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no honor among thieves — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
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Hexamora Beauvau

OOC! Here

As swift as the smirk adorned her facial features it was wiped away by the lack of interest this male portrayed in her proposed game, his claim of being curious far from conveying any sincerity. Features returning to a stoic expression, Hexamora padded slowly away to place some distance between them, her own interest in the man quickly fading now. Clearly her source of entertainment for the day was to be no more, the magpies and their taunting antics the extent she would gain she supposed from this dark coated male. "Eh, I've changed my mine." Hexamora stated blandly, not even bothering to glance over an ivory clad shoulder to gauge his reaction as her frame began to seek the flowing creek she was originally following. What a shame she thought with a flick of her banner as a disinterested sigh fell from her ebony hued lips.

It seemed only that russet male Aspen she had met so long ago could play the game she liked and obviously Kjell was no Aspen. "Have fun with your magpies." Hex spoke once more before allowing the shadows of the surrounding foliage to engulf her petite frame, uncaring if he did just that, or opted to follow in her tracks. Although, if he did choose the latter he would need to be ready to face the wrath of her gnashing teeth. Hexamora was clearly done here and if she had to physically convey that message to him than she would happily do so.