Celadine was the only answer he was going to get – not only was the other yearling horribly dismissive, but his father had appeared from wherever he had been. His distaste for all things female was obvious, and at this particular moment, he was not inclined to argue. The ginger wolf gave a sniff as if it’d been his idea to move in the first place, and he left the female’s side without even offering his name. Taking his place by Datura’s flank, he settled into relative silence as he waited for the meeting to go into full swing – he barely had any contact with any other members of the pack, why should he start now?
The news was quite startling, and nothing the yearling was expecting. A change in leadership? Without death or disappearance? Hadn’t the upheaval in the female ranks been enough lately?
Gil inhaled sharply, casting a sideways look at his father. Did packs usually work this way? He certainly hadn’t been lead to believe so, and if the golden giant’s body language was anything to go by, the older male didn’t believe so, either. Ears rolled back by fraction and he leaned forward to nudge at Datura’s side, clearly agitated by the turmoil.
Perhaps Silent Moon Plateau wasn’t really where they belonged at all.
