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Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
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Sahalie Leigh
/skips some other posts because R so frekin cute. Uhm, guess this would have been after she met Cernan? Since that thread was backdated but...dunno if this one is....IDUNO liquid time confuses me

He snorted just like Spieden.

But he was very different than Spieden. He was more like Kino: quick on his tongue. But even still, more like herself: laughing easily, wisecrack at the ready. And like clockwork, the dark girl was laughing at his well-aimed joke. Sa or Lie were pretty original, but also ridiculous— though, maybe Drift had called her Sah once upon a time. Giggles, though, she liked best, representing her more clearly than her own name did. Feigning offense, one of her paws rose up form the ground to swipe carelessly for the boy's face, missing by miles as she tried to stifle her own laughter. "Then you can be Wiggles," she tossed back, her gaze pointedly fixed on his dancing eyebrows.

That he was not actually from Hearthwood River left her slightly dumbfounded—and a little disappointed. Instead he lived in a pack she had never even heard of. But she could hardly remain in low spirits when he called her Giggles. This Arion was a witty one. "Oh! I've met one of them I think. His name was. uhm. Cernan! Fallen Tree Cove is allied with my pack." This fact sort of implied that she had some extra knowledge, maybe covering up for her mixup of Hearthwood River and ... Broken Timber Pines. Though really she knew nothing at all. "All I know is Hearthwood River is up north, way up north. Like a three day journey or something like that. I've never been there."

Not wanting to cause a lull in their conversation, the girl added, "There's just so many wolves our age out there. Besides Cernan, I've met like... " Her voice grew quieter as she did the mental math, "Four? Five, counting my brother I guess. But most of the time I don't." Drift was really more of a mud puddle than a wolf.
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
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Arion Celencio
<3 halie threads = life

The smudge was pleased that the golden-eyed girl had not protested against the nickname he had given her — it suited her, and even if she didn’t like it he would have called her by it regardless. A chuckle slid off his tongue effortlessly as she feigned her displeasure; the amusement in her expression was impossible to miss. Wiggles, she retorted back with, causing him to snort in laughter. It was not something he had been called before, but it worked. Arion would answer to anything, no matter how awful or ridiculous the name was. “Giggles and Wiggles…” his voice trailed off, his eyebrows twisted in amusement: “We sound like a superhero team.” Sort of. His tail wagged at the thought — he liked the idea of being a superhero.

His tail thumped once more as she mentioned Cernan as he nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Cernan!” Sahalie seems to explore just as much as he did — perhaps even more! And her pack was allied with Cernan’s? Arion wondered if the Pines were also allied with the Fallen Tree wolves — this was something he would have to look into once he returned to the dens. As well as making sure his pack was on good terms with the wolves of Oak Tree Bend, because he definitely would not be opposed to crossing paths with he spunky girl a second time (perhaps even more than that). “I met his sister Neha, too — I liked them. Haven’t seen 'em in awhile though…” his voice trailed off as his brows furrowed, a small frown creasing his lips.

“I’ve never been up to Hearthwood,” he admitted, changing the topic quickly. “Been mostly goin’ south,” he added with a shrug. “I haven’t met too many our age but I grew up with a bunch.” Arion had a horrible habit of encountering those older than him, who weren’t nearly as fun as wolves his own age. “When I was born there were two girls from another litter in my pack, and then another wolf joined ’n brought her daughter too.” He paused, a sly smile unfolding across his lips once more. “They’re ok, I guess.” He was lucky his playmates hadn’t been too girly and enjoyed roughhousing as much as he did — otherwise he might be playing for a different team.

Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
Superhero team? Sahalie was not really sure what a "superhero team" could be, but found she could puzzle out the word well enough. She knew what a team was—like a pack or something, but smaller—and a hero was someone who did lots of good things. So a super hero was a wolf that did lots and lots of good things. And with another wolf? She had no way of gauging how appropriate their names were for being a superhero team, but snorted all the same, her muzzle bumping underneath his chin. "We can take a bite out of crime!" she yipped enthusiastically.

R indeed knew Cernan, but he had met others from Fallen Tree Cove as well. Her dark ears twisted forward at the clipped, sweet sounding name of Neha, feeling instantly that she wanted to meet this other girl. After all, the lady pups had to stick together! Her tail wagged absently behind her. There were so many males about, comprising the majority of the wolves she knew. Sahalie opened her mouth to offer to go visit the Fallen Tree wolves with her new friend—for he seemed to be bothered about the time that had separated their last meeting—but Arion instead to stick more closely to their other conversational theme about packs and who they knew. Gently, her jaws closed again. When her mouth was open she found she was never a good listener.

Apparently, Arion was having the opposite problem: he had grown up surrounded by and large by females. Her eyes widened as she was left to imagine what it would be like growing up with 1. more than just a brother and 2. three other pups —girls! The implication left by his subtle smile was that his early childhood was a lot of fun. Had she a jealous bone in her body, Sahalie would have wrinkled her nose and mourned a more carefree, energetic life she could have had. Instead the train of thought triggered an idea: what if everyone had grown up with more friends? what if they still could. They were still kids, after all. And through her brief and varied adventures Sahalie had come to learn that the scents that divided her from other wolves were only in her nose. 

Bouncing on her paws, she delivered her proposal to the smudge,"You know, we should try to get everyone together! I'll bring my friends and you bring yours! Like...like we could make a club, you know? And I've got like the perfect place to meet up." She and Kyna had discovered the Hidden Berry Hideout so long ago, and while they had intended it to turn into something bigger those plans had fallen through. But now that she had friends in Fallen Tree Cove and Broken Timber Pines, their grand scheme seemed possible. "We can play games and stuff!"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
sorry for wait :c

‘We can take a bite out of crime!’

How appropriate, he thought to himself as he nodded enthusiastically in agreement. Little R liked the idea of being part of a crime-fighting duo. They would be the heroes that Relic Lore deserved… ensuring everyone was protected from all the villains lurking in the shadows. The thought made his large paws tremble with excitement but he quickly dismissed his thoughts; that would be a topic for a future conversation.

As he spoke about his pack life and growing up with three playmates the golden eyed girl’s excitement grew; she radiated with it as she (impatiently) waited for him to finish speaking. She was nearly bursting out of her fur as she proposed an idea to him. Sahalie’s exuberant attitude was infectious and the smudge couldn’t prevent the smile from unfolding across his lips. He nodded once more, his pale blue eyes glistening with mischief as he thought about all the shenanigans they could get into. A club of puppies —it was a dream come true! Arion was much like Halie in the sense that he wanted to be fiends with everyone; one could never have too many friends.

“That sounds awesome! He added once she finished pitching her idea. “Ember and Bracken would definitely be in. Nalda might need a lil push, she’s a bit more serious.” Truthfully the smudge enjoyed spending time with the quiet, serious Nalda more than the wonder twins. Sometimes the sisters were a little too much to handle, especially when they were together. Individually they weren’t so bad, but it was a rare occurrence for one to be out without the other. “Nalda prolly just needs t’meet you. Needs someone t’get her outta her shell,” he added with a soft wink and a wide smile. R was positive there wasn’t a wolf Sahalie had met that didn’t like her. 

Played by Sarah who has 612 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sahalie Leigh
uhm, feel free to wrap it up in your next post. we should def have them meet again soon (for the cub club /heavy breathing) also vague about meeting ember since that thread hasn't really gotten anywhere

Already her buzzing mind was alive with the all the possibilities for games: she could show them her Graceful Slipping, Kyna could show everyone how to slide in the snow, Sven could organize tag. Maybe they could even hide and then have someone who was it like in tag, and that wolf could go and find all the hiding wolves. Or maybe, they could split up into teams and try to steal from each other's caches! Or have play fights! Her bouncing increased, and she nearly leaped off the ground when R declared his stamp of approval onto the idea. Tail waving proudly over her back, she fell into a rhetorical sort of play-bow, spanking the ground excitedly in front of the boy.

Something about the names he spoke sounded familiar, though perhaps it was just cause "Bracken" was just another plant word and her forest was rife with the stuff. However, one name rang a bell with much greater clarity. "OH. I've met @Nalda!" It was true, the grey and ginger girl had left Sahalie with the impression that Nalda had a very severe, nervous outlook on the world. Sahalie was a little sad to hear that in the several months since their acquaintance this had not changed. But surely, after laying all the ground work back in the dead of winter Nalda would be much more comfortable and ready to have fun for the meet up. "I think Giggles and Wiggles will have no trouble getting her to participate," and if she had been close enough she would have given him several sharp elbow jabs. 

Fully straigthening, she returned to the logistics of the meet-up. "Okay so. I can handle the Fallen Tree kids, and you can get the others from your pack. And iffen you want, you can try finding Hearthwood River to see if they have any kids and if they wanna come. And then you gotta meet at Hidden Berry Hideout, it's close to Fallen Tree Cove but in the foot hills some miles south. We can meet when the season changes. Sound good?"
[Image: sahalie_by_loccian_love-dc6mt9c.png]
[Image: sahalie-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Arla who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arion Celencio
sounds good to meeee :D <3 cub club 4ever

He could practically see the gears in her mind churning as the thought of ideas to keep the cubs occupied when the time came for them to gather. Arion could hardly contain his excitement; it had been quite some time since he had any real fun — not since his and Nalda’s snow fight — and he could use a heaping pile of fun right now. His mother had retuned to Broken Pines but things felt different and it worried the smudge. He did not want to lose her a second time; he was already down to one parent, he did not want to have zero.

A grin fell onto his lips with ease as the girl mentioned already meeting Nalda. Wow, she really knew everyone, he thought to himself as he quickly dismissed the roaring head of jealousy as it attempted to make an appearance. Soon he would have just as many friends as the golden-eyed girl, there was no need to feed the monster of envy. He snickered at her use of their nicknames and nodded in agreement: “She just needs a lil push, that’s all. I’m sure we could trick her into having some fun.” The thought excited him. Nalda was a worthy opponent when she was not thinking so much and allowed herself to let loose. The smudge could see them growing closer as time went on, but until the girl’s frigid exterior melted it would be a bit of a struggle to get her to participate in reindeer cub games.

She went on to explain the details of their pending gathering without hesitation, as if she had been waiting for this moment since the day she was born. “That’ll be easy,” he said with a soft nod at her words — Ember and Bracken would be easy to convince, they were all about fun. Arion was positive he could manipulate Nalda into coming as well. He vibrated at the thought of venturing north to Hearthwood to see if they had any pups that he could get to join them. Another nod. Hidden Berry Hideout. He repeated the word several times in his head before focusing his attention to his inky companion. “Sounds good, Giggles. It’s gonna be amazing,” he breathed with wide eyes and a triumphant wag of his tail.