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a moment of silence — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Ace who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nico Barreda

It took a moment or two of silence, but Greer seemed to find a path he approved of easily enough. The older wolf slunk forward (as if he were the yearling and the shadow was the wiser, more experienced elder), standing at the the stream’s bank for several moments in a terrified silence. He’d already been willing to divulgate his long-standing fear of the water, and though he’d left the reasons private, he appreciated that the stranger took care not to actually force him into the stream. Swallowing hard, he gave a nod, lifting his gaze from his reflection to the other bank. He could do this. He had to do this.

“Thank you,” Nico whispered, barely able to find his tongue. It was amazing the tremor had temporarily vanished, but he stepped onto the first stone. There was one stone, another, and they weren’t too slippery. They weren’t too round. He took his time, and Greer didn’t rush him – perhaps it took the loner three times longer than your average wolf to cross the small creek, but the got to the other side, flinging his body towards land over the last gap with a small noise. As he landed, he could have collapsed in relief.

Instead, he turned, and dipped his head. “Thank you,” he whispered again. “I can look for Rico, now. I owe you one.” And he’d hold himself to that, should the shadow ever cross his path again – but for now, it would behoove him to find the wolf he held most dear.


Not sure if I want to keep him after this AC, so I thought we'd wrap this up so you can still get your points? <3
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
Thank you! <3 @Nico

He waited patiently for Red to move forward—the shadow prince was in no hurry to venture somewhere else, and wanted to ensure that the loner got across safely. Aside from aiding Red across the creek, Greer’s schedule was looking clear for the rest of the day; he did not mind lingering a few minutes longer. For whatever reason, the russet-coloured loner trusted him despite this being their first encounter. Greer, who despite being selectively mute and withdrawn, did not want to be seen as untrustworthy. He was simply trying to be helpful; there was no reason for him to act any other way.

As promised, the smudge moved alongside Red as he maneuvered across the stepping stones. His thin legs moving slowly through the water as he kept his silver gaze firmly locked on the older male. As the loner moved slowly across the creek, Greer made a mental note of this location in the back of his thoughts for future reference. This ‘nature bridge’ may be useful in the future if the creek became flooded or the current was too strong to simply walk across. A wide smile stretched across his lips as the loner flung himself at the shore. Relief consumed the thin shadow as he jumped from the water, his mercury pools fixated on his company. Red thanked him once more before announcing his departure; Greer nodded softly in response, his expression soft as he watched the loner turn away. “Good luck!” He called out to Red as he turned away, his voice almost sounding normal with the few words that rolled off his tongue.

Heading in the opposite direction it was that moment that Greer realized the wolf he called ‘Red’ had never formally introduced himself. It was too late now, and it did not matter. If they ever crossed passed in the future, Greer knew he would be able to recognize his face and unique fur colouration. The shadow was just glad he had been able to help ‘Red’, even it put a time delay on his adventures.


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