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do you still believe in one another — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
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Veho Macieo


He should have guessed, and awarded the clever girl a small smile for such an in depth question. It was clear she was listening to whatever he had to say, and in this, Veho found great joy. The ability to share knowledge of the Ancestors was a blessing. That was not to say everyone would carry it forward, nor should they feel obligated, but his role as a medicine man left him wishing to spread the good word.

“Walk with me,” he hummed, knowing well it was high time the girl should be returning to where she’d come from. She was small enough still that she’d certainly have parents to worry over her. Tail hung behind him and the wolf raked his mind, coming up with an appropriate answer as they moved slowly through the marsh, picking around the swampiest pieces of land.

“Everything has a spirit,” he confirmed, “but as wolves are meant to eat, rabbits are meant to be eaten. It is simply what is. Spirits are rarely vengeful things, ‘lest you rob them of life for no reason. So were you to kill a deer and let it rot? Perhaps the spirit would feel slighted, that its sacrifice was given in vain – the Ancestors would not be pleased with you, either. But if you live respectfully of living things, you will be respected in return,” Veho explained, hoping this was appropriate for the younger wolf. As they continued their journey, he was more than happy to answer any additional questions, forgetting whatever troubles had driven him to visit the marsh in the first place.


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