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Lies of the lonely — Lost Lake 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 71 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nathaniel ColdHeart

A change of scenery, she suggested. There was a multitude of implications those arbitrary words could have held, but still the truth behind them caused his sly smile to noticeably diminish. He did need a change of scenery, he needed out, but it wouldn't happen. His grave was dug and he would be standing in it until the day he drew his last both, condemned to it far before death. All at his own stubborn paw.

Fuck sentimentality.

His gaze focused again as she moved, ears pulling upward to tug his mind from his thoughts and focus on the words she spoke. Happy to shake the more serious reflections away entirely, he swept forward to eagerly accept her invitation. Just as he had done many times before, he acted without any thought as to the consequences his actions might engage. For him, no matter what might be planted within the woman, this began and ended tonight. Whatever came of it would never be his responsibility.

Hopefully, she was as sharp as she seemed, and would be well in the loop.
