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Falling too fast to prepare for this — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

Her tail gave wide sways behind her at Lenae's words. The tawny woman would be welcomed and if there was a litter to be expected than Piety would make sure she received the care she needed - while still maintaining the health of her own litter.

The smile was a welcomed sight and Piety gave a gentle nod of her head. "I'm sure he's in the area. Maybe on the edge of the territories, give a call and I guarantee he'll come running to see you." The two of them were close, she had no doubt her son had missed the former teacher as well. Absences were never overlooked in this group.

She gave a soft motion of her muzzle, Lenae was dismissed if there was nothing else for her to discuss with the pair. The dove soon leaned over to tug at one of Lorcán's ears, it was a playful invite for her to follow him if he was free. She wished to stretch her legs a bit before returning to the den.


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