Kjors wished he could ignore the Crest’s lord altogether, having no words for him and less care, but the news he brought with him was grave. Minka was dead. While he’d never met the Queen who’d formed an alliance with the regency of Hearthwood River, it did not bode well for their intentions here. Ears swept backwards, flat against his head as his mind raced, scrambling to keep up with the events her. Minka was dead. A cold, the man had said, but how strange that seemed. Perhaps she had been killed? Poisoned? His own mother had been able to fool even him for a while, believing himself to be terribly ill while she tried to murder him slowly, and while @Avari was particularly talented in those arts, he wasn’t foolish enough to believe she was the only wolf with such talents.
Keeping such thoughts to himself, he only shifted his gaze to the young prince, and remaining heir left to the Lagina lineage. Y’aren’t safe here, his gaze said where his words could not, and he remained silent until his Queen spoke again. It was almost as if the dragon was waiting permission, but the woman very much had a chain tied to the dragon’s neck -- shackles he’d put there himself, he thought wryly, rumbling softly as he was nudged.
“Ah’m sorry ‘bou’ yer mum, lad. M’father died when Ah was…young. Yer strong, holdin’ up their legacy.”
And perhaps that was a bit flowery for the swarthy man, tasting sickly sweet on his tongue, but someone had to tell Kova as much, before the growing boy was swept entirely into darkness. He did not seem to associate much with Gent, or at least did not lean into his support, and if Kjors could foster a more pleasant relationship with an up-and-coming lord – why wouldn’t he?
“Ah’d come ‘cross yer Da when I reached th’ forest. Up in these northern parts. He was trackin’, Ah was hungry – we exchanged words ‘for another alpha wolf showed up. Big ol’ thing, angry as fire. Kinna reddish-brown. An’ th’ greenest damn eyes y’ever saw. Ah moved on, when they started tradin’ barbs. Wasn’t in th’ position t’ be caught between fightin’ wolves, not after bein’ alone so long. Not--”
Not when Ah was waitin’ on her.
“Eh. Wasn’ in th’ position t’ be swept up into a fight Ah’d no stake in.”