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break down, now weep — Stonewatch Timbers 
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Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Naia exhaled a low rumble of condolence as Gent delivered the news of Minka’s death, her ears flattening in dismay. The Timber lady’s golden eyes landed on the child that the Laginas had left behind, brimming with sorrow for the boy’s situation. She was reminded of Karpos in that moment, her nephew adopted after he too lost both parents so young. The boy – a man now really— now wore a least a half dozen scars and an austere expression that Naia could only assume was permanent as well.   It was now up to Gent to steer this young man in the right direction, and Naia had to wonder if allowing a child in mourning to make such a decision now was the best course of action.

 Naia’s gaze flicked to Gent himself, and it dawned on the scout that with Minka passed, Hearthwood River no longer had any connection to Round Stone Crest apart from their formal alliance. If not now, then very soon Kisla would have to make the decision to maintain the alliance or let it crumble. Kisla had already heard her Second’s opinion on the matter, and Naia noticed that there seemed to be no lost love between the two leaders. If Kova chose to pursue his father’s murderer, wouldn’t Hearthwood River be asked to assist? Naia inhaled slowly, knowing that to agree to help their allies would surely lead to more blood and sorrow, but that denying the Crest this assistance would likely be the final straw that would break this alliance wide open. 
(This post was last modified: Nov 09, 2015, 04:03 PM by Naia.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Gent remained childishly silent upon his standing, and the honeyed Baranski looked forward to the moment they would step away from these lands and be done with the viper. With the swarthy male’s refusal to even acknowledge his visitors, spare Naia, the she-wolf allowed her sole focus to settle upon the young Lagina, studying him with quiet contemplation. What was the purpose of him meeting them at the borders and not his mother?

Of course, her question drew about the truth, and when Gent so coldly answered them with such a succinct reply about the matriarch’s passing, Kisla could not help but stare at him with partial incredulous. Her jaws opened, and then clicked shut once more, her eyes darting quickly to the silver boy as she practically winced. His presence made perfect sense now – and her disgust with Gent only continued to be fueled. Only later would she contemplate how convenient it was that the poisonous man stood as overruling regal to the Crest wolves now with both Tokino and Minka dead – had Kjors description of Tokino’s murderer been a dark wolf rather than a tawny male.. she would have not been surprised.

“I am so sorry for your loss, Kova,” she murmured to him, blinking as she gave her muzzle a quick shake. “Your mother was very much respected in Hearthwood River.” With Minka gone, the tie the River wolves held to the Crest had completely unraveled, and she bowed her muzzle in respect to the fallen queen. Her eyes would drift to Kjors, her muzzle giving him a gentle nudge to his shoulder as a reminder to tell the boy everything he knew. He could do with the information as he wished. Solemnly, her gaze would then drift to Naia, knowing exactly what the other female was thinking of the situation.

sparking up my heart

Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson

Kjors wished he could ignore the Crest’s lord altogether, having no words for him and less care, but the news he brought with him was grave. Minka was dead. While he’d never met the Queen who’d formed an alliance with the regency of Hearthwood River, it did not bode well for their intentions here. Ears swept backwards, flat against his head as his mind raced, scrambling to keep up with the events her. Minka was dead. A cold, the man had said, but how strange that seemed. Perhaps she had been killed? Poisoned? His own mother had been able to fool even him for a while, believing himself to be terribly ill while she tried to murder him slowly, and while @Avari was particularly talented in those arts, he wasn’t foolish enough to believe she was the only wolf with such talents.

Keeping such thoughts to himself, he only shifted his gaze to the young prince, and remaining heir left to the Lagina lineage. Y’aren’t safe here, his gaze said where his words could not, and he remained silent until his Queen spoke again. It was almost as if the dragon was waiting permission, but the woman very much had a chain tied to the dragon’s neck -- shackles he’d put there himself, he thought wryly, rumbling softly as he was nudged.

“Ah’m sorry ‘bou’ yer mum, lad. M’father died when Ah was…young. Yer strong, holdin’ up their legacy.”

And perhaps that was a bit flowery for the swarthy man, tasting sickly sweet on his tongue, but someone had to tell Kova as much, before the growing boy was swept entirely into darkness. He did not seem to associate much with Gent, or at least did not lean into his support, and if Kjors could foster a more pleasant relationship with an up-and-coming lord – why wouldn’t he?

“Ah’d come ‘cross yer Da when I reached th’ forest. Up in these northern parts. He was trackin’, Ah was hungry – we exchanged words ‘for another alpha wolf showed up. Big ol’ thing, angry as fire. Kinna reddish-brown. An’ th’ greenest damn eyes y’ever saw. Ah moved on, when they started tradin’ barbs. Wasn’t in th’ position t’ be caught between fightin’ wolves, not after bein’ alone so long. Not--”

Not when Ah was waitin’ on her.

“Eh. Wasn’ in th’ position t’ be swept up into a fight Ah’d no stake in.”

[Image: honeybadgerace.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris
PP of Kova approved by TABs.

There was that look again upon the River queen's face, and Gent found that he had to consciously keep his muzzle from wrinkling with distaste. This was the reaction she should have given to the news of Tokino's death, and it was confirmed within his brain that she'd had some inkling as to the information her dragon had been hoarding. When she extended her sympathies to Kova, he found himself disbelieving of the sentiment she claimed to hold for Minka. If she had been so respected, they would not be here so many months late, on such shaky ground with this Kjors allowed to simply walk away from the insults he had doled to them via his initial actions.

When Kjors too spoke up, suddenly an empathetic creature, the same skepticism held the king's heart, yet this internal disgust did not manage to mar the mask he upheld upon his features. He regarded the serpent cooly as he imparted what he knew, and it did not take too lengthy a trail of thoughts to connect who this killer most likely was. His gut twisted as he considered what this might mean for his blossoming relationship with @Nina and Secret Woodlands as a whole, and his gaze flickered momentarily to @Kova's face, curious to know if he too had made the connection and what he would ultimately want to do now that he had access to the identity of his father's killer. They were certainly in for a lengthy conversation, and he hoped to have it before the boy took his temporary leave to relocate Kino.

"We'll talk about this shortly," he murmured to the boy, his gaze considerably softer each time it landed upon his grayscale features. "Go back to the summit, please. I'll meet you there." For now that this portion was out of the way, Gent had other business he wanted to handle at this moment, for which it would be best if Kova wasn't present given the possibility that things might swiftly turn sour. Despite the possibility, Gent knew what next must be done, as when it came down to it, the River wolves could not be trusted, and thus an alliance was far too intimate of a relationship to be anything more than a burden and liability for both packs.

Once the boy was gone and out of range, Gent's gaze fell upon @Kisla alone. At last, it was time to bury the unrest, and hopefully the foreign monarch would agree that such was for the best and be willing to leave their land without harboring negative feelings for the Crest. He wasn't sure such was possible, but he would aim for it all the same.

"Kisla. I think you can agree that with Minka... gone, our packs no longer hold common ground, much less enough connection to maintain an alliance. I thank you for keeping your word and allowing Kova this information, but I'd like to dissolve this relationship here and now and return our packs to neutral ground. Is this possible?" He was aware that there could still be facets of the alliance that were unknown to him, perhaps promises made by Minka that had yet to be fulfilled. If such was the case, he was offering Kisla a chance now to speak up so that he could tie up such loose ends. If she chose to harbor anything to herself, he was content to say that it would be her own fault and move on from it regardless.

(This post was last modified: Dec 03, 2015, 04:56 AM by Gent. Edit Reason: to reflect new knowledge brought on by events in the pack meeting. )
Played by TABs who has 229 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kova Lagina

The silver lad took in every word from the two River wolves with a deep breath and a calm expression. Perhaps he was being too trusting, but that was all Kova had grown up with. He was naive and young with a dash of recklessness, but even with all those faults the young wolf had managed to stay on the good side of most of his associates. He had long since noted how Gent was acting, knowing the male better than both Kisla and Kjors. Gent was not relaxed as he normally would be around family, or even around a submissive loner. Kova could see that Gent was not happy with somebody there, but he couldn't tell which of the two wolves before them that the dark king did not like or trust. The silver wolf wondered if he could hide his emotions as well as the Lieris man. Or am I as easy to read as a deer? He thought before glancing to Gent. The black wolf wanted him to leave, but Kova was unsure.

Hesitation shown in the silver wolf's eyes as he paused before the three other wolves. A wave of his tail in farewell to the other wolves was given first. Then his ears flicked back in minor annoyance at having to obey Gent's command and leave. You would think he would want me to learn how to do pack related business things hmm... but instead shoo away the yearling you stupid --- Those name calling filled thoughts continued as Kova abruptly turned and left angry with being unable to stay and listen. He wanted to know what was going on with the pack's affairs as well. How was he to become a teacher if he did not know every facet of pack life?

The silver wolf disappeared into the woods aiming himself at the borders. Kova was debating on heading out for a while to fish by himself or to wander away from the territory. Either way as long as he was away from Gent Kova would be happy.


Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
This being the first time she heard the details, Naia listened carefully as Kjors described the Lagina King’s murderer. A russet coated, green-eyed man was certainly a distinct description, and Naia knew immediately that it was not a wolf she had ever met before. The scout was unable to discern from Kisla’s closed expression whether she knew more about the murderer’s identity than she was letting on… Naia wondered if Maksim had heard the description yet. He was the one who had lived longest on the west side of the pass—it was he who was most likely to recognize the copper-coated perpetrator.

Naia blinked in surprise as Kjors faltered. He seemed to be making an attempt at some sort of.. apology. Well, it wasn’t quite so much an apology as an explanation, but it was closer to atonement than Naia had ever expected Kjors to venture. He had failed to step in when he saw two wolves arguing, and now one of them was dead. Was it possible that this self-proclaimed dragon felt guilty? Did he feel bad that Tokino’s child was now orphaned, and he’d had the opportunity to prevent it?

Gent dismissed Kova then, and which was curious to say the least. So Kova was old enough to make a decision concerning his father’s assassin—a decision where he was emotionally compromised to say the least-- but he was too young to have a say in the rest of the pack’s business? Gent wasted no time after Kova departed, diving straight into the heart of the matter between the packs. Naia appreciated Gent’s directness though; it would have been painful to try to tiptoe around the issue. Now that he had his information, Gent no longer had a use for Hearthwood River. That was fine by Naia. She was weary of being swept up in the Crest’s drama, and she had already told Kisla such. The scout remained silent, waiting for her leader's response, tail flicking back and forth as it often did when she was on edge.

[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

She was silent as Kjors delivered the news – the description once more caused her jaw to clench, though she tried to sweep it aside. The description fit him perfectly – and yet still impossible to know unless Kjors laid eyes upon him again.. and she was not certain she wanted any of her subordinates near him unless it was to finally bring war upon the Whisper Cavern wolves. She was not surprised to see the swarthy male almost form an apology, even indirect – this was not the first time she had seen this side of him.

With the news delivered, Gent was quick to cut the boy from any questions he might have had by telling him to leave. Kisla’s brows lifted in surprise – and frustration. Was this not what he had come to badger her about at her borders? The veiled threat that they required this information?

Her gaze watched Kova go, offering the youth a nod before she turned her attention to Gent, who was already staring at her. He was quick to dissolve their alliance – and while the honeyed woman would have taken a step toward annoyance that he had beaten her to it, all she felt was relief. It had become more than obvious that Round Stone Crest was a one-sided alliance – they had always leaned upon Hearthwood River, but never offered anything in turn.

“Perhaps this is the only thing you and I will ever agree upon,” she offered, her tone firm, but agreeable. Neutral was questionable – if Round Stone Crest thought they could now hedge along their borders and close to grounds they frequently hunted, they would be corrected. But for now, she let it be. “Consider this alliance dissolved,” she confirmed, turning her slender form now to nudge Kjors and Naia in to departure. There was no point in lingering and she was anxious to return home to her injured mate and children. Pausing only for a second, she gave a small nod to Gent. “If you want to help that boy look for his father’s killer.. you might want to start with Ash Hervock. It’s hard to say with just a description.. but it would not be past the bastards moral compass to kill a child’s father.”

And given Whisper Caverns had chased Minka and her mate to the refuge of Cut Rock River, the man had a vendetta to settle, it seemed.

With that, she slipped past her companions, making her way back toward her home. Glancing to Naia, she gave the scout a small smile, not bothering to lower her voice so it did not reach the Crest leader’s ears. “The previous Scout from the Crest we sent away? You should inform her she is no longer banished from our borders.”

Because Kisla Baranski was finished having her pack become the collateral damage of Round Stone Crest.

sparking up my heart

Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson

Gent Lieris, truly a king of stone.

Even Kjors could not mask the brief flash of confusion in his eyes as he watched the man send the Lagina heir away after receiving the information, discarding him in an opportunity to learn. While he doubted had the same parental instinct Tokino had (he’d died looking for his lost child, after all), he’d never thought of the swarthy male as anything less than incredibly intelligent. That was what made the large shadow lord dangerous, after all, he was no fool. And thus Kjors had to doubt this was accidental oversight, but planned.

A plan for what? He didn’t know.

Was it a trap for the River wolves? Or did he plan to retain the crown after Kova was of age to take regency from the man?

A thousand thoughts swirled around the swarthy wolf’s skull as the tip of his tail twitched – he might have had more to say, but Kisla swiftly dismissed the meeting. Good, he thought, venom in his single eye as he turned about, remaining at the Queen’s flank while the pair of subordinates escorted their lady home. He might not particularly care for @Naia or her methods, but Kjors was well aware he could count on the scout to help him assist their alpha should any further trouble come to pass.


[Image: honeybadgerace.png]
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Kisla gave the response that Naia had hoped for as well as expected, with one little addition.. she tossed out the name Ash Hervok, neither confirming nor denying that she personally believed him to be Tokino’s assassin. Among the River wolves, Ash Hervok was demonized like a monster in a child’s bedtime story, as it was rumored that he left a defenseless pup to drown when he abandoned his pack to flee with his illicit lover. Perhaps Kisla mentioned him now as a distraction, so that Round Stone Crest might once more wrap themselves up in strife with Whisper Caverns and leave Hearthwood River alone. It was a play Naia admired, and she wondered if Kisla might have become a scout herself had she not desired to lead beside Maksim.

Kisla turned and left without another word, though Naia remained facing the Crest leader for just a moment longer. She nodded a silent, yet respectful farewell to the man; despite their rocky beginning and Kisla’s dislike of the man, Naia and Gent had a sort of understanding that deserved at least a courteous goodbye.  The scout then hurried to catch up with her Queen, heart fluttering as she spoke of Inali. Naia had hardly dared to get her hopes up that she and Inali would ever be free to associate, and as Kisla lifted the ex-Down scout’s ban everything seemed to brighten around Naia. Her paws felt lighter and her spirit soared. This was the news that would get Naia through the long journey home, and in the hours to come the Timber woman would hardly feel the sting in her paws or the wind’s icy touch as she imagined her and Inali’s sweet reunion.  
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 711 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gent Lieris

It was a great relief to Gent that his worries were given absolutely no life. With far more grace than he had expected of her, Kisla voiced her agreement, simply and directly. As far as he was concerned, then, the matter was aeonianly at rest, and neither pack would ever have to worry about the other again. It was easy achievement to anticipate, given the extreme distance between them and the lack of shared ties, and he no longer felt an ounce of concern in regards to those who were leaving his borders for the final time.

He stood stoically as he watched them go, wishing to see them disappear from vision before turning his back. Thus his ears were standing ready to capture Kisla's unexpected addition, pointing him toward the man he had already begun to suspect. That she considered him the prime suspect as well only help to confirm the connections he'd placed within his mind. Unfortunate, given Ash's ties to the Woodlands, but that was a tangled mess that he would take his careful time unraveling.

"Thank you," he replied, and when his pale gaze caught Naia's acknowledgement, he returned the gesture with mutual introspect. When at last the trio was gone, Gent turned to begin the trek back up the mountainside and rejoin with Kova.