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(M) hold on to this lullaby — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
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Renier Lyall
Here I lie with my regrets

When a voice rose above, loud, and distinct of an elderly sibling it felt like a cold song. Ren had wanted to do this under his own terms, but so easily they were cast aside like many a thing had been before. Bracing himself for what that sound could mean, he kept close to his brother's side. But, despite how he found comfort of his age-mate he couldn't help but feel Ryvet's own anxiety threatening to tear into him.

Despite, feeling like they were in this damn hurried panic, he wasn't about to lose his head. Ears cupped forward, he took his best guess where least to begin.  It was not at home, it was further than that. A forceful nudge to Ryvet he began to speed up, giving his brother something to focus upon.


The marsh became the likely place of origin, and Renier felt certain Borden's scent was among the trail there, as was Rook's. They crisscrossed, following it when a collection of wolves caught in his golden gaze. Instantly his brow furrowed in a deep line, lips twitched in a delicate manner. He exchanged looks with Ryvet. Were they suppose to just parade up there to see what it was about? If it was.. The Lyall had a feeling it might not be the best of ideas, but he was leaving it up to Ryvet.

(This post was last modified: Oct 24, 2015, 04:00 AM by Renier.)
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Played by Sarah who has 63 posts.
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Hocus Lyall
quote taken from old testament Wisdom 3-1:5,9

Veho was beside him now. Hocus didn't want him here. This felt too private, this tight feeling in his throat. He felt paralyzed as he watched the younger man step easily to his brother and the deceased. His father. Veho's words seemed so soft, so detached. Vaguely Hocus was reminded of a time before, of the many times before where he had headed sermons and funerals for the dead of the Pilgrimage, of the Sanctuary. When Veho turned to address him, it seemed as if he must have stolen Hocus' voice. For the moment this was the only explanation he could have for why his own mouth could offer nothing but primal noises to summon the others.

And one by one, they came.

The first was the little boy, Rook's little boy. With awe Hocus watched as the dark thing chose to come to him instead of his father or grandfather. Instinctively, he pressed back against the boy's touch but wondered at its meaning. These feelings were too strange. Hocus' gaze wondered back and forth from Veho to Tomen, unsure of what was expected from him for once in his life. He opened his mouth.

Strangers poured in to the assembly and suddenly he felt shy. Who were these people? Rook's mental state was dissolving and Hocus' own chest heaved with effort. What was going on? He looked down imploringly at the dark boy at his side. Now there was another little girl next to him. Somewhere in the distance he thought he could hear Ryvet. And then Renier.

"The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, " he muttered mechanically, "and no torment will ever touch them. In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died, and their departure was thought to be a disaster, and their going from us to be their destruction; but they are at peace. "
(This post was last modified: Nov 11, 2015, 03:45 AM by Hocus.)
Played by Siki who has 159 posts.
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Tomen Attaya-Lyall
@Nineva - okay to assume this is set after their meeting?

Sombrely grateful that his uncle accepted his presence, Tomen pressed a little deeper into the white flank, trying to draw comfort from the presence of family even as he couldn't tear his eyes away from his father. Perhaps he felt as though he could melt away into that colourless fur and not have to watch the spectacle. Help me, his idol whined, and Tomen slunk away a little further. The plea wasn't for him, it was for @Veho, who stepped up to the request eagerly. It was probably for the best - the boy had no idea how to fix the terrible pain which must have been raging inside his father. Perhaps he should have gone to him after all, to offer his love and comfort, but, in all honesty, the panic attack (as @Jynx so put it) frightened him. Tomen didn't know how to react to seeing his father so distraught. The calm presence of his pale uncle had drawn him in and now he clung to it as though it were air, for the only other option were to fall to distress just like his father.

Somewhere far away, somebody else responded to the call, and more came, but Tomen could not stop staring at Veho and his father to take much notice. He recognised @Titan's voice, but the words were distant and fuzzy, and it was only the gentle touch of his only agemate which allowed any distraction. Glancing at her briefly, he managed a weak smile, glad she could make it - though that sentiment seemed perverse. What an unhappy occasion to be at, how cruel to wish that someone could make it. At least she didn't know Borden, so her sorrow would be less than even his own. It was each crash of pain which reverberated through @Rook which were striking Tomen, the loss of his grandfather felt primarily through his father's far more significant loss.

Tomen met his uncle's gaze, then, his eyes dulled with the strain of the empathy he felt for Rook, desperate for some kind of rationalisation or reason. The words which finally came were strange, but they sounded as though his uncle had said them before. The idea that the white man was familiar with situations like these was enough to comfort Tomen somewhat, and as such he tried to distance himself from his father's pain and focus on the reason everyone had come; to grieve a patriarch whose existence was the reason for any of them even being here. They are at peace, were the words said, and Tomen hoped so, he hoped so.

Pushing his nose into the soft spot under his uncle's jawline for just a moment, wanting to convey gratitude and sympathy and solidarity without being able to use words. Then, with a deep breath, he stepped shakily forward, towards Veho and his father. As much as it was Rook's duty as father to protect Tomen, it was his duty as son to reciprocate, as best he could. Glancing at Veho, and then letting his eyes rest on his father, he moved to stand at Rook's shoulder, muzzle tucked firmly beneath his father's chin.
[Image: tomen-greypixel01.gif]

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Played by Grey who has 444 posts.
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Rook Lyall
Thanks guys for being so patient. Shall we wrap this up?


For several minutes more Rook remained as he was, reduced to tears and overcome with sobs that he had to constantly bite back or simply allow slip from his lips. In the long run, he supposed it was best if he let the sensation of loss (almost) completely engulf him - just enough so that he could finally feel the weight across his shoulders, back and mind slide off of him. He was no longer responsible for his father, no longer bound to him in such a way that defined him as a caregiver and keeper. There was no more reason to worry for the patriarch's well-being at all hours of the day and night, and it no longer made sense for him to carry his duties as Leader as though he still owed his father. There would be no more reminders from the old man about what it was that his son ought to do; Rook had to accept now that Grizzly Hollow had been done not just for his ailing and aging parents but for the future of their family.

After all, Rook had made it possible to return Borden home, tried to cure his ailments to the best of his abilities (with Titan and Veho's aid), and now there was nothing left to do but to lay the elder Lyall to rest. This would be his very first endeavor of gaining closure over his father's passing.

It was with Tomen's touch that he was finally made aware of his surroundings again, drawn back into the world of the living with a warm muzzle at his chin. For a while, he laid there on the ground, unable to straighten himself physically or mentally; but, then, there came a stretch of seconds where he merely shook. His head shakily came up and as he propped himself up on all four of his stocky limbs again, he pressed his forehead to his son's, lavishing his dark face with three quick kisses...

"Tomen," he whispered, the pain still apparent in his blue and gold eyes as he smiled to the best of his ability. "I love you. I love you so much. Don't you dare forget that." His brows furrowed and he nosed at the youth's chin, his breath still coming and going in ragged puffs. Hocus' sermon had been lost on him for the most part but he at least had his wits about him at the end to comprehend the bit about Borden being at peace.

He took a wobbly step to one side, touching his nose to Veho's next in gratitude before eyeing the rest of the family that had assembled before him. His jaws parted to form a word but he took the words back, unable to vocalize what he wanted to ask. Instead, he stumbled closer to the old tree's roots and began to dig. If anyone else wanted to help, he was willing to allow them to, but it was clear in the way that his tail and ears had risen up that he was going to give Borden a proper burial. He wouldn't even stop until the deed was done, powering through the act of moving his father' stiff body across the ground and into the small hollow in the ground, and stamping the cold dirt back over where it had been unearthed.

By daybreak, Rook swept his soiled paws over the small mound at the base of the tree, his breath releasing from him in wisps and clouds of moisture. Only when the sun had finally cleared the horizon to be seen above the trees opposite of the marsh did the Leader finally stop and turn his face to the warmth of the new day. The very first morning without his father...

His grimaced as he stretched himself upwards, digging his nails into the cedar's trunk, marking it with his paws and leaving a broad, square-like shape in it as if it had been claimed by Borden himself. To those who had remained behind to help, he gave them a tired but grateful smile before sniffling and turning to head back to Grizzly Hollow. He would be back when the gravesite had settled and he was alone to fully grieve; but, for now, he had a pack to tend to. Borden Lyall would not be forgotten... especially not now, when the old renegade had a proper place - aptly called "Renegade's Vigil" - to watch the rest of the world go by.


Chances are I have a BEN WHISHAW gif for that.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
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Jynx Myrddin

Tense, she stood ready to heed Veho's words and run to the medicinal den, should Rook require further aid than mere words of comfort and love. While others gathered, she stood at the fringes. Yellow eyes downcast, tail limp. She would not intrude on their personal space, for she was not of Borden or Rook's blood. Nor did she share a bond, such as the one between the grieving Leader and his second. She drew in a breath, and let it out in a shaky sigh, that expressed to the fullest extend, the sadness that tugged at her heart, at the loss of one of their own.

To her relief, Rook had at last, managed to gather himself. With the help of his son, and the encouragement and sympathy of Titan and Veho. As he stood before them, searching for words but finding none, Jynx only offered him a silent bow of her head in understanding. But of course, having never known her biological parents, she did not know the full extent of what he was going through. When he set to work digging up the earth for an appropriate grave, she stepped forward. She would stay with him until the task was complete, until the old patriarch had been put to rest, where he could become one with nature, once again. She was silent the whole time, working vigorously and taking great care throughout the process of the burial. By the time they were finished, her legs were stained brown with dirt, but she was satisfied. Content in knowing that this heart aching task was complete. She turned to listen as Rook breathed out the name of this place, not to be forgotten. Renegade's Vigil. With a silent nod, her eyes weary, she turned to head back to the Hollow, leaving Rook to his thoughts.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
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Nineva Hervok
Yep, Siki <3

Nineva peered up past @Tomen at the man whom he had sought comfort from, a pale creature with vivid yet soft green eyes. Words were pouring from his mouth, and she found them to be odd, only able to grasp at what their meaning might be. They are at peace, he claimed, and she recalled @Veho's explanation of the spirits that lay beyond the veil. Was that where the elder was now? Existing just beyond their reach, so close but forever separated from them? The thought made everything all the more sadder, and she looked down upon the ground, causing her to miss the boy whom she had meant to aid's awkward smile altogether.

It wasn't until she felt him pull away from her that she lifted her gaze once, seeking to see where he had gone. She saw him go to his father, saw the affection immediately showed upon him, the promises made by the grieving alpha, and suddenly her heart hurt all the more, a deep and piercing feeling. She missed her father, her family, and to see death as such a reality, she could only fear that this may have happened to any one of them in her absence. Her eyes glazed over then, burning with the tears that began to creep up through her lashes, and she began to back away from them, gaze now darting over those gathered. Where was @Kenelm?

She quickly realized that he was not present, and she felt something akin to panic begin to set into her. She needed him, needed his comfort and to be told that everything was fine, that this tragedy was not hers and that while the world of those around her had been thoroughly shattered, hers remained very much intact. Without a word she turned away and fled to desperately seek her guardian before the tears could drown her.

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
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Veho Macieo

Others gathered and Veho couldn’t even begin to be aware of them. His duty, at this very moment, was comforting Rook in any way possible during this challenging time. All he had to do was survive the moment – after that, the alpha could seek ways to grieve, to heal, whatever it was he needed to overcome Borden’s death. For now, he simply had to make it beyond the shock of his father’s passing. Losing a family member was never easy, and this was something the healer knew keenly.

So when Tomen approached his father, the male made sure to leave room for the cub – who better a comfort than one’s own family? Silence fell over the beta as father and son exchanged words, and he left his reassurances to gentle touches, his side against Rook’s, his nose occasionally placed against the prince’s ruff to assure him he was not alone in such a trying time. He was doing the right thing. They would all make it through this, one way or another.

The others came and they went, and Veho stayed where he was. He might have stayed there until the next morning, if that’s what Rook had needed. Whatever it was, whatever it took, Veho would see it through.


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