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it's the great pumpkin, charlie brown — Hidden Berry Hideout 
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Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
Squishy? Yes. Sweet? Yeah sort of. Sweeter than a lot of the things she had had the misfortune to ingest. Sahalie bobbed her head enthusiastically along with Kyna's proferred anaylsis of the blob. But when the question was posed, the dark girl's head suddenly stopped bouncing and tipped left as she considered the blob's characteristics and compared them to what she knew about berries. Berries were not quite like this, she thought, they had more of a punch to them. And they were much sour than this. However, she continued to entertain the possibility out of her regard for Kyna. Perhaps the mountain cub had different berries up there. Not all berries tasted the same, Sahalie knew that much. Perhaps the variety was quite wide. 

In the end, her deference to Kyna's much more developed reasoning skills won out, and she began to nod once more. "Yeah," she breathed slowly, her smile widening, "A giant berry!"

As if this was the missing link in their quest, Sahalie eagerly began to produce names for the location they had discovered. Her words were quick and quiet, resembling more of an internal monologue than an attempt to engage with Kyna. "Berry Fields? That's kinda bleh... Blobby Berries? Idunno. Maybe it doesn't even need berry in it at all. Meadow? Ground... Play ground...." Suddenly she turned to Kyna as if she had been addressing her all along. "What do you think?"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

It seemed this was how their friendship was destined to play out – Sahalie would think of something, think quite loudly, and once she came to a roadblock, she would turn to the little goldilocks she’d stumbled upon in their shared berry patch. The thought drew a small smile to her lips, tail swinging slowly behind her haunches. Overall, it wasn’t a dynamic she minded – as long as the swarthy female didn’t demand the same energy and boisterousness of her, she was happy to accompany her on the journey of thought.

Once the question was turned over to the quieter wolf, she paused, rolling the request over in her mind. Naming a place was a very serious responsibility, she thought, and Kyna would do her best to represent the discovery as best she could. “Berry Fields isn’t bad…” she hazarded, referring to her friend’s first suggesting. But perhaps they could do better.

“What about…Play Patch? Or…Middleground? Hidden Hideout – oh.” The corners of her mouth lifted upwards. That last one, that one sounded alright! Her ears pricked forward as she sought out Sahalie’s gaze, wishing to know if her friend found any of her suggestions appealing. “Do you…do you like that one? Or should we keep…trying?”

Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
@Kyna /awkwardly tries to find a way to end this. maybe we can have a more up to date one with kyna after phineas' death??? :3

"Hidden Hideout! Hidden Hideout!" she barked excitedly, her front paws lifting off the ground several centimeters in her best version of restrained jumping. She didn't want to spook her friend any more than she already had. "I really like that one Kyna!" All paws back on the ground now, though, and she began to get a better grip on her emotions. It was more than half the time that her excitement of being involved ran away with her opinions and thoughts, and she was beginning to feel like maybe something was still missing. 

Quietly, so as not to feel like she was back tracking so much on her previous endorsement of Kyna's suggestion, she added, "What about Hidden Berry Hideout? That way it can still have the berry in it? I think if there's no berry in it it's not so special to here...ya know? Any place could be a hidden hideout. But ours is here...." She felt like she was talking in the same circles that her tail beat into the air.

An idea struck her square in the chest. Sahalie yelped. "Next time we should each bring a friend back here! We can start a pack of just us. Us kids!" Her front paws began to bounce again. "And it can be a secret! What do you say? Huh? Huh?"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer
You can either exit or archive?? And then new thread! :D

“Okay,” Kyna murmured quietly, heartened by her friend’s enthusiasm. “Hidden Hideout. Hidden Berry Hideout,” the girl agreed, bobbing her head as she commit the name into memory. More ideas bubbled right out of Sahalie, and she couldn’t help the way her smile grew – this was a place she could take Wren or Maeve; all her friends could be friends, too! It was a very pleasant thought and she nodded her head again, tail waving behind her (though not nearly as enthused as the darker pup, that was a near impossibility for the Silent Moon child).

The thought of her friends and her home brought a hum to her throat, the girl tipping her head skywards as she noted the sun’s position. “Oh--” The blond gave a small frown, brows furrowing as her tail fell.

“I should…probably get going,” she explained, mouth twitching in a small frown. “Long way home. But. But! I’ll come back. And I will bring a friend,” Kyna added, not wishing to disappoint her new friend at all. It was a hideout for other pups, just like then, and she wasn’t going to let the other girl down. “And it will be our secrets from the grown ups. Promise.”

With that, she turned about, angling herself back towards the mountains and the slopes. “Bye, Sahalie!”

See you soon.
