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when the high road caves in — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

Veho took silent note of his companion's description, nodding gravely. A murder – she must be a heinous wolf indeed, if she were so willing to attack and slaughter a fellow. He sighed softly, shaking his head. A foolish loss, he thought, but he would not comment on it. Obviously, the female felt the pain of it, and he'd not rub salt in what was still an open wound. Instead, he focused on his expertise, further inspecting the bald spot before taking a step back to meet her gaze.

"You aren't the first wolf I've seen contract it," he replied with a wry smile, hoping it offered Oula some comfort. "And I doubt you could have prevented it. This damp weather seems to exacerbate skin conditions in many." Hopefully the female would not feel too poorly, for there was little she could have done. Even a trained medic probably wouldn't have known he'd gotten the affliction until the itching began, and by then it was too late. Fortunately, the loner seemed agreeable to his method of treatment (for he had no other solution, rare to see as this ailment was) and he bobbed his head, turning to lead her down the stream.

He paused for only a moment, gathering up his pile of yarrow before he left – he'd come out here with a purpose, after all! "Ah hink Ah haw a hive on he river," the male mumbled around his mouthful, careful not to drop any of the stalks as he festinated down creek's bank. Surely Oula was uncomfortable with her skin like that! After several minutes of silent travel, he slowed, placing his pile down away from the water once more as his ears began to swivel. "Do you hear the buzzing?" he asked, nodding his head towards a hive hanging over the creek. "I think, if we knock it in, the bees will go away, yes? Bees do not particular care for water, as far as I understand."

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Oula nodded at Merlin's question, her ears honed in on the droning hum that came from overhead. Her gaze followed up the side of a sturdy looking tree and down a length of branch before finally settling on the amorphous golden drop that clung to its underside. Dark spots swirled all around it in, her sage eyes narrowed as she thought. With a good running start she could probably jump up and reach the hive, but seeing as she did not want a face-full of bees a direct approach seemed like a bad idea. Her head shifted, eyes flicking towards the very tip of the branch that hung over the water. An idea formed in her mind and while it seemed a little bit risky, the incessant itching on her flank was enough motivation to get over any reservations.

"Hang on... I think I've got it," she said to Merlin. The grey lady walked a few paces up the short incline that sloped towards the creek, turning around to face the water once she'd reached the top. She stared intently at the branch, her paws dancing in place underneath her as she readied herself. Finally, with a wriggle of her hindquarters like a cat about to pounce she launched forward, rocketing down the bank. At the last moment in one fluid motion she crouched down and shoved hard with her limbs. Like a spring she popped up, momentum carrying her body forward as her neck reached out and jaws opened wide.

Oula grasped on to the end of the branch, her weight forcing it to arch down and forward. As soon as her hind paws felt the cool stream water she let go. Her heart pumped wildly with an adrenaline surge as she dropped down into the water on all fours, ready to run. A humming filled her ears as she bolted through the shallow creek, crouching down into a slightly deeper pool and letting water rush over her as she held her breath.

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

Whatever Veho had imagined his new companion might do, no amount of creativity could have prepared him for the woman's unfolding plan. He'd thought, perhaps, she'd try to find a long stick and whack the hive like a gold-filled piñata. Perhaps they'd ram their bodies into the trunk until the tree wavered enough and gravity claimed their hive. But no, whether it was impatience or divine intervention, Oula suddenly sprouted wings and rocked up towards the nest. The healer gaped, unable to think of any appropriate reaction, and could only stare with wide eyes as she grabbed the branch instead of the actual home. Immediately he understood, watching as she sunk, sunk, and released the twig like a trebuchet. For a moment he'd forgotten about his friend, moonlit eyes watching as the hive soared through the air before smashing on the riverbank.

It was not what he had in mind, but it seemed to do the job.

A moment later, he realized all the bees had come swarming forth and quickly turned tail, eager to follow Oula's lead into much deeper waters. Gulping for air, he dove down nearby, remaining underwater until his lungs screamed and he came up panting at the surface. For several minutes he paddled in silence until the humming seemed to stop, the bees abandoning their home in search of a new one already. Once the Queen was gone, they'd not linger.

Grinning at the woman, he nodded his head as he began to wade back towards shore. "Excellent work!" he praised her, tail swinging behind him as he shook the water free of his pelt. "Come, let's get some honey and I'll apply it to your leg. Bring a honeycomb with you to apply again, and I think you should be fine. Unless, that is, you would like to come with me afterwards, back to Grizzly Hollow?"

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Oula didn't really think to warn Merlin of what she was doing and by the time she remembered the healer it was too late. She was already submerged beneath the cool trickling creek, her pale belly pressed against silt and gravel while a thin stream of bubbles left her nostrils as her held breath threatened to escape. She had no idea how much time had passed, nor if it was clear before she roughly shoved her head above water, gasping for air. Blinking the water from her eyes she looked around, seeing the grey coated male right at her side. He appeared to be fine and immediately her attention flicked back upstream. A grin stretched across her maw as she noticed the hive laying in pieces on the shore, a few stray bees zipping through the air above it. She waited beside Merlin for the next few minutes as the insects cleared, finally hauling her way towards land as the last few stragglers departed.

All that was left was to collect her hard earned prize. A single brown ear flicked towards the male as he spoke, nodding at first before a determined look took her eyes. She stopped before the honeycomb, her nose reaching down for an experimental sniff before looking back up towards Merlin. "Yes... I would like to come with you, if that is possible. You mentioned I might be able to speak with your leader? I haven't had a good lead on this woman in a while, perhaps he might know something?" She asked. She didn't want to seem desperate -- but she really was.

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]
Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo

The pair investigated the honeycomb with interest, Veho's ears swiveling as a few stray insects buzzed nearby. No doubt their Queen was enceinte, and the soldiers would be horribly protective of the hive heir – but fortunately, for all parties, the largest bee in the clan was no where to be found. It seemed she'd escaped when her hive had crashed into the earth. They'd not killed her, she was already off to find her next site, and they were left in peace to pick at the remaining comb.

Gingerly, the male took a piece in his mouth, lifting his head to press the comb against the woman's cracked skin as if he was pressing a dabbing a sponge against her. Veho was as gentle as he could possibly be, and the sticky syrup was soon pressed to the woman's skin and fur. It would be a bit of a pain to clean off again, he supposed, but it would stop the itching and allow the skin to start to heal. Setting his piece down, he licked his lips, enjoying the golden delight for a moment before bobbing his head.

"Of course it is possible – you may come to our borders and speak with Gaheris. He is wise, and kind-hearted. If he doesn't have direct knowledge, I am certain he will know in which direction to point you. Perhaps he will even allow you to stay nearby until you heal, so I might make sure you heal up properly," Merlin added with a smile, his tail swaying behind him. "Come, I will show you the way."

Gathering up his small bundle of flowers, the male picked up a piece of honeycomb and paused, waiting for Oula to do the same before they started off. It was a hard won prize, and it would be a shame to abandon it – more than likely, she'd need honey applied to her skin at least a second time. Once the loner was ready, the male set off at a steady trot, leading his new acquaintance to the border of Grizzly Hollow.


One more post from Oula and we can archive? And then we can start a new thread with Veho/Rook/Oula? :3
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oula Whitebark

Oula curiously watched as the medic lift a piece of the comb from the smashed hive, lifting it to her leg delicately smearing the golden sap onto her scabby thigh. She stood still, careful not to jump at the strange sensation. The relief was quick, her cracked and dry skin soothed by the moisture given from the makeshift salve. The itching even seemed to die down a little bit, so she was hopeful that her little rash would finally clear up with treatment. As embarrassing as the prognosis was, having a way to get rid of it made her feel much better about it. As Merlin finally pulled away, Oula curled around to inspect his work. She gave it a few tentative sniffs for good measure before looking back as Merlin began to speak.

The Whitebark woman nodded at his words, her tail beginning an optimistic swish. She had been lucky enough to run into a medic, perhaps the streak would continue at her meeting with Gaheris. She would be grateful for any information she could get, whether or not the leader of Grizzly Hollow knew who she was looking for. Just being able to get her bearings in this new territory would be a boon.

Following Merlin's lead, Oula lifted a sizable chunk of the honeycomb into her maw. She paused at it's unexpected sweetness, having never tasted anything like it before and unsure of whether she liked it or not. As Merlin started off Oula quickly followed, her stout limbs carrying her at an even pace behind the male.

[Image: oula_by_becuffin-dbafpqr.png]