@Sven feel free to archvie! :D
Instinctively she rose again when the woman addressed her, wishing to remain polite. Enthusiastic head bobs followed, though internally Sahalie groaned. She desperately wished to tell the woman that she had it wrong: the little Tainn was not, in no way an explorer. Explorers were reckless and selfish. She came out here with a goal and a plan. She was more like a scout! Scouts didn't explore, they went on missions. But instead all she could do was bob her head and smile. It was indeed exciting to visit new places! But that was all part of the job.Her attention turned back to Sven expectantly, a little surprised to be offered such hospitality as a meal. But who was she to refuse the kindness? She would gladly eat whatever was set down in front of her. It would be better than the little birds and bark she had been eating up until now. Subconsciously she noted the strangeness of someone having a problem with it, but perhaps things were different in Willow Ridge. Wraith said more or less the same thing. What kind of wolves lived in this place, anyway? She sent a curious look towards her white friend.
As the dark man brushed against her shoulder and made to leave the girl leaned into the gesture. "Thank you so much Mr. Kael! Happy hunting!" In doing so, the girl missed the rising fur on her friend beside her. She turned back to Sven in an excited whirl.
"FEED ME," she cried, her stomach crying along with her.
![[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]](https://orig00.deviantart.net/f88d/f/2018/081/8/f/sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png)
![[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Z7M6aF8bdPQ/VhGzFMdu_NI/AAAAAAAAPCE/hl5DCjuet8o/s0-Ic42/sahalie-greypixel01.gif)