tromping through the underbrush she had broken through to get here. She didn't think she would return to the den quite yet, but instead continue to mull over what the creek could mean. Surely her uncle would have had an idea, but she sighed, he was long gone from this world.