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stillness — Silent Moon Plateau 
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Played by Ace who has 56 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Gilligan Aquila

Celadine was the only answer he was going to get – not only was the other yearling horribly dismissive, but his father had appeared from wherever he had been.  His distaste for all things female was obvious, and at this particular moment, he was not inclined to argue.  The ginger wolf gave a sniff as if it’d been his idea to move in the first place, and he left the female’s side without even offering his name.  Taking his place by Datura’s flank, he settled into relative silence as he waited for the meeting to go into full swing – he barely had any contact with any other members of the pack, why should he start now?

The news was quite startling, and nothing the yearling was expecting.  A change in leadership?  Without death or disappearance?  Hadn’t the upheaval in the female ranks been enough lately?

Gil inhaled sharply, casting a sideways look at his father.  Did packs usually work this way?  He certainly hadn’t been lead to believe so, and if the golden giant’s body language was anything to go by, the older male didn’t believe so, either.  Ears rolled back by fraction and he leaned forward to nudge at Datura’s side, clearly agitated by the turmoil.

Perhaps Silent Moon Plateau wasn’t really where they belonged at all.

Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer


It was like the world simply stopped existing for several breaths, gaze focused on only her father as she stared up at his face. Packmates were forgotten, friends and inconnu both. Her mind spun rapidly, leaving her dizzy and short of breath as she tried not to panic. It was a failed attempt as the world spun faster and faster around her, spiraling out of control until that nose was pressed to her crown in a familiar touch. All at once, she could breath again, pulling in a gasp of air as she bobbed her head.

He wasn’t leaving. He wasn’t like Aponi.

And perhaps, for the first time, it occurred to the blond that @Phineas might actually be a better parent than her mother had been, and those poisonous words had simply been spat out of unhappiness.

That was a thought for later, and she leaned into his leg with a soft noise. “Thank you,” she whispered, voice no more than a ghost as she gazed down, truly shaken by the announcement. As Phineas opened the floor for any other comments, she simply waited, offering only Wren and Maeve a glance before studying the ground once more. There were so many changes, in so little time.

Played by Maeby who has 110 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maeve Destine Caravello
@Wren I'm so sorry! Celandine has been training Maeve to, well, basically be really mean! :(

Maeve couldn't help but wince at her brothers words. 'Alright..? Who?' The word was foreign to her now, as she'd already learned quite well that there was no such thing as a 'happy ending'. Perhaps there was a possibility that he'd be alright, though that'd only prove him ignorant. "I guess.." maintaining a sweet voice as she spoke, the fae only rolled her eyes when she knew Wren wouldn't see. Celandine taught her that trick. Perhaps it would have been in her best interest to chase after the princess. Surely it would have made avoiding instances like these a lot easier.

The orphan stood up, no longer finding amusement in everyone else's displeasure. Now she'd play nice with the princess some more, being the least she could do for her at this point. "Wren.." The fae spoke, only barely making eye contact with him as she changed the direction of her small frame. "Go find Kyna, she prob'ly needs you right now." the statement was a little hard to choke out, though the grotesque amount of time the pair spent with each other only meant two less wolves in her way. 'Two less wolves pretendin' to care.'

Bowing before her alpha before completely leaving the premises, Maeve placed a small smile upon her lips. "You've been doin' good keepin' us safe, thank you for that."

Maeve exit.

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[Image: RNGTjgp.gif]
Played by Namara who has 50 posts.
Inactive No Rank

He had been focused on his sister, noting her cold words that took him aback as he gawked slightly at her, confusion and concern plastering his eyes. She was his sister, and she would always hold a special place in his heart, but her behavior… had he done something wrong? He hadn’t the faintest idea as to what it could be, though he supposed that it could have been his sister’s own way of mourning – to push people away and chase them out of her life, albeit he didn’t see it as a good thing and he certainly felt a conversation rising in the future.

Then there was the comment about Kyna. Kyna was his friend, yes, and while he was sure he could always talk to her, his sister was more important at the moment. “Maeve, I need you right now.” He whispered in an almost desperate plea as Maeve thanked Phineas before turning to leave; she certainly left a very confused brother in her wake as he gave a brief dip of his head to the remaining adults present and turned to leave himself, a silent thank you in his eyes behind the confusion. Perhaps he should seek out Kyna, because if his sister wouldn’t talk to him… he needed someone who would.

-Wren Exit-

[Image: h2SdTgd.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

After comforting the distressed child, his brother's eyes turned to him, and Erebos met his gaze as a dog awaiting its master's commands. It was clear he was not ready for what had just been bestowed upon him, that he certainly was not in the mind to think himself above Phineas. His entire life, that had never been the case, even when the tides had shifted and he had grown to hate and resent his brother, he had always still been the dominant one and never had Erebos thought to challenge that personally. The mention of their neighbors triggered mild memories of passing information he had gained on them and situations surrounding the distrust, but that wasn't so prominent as to remain within his thoughts any longer than Phineas' words lasted upon the air. Instead he focused on what Phineas was more or less trusting him to do.

He swallowed the bitter taste within his mouth and felt his posture correcting itself without his command, shoulders rolling back as his chin lifted. Just another duty, nothing much has changed. Phineas wasn't leaving, and surely he would make himself available to consul, correct? Erebos merely had more legwork to do. That was how he needed to think of it, to be able to bear it. He couldn't allow the pressure to defeat him as it had so many times before in his life.

Erebos nodded once more allowing his gaze to sweep over those remaining. He would need to touch base with each of them. He could no longer avoid the subordinates and children of this pack, but first he needed to allow the transition to be absorbed. All in due time, he thought. For now, there was nothing more the man had to add.

Played by Rachel who has 38 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Takis Argyris
Exit Takis.

None seemed to wish to speak up. Takis shifted his weight, his bright eyes glancing over his father with a quiet uncertainty before switching to his uncle. He did not know the man well -- something that would need to be remedied, but the shift in the hierarchy left an uncomfortable feeling to twinge at the youth's stomach. Erebos' position shifted just in the slightest -- his muzzle lifting a notch higher as the realization and acceptance of his role seemed to finally fall upon him.

Takis pushed himself up to his paws, offering a nod to the newly acclaimed silver King before his eyes locked with his father's for a stolen moment. Phineas was offered a nod as well before the ivory yearling took the silence to mean the meeting was adjourned. Drifting away from the gathering, Takis swept past the pups that had just left, his paws carrying him in the direction of Celandine, hoping to catch her.

Like a wraith, the girl was nowhere to be found, and the Argyris boy blew a frustrated sigh from his jaws. She had become the master of avoidance -- even more so than he, it seemed, and he had left the lands for a bit. Admitting defeat, the boy gave a swift shake of his head, his paws carrying his large form to the borders as he would take a round of marking to pass the rest of the day.

(This post was last modified: Dec 02, 2015, 01:58 AM by Datura.)
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
Exit Phin. Going to leave this up for a few more days for anyone to put in their own exit posts f they want, then I'll archive.

His nose grazed across Kyna's head at her silent gratitude, ignoring for the moment how achingly sad it was that she was thanking her father for not abandoning her. his eyes glanced over the others, waiting for any indication that they had more to speak of, or would share any comments. There was nothing.

Determining the silence as a draw to the end of the meeting, the large wolf stood then, shaking his pelt. It was then his gaze would catch his brother, who's own form began to lift with the acknowledgement of his title. With this, Phineas' own head remained lower than before, though an air of pride still reverberated from the regal. Maeve approached him then, offering words of kindness, and he offered the girl a small smile, though only would give a nod in return -- he was not quite sure what to make of it, but he was most certain Aesire would have been sneering in her grave if she knew.

With a nudge to Kyna's cheek, Phineas swept forward, closing the distance between his brother and himself. Nudging Erebos beneath his chin, the ivory wolf released a gentle sigh.. something that could almost be discerned as relief. "You will be fine." With that, the man swept off, his muzzle canting back to see if Kyna was going to follow him or if she would take after her two friends instead.

Played by Sarah who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Datura Aquila
The comment about their northern neighbors did not come as much of a suprise to the golden man, having experienced the tense encounter with the rabid mother. Oak Tree Bend, though, was a name he had not heard. He had to wonder what they had done to rouse the dislike of Phineas, though judging by the former leader's behavior towards himself it seemed as though this was not something that was hard to do. What else had these wolves done, though? Where did they live? Datura considered the possibility of asking, but really did not want to prolong the meeting any more than was necessary. He could ask the others, though really Erebos and the woman were the only other adults. 

His thoughts were disturbed my a nudge from Gilligan, and he craned his neck in order to see the boy's uncomfortable body posture. They would definitely need to talk. And since Phineas had already started to walk away, Datura had no problem getting up and taking his leave as well. "Come on, boy," he grumbled to his son.
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

Takis' nod was returned, though the realization that the very gesture was perhaps the first exchanged between the two made the Argyris brother feel awkward all over again. He'd thought he'd been on the right track, but now he felt as though he had been very much so barking up the wrong tree. His ember gaze followed the boy as he took off, and he only caught Phineas' proximity last minute out of his peripheral vision before feeling the touch of his brother and hearing his subtle breath. The words he spoke were reassuring, and to be handed such a sentiment by his now predecessor helped to bolster the man some. To be given the crown at all by his brother should have done as much, but it was this parting utterance that helped Erebos to breathe a little bit easier. If Phineas said it, then perhaps he truly would be fine.

As the others began to splinter away, Erebos too rose to his paws and turned from the circle of ground which they had overtaken. His mind was buzzing and he immediately gravitated toward the pack's borders, eager to return to his work and busy himself with productivity. Except now it wasn't a chosen task, but a responsibility that rested ultimately upon his shoulders with heavy weight.