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The Flying Dutchman — Secluded Spring 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
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Kyrios Aegina Stark

Winter was getting close now, as evident by the nighttime frost, still clinging to everything and glittering stubbornly in the suns first rays. No longer were the cool nights a reprieve from the days heat, but rather an unpleasant reminder of the stronger cold soon to come. And so, the wandering Captain had changed his crepuscular schedule, to instead travel under the warmth of the sun and seek warm shelter in the nighttime.


This time, he had found it in a small hollow near the base of the mountain, curling up and sleeping soundly until the morning sun woke him to this spectacular display. He stretched lazily, stepping clear of the few trees blocking his view out over the spring, where he stopped to admire nature’s work.


Out over the water, fog had gathered in heavy banks, glistening in the morning sun yet seeming to stubbornly cling to the water and refusing to dissipate. Sitting down, in no hurry to go anywhere important, Kyrios’ jaws parted in a yawn before settling into a crooked smile, the tip of his tail flicking pleasantly.

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Played by Vami who has 108 posts.
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Modesto Valle
Though winter beckoned Modesto strayed further, feeling more and more distanced from the 'new age generation' of the Valle family. And now physically more distanced too... The old council member just needed quite seem to fit.

She, like Kyrios, had taken shelter for the night only to rise by light of day. She had heard the waters of the spring and had fallen asleep happily and comfortably to it though when she woke she was pleasantly surprised by the view. A secluded spring hidden deep within the forestry around, heavy fog rested over the water.

She breathes in a heavy sigh. With it, captures the scent of someone she remembers well and goes to it. We meet again, Captain. She speaks as she draws nearer, a taunting purr on her lips.
[Image: modesto.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark

Silently sitting on the banks, watching the fog slowly drift up into the forest, the wandering pirate truly hadn’t expected any company. The secluded spring had been an obscure place even when the Lore was crawling with wolves – it was right there in the name. So when the sound of soft footfalls reached his ears, soon followed by a husky voice, he perked up in surprise.


Turning his head to face the shadowy figure, appearing out of the fog, a wry smile tugged at one corner of his lips. “Ms. Valle. If A didn’t know better, A’d think ye were hauntin’ me.” His eyes twinkled with humor as they swept over the woman, noting her stern expression and familiar, rigid stance. Then, letting his gaze drift back out over the spring, he pondered: “Or ‘s it th’ water ye’re here fer?” It certainly wasn’t the ocean, but if Modesto was determined to stick around Relic Lore, it was some of the closest she was gonna get.

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Played by Vami who has 108 posts.
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Modesto Valle
A smile rested there on the features of the blonde pirate's face, causing one corner of Modesto's own grey mug to turn upward. "Then it's a good thing you know better, hm?" The woman's dark tones tempted to toy. He was a playful fellow, likely someone who would have otherwise annoyed her had it not been for her longing to return home. His accent reminded her so of home and thus, it drew her in like moth to flame.

His golden eyes follow her proper, curt stance. All black robes and necklace of pearl if she could. Modesto tosses her head to the side back to the spring, a huff moving over parted lips, feigning disinterest in him. "It would be most definitely the water." She spoke and came nearer then to it, and adds, "But I should have expected a pirate about a hidden spring. Haven't found a treasure here yet, I'd expect?"
[Image: modesto.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark

Was that a hint of a smile retuned on that otherwise so stern face? Or was he imagining it all? But then, her answer certainly held a hint of teasing, even if was masked by that same, serious aura. The pirate gave his grin a sheepish twist in response, pretending to wince back at her scolding, all while keeping his tail playfully swishing about his hocks.


Her attention moved to the sight before them, which he couldn’t blame her for as it was stunning. She agreed to his offered excuse, claiming the water had drawn her, and Kyrios scoffed silently, giving his scruff a good shake before answering placidly: “’tis quite th’ pearl.” Referencing the hidden spring of course, though his goldenrod eyes were once more back on her dark features.


Her addition was enough to make him grin again, head once more held high, as he answered with a confident hum; “Depends on ye definition o’ treasure, love.” He looked at her through half lids, smiling crookedly. She was an intriguing lady to say the least, and clearly, she felt at least somewhat similar about him, or she would have turned around or chased him off by now.

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Played by Vami who has 108 posts.
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Modesto Valle
His words spoke out of the water though his eyes were transfixed on her when he spoke of it. Modesto's eyes cut to the side sharply, orange ones narrowing to his of bright gold. A humph bounced off her lips and she gave nothing more to him. Whether he was just being cheeky and playful or whether he had any true attempts at wooing her had yet to be certain. She would take the compliments and try not to be to harsh on him if only out of curiosity in seeing where this went...

"I suppose it would be a great many things." She goes on, referring to his last string of words. "I admit, I can be as greedy as you pirates. I'm always wanting more..." A purr on her lips, her tail dashes upwards and waves proud and dominant. "Although I think I just may be more refined then just any ol filthy pirate." A smart mark and she steps into the shallows of the spring, cold and crisp on her feet. "Care to join me?"
[Image: modesto.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,814 posts.
A young Bull Elk has gotten separated from its herd. Hunt opportunity! +10 Health
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark

There was something uniquely appealing about a mature woman, a certain magnetism born of confidence and experience. Now the Captain was far from picky, in fact he generally believed every wolf had their own charm, but he couldn’t deny the special allure of a more refined lady. Modesto was like that, no timid doe who jumped at the gentles proposition, but a woman who knew what she wanted. And how she wanted it – as Kyrios’ flattery was courtly dismissed.


Duly chagrined, the pale rogue lowered his head, the picture of righteous regret. Of course he kept careful watch of the lady throughout the act, goldenrod eyes peering up through the lashes of his half lids. If she truly wished him to stop his advances, she need only say the word and he would back off, but so far that was not his impression; She was playing the game, just as he liked it.


And indeed, her answer weighed heavy with double entendre, the cant of her voice and change in posture speaking clearer than any words. Kyrios grinned, tilting his head back up a little to look out at her as she stepped into the water. ’Greedy’ ‘s such a nasty word,” he hummed into the fog, openly admiring the dark silhouette she painted against its ghostly backdrop; “’s it so bad t’ be honest ‘bout ye desires?”


Moving slowly, to disturb the water as little as possible, he followed her out into the shallows. As he reached her tail, he would dip low, circling round her frame, close enough for their fur to mingle. Once he got to her head he would stop, still crouched, looking up at her with a playful glimmer in his eye; “D’you think this bit o’ surf’s enough t’ wash all me sins away?”

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Played by Vami who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Modesto Valle
Thinking maybe we close this one up and I'll work on our newest??

She would reel him in only to cast him out in just moments past. For a moment, as she shot him down this time, his gaze cast down and away until she offered him to join her in swim. This captured him once more, his words purring out through the crisp winter air and mingling with the gentle flow of water around them.

"Perhaps not..." She answered then, rolling her shoulders as she did so. She turns her head around her forleg, to look at him as he draws himself into the pool of water behind her. It is quiet around them, savor their voices and the water and the forestry around them provides a veil which blocks them from the world around. Secluded Springs indeed.

He brushes in close, his blonde hairs to mingle with hers of black and silver. She quivered, but could easily chalk it up to being the chilly of the water on her legs. "OH I don't quite think so." A small laugh and she smiles truly at his words as she looks down to him. No, she thought not. "And most certainly not mine." And she was 100% fine with that.

Moving in deeper into the spring, she is like a fish to water. She ducks her head down from under the waterline and lifts back up, shaking her head and splashing water everywhere. "Race ya to the other side?" And before he could say yes, she was off.
(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2022, 08:15 PM by Modesto.)
[Image: modesto.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark

He played her game gladly, stepping closer whenever she let him, then pulling back again as she turned cold. He enjoyed being kept on his toes. A large part of flirting, the part he enjoyed the most, lay in assessing your partner, figuring out what type they were and how they preferred to be courted. With a lady like Modesto, it was safe bet to lake her lead, needling only slightly while allowing her to remain in control.


Still, he was delighted to sense her slight tremble, proof that he was getting to her, despite her veil of sophistication. Her laugh, though, startled him. Such a genuine, melodious sound – clear as the trickle of a mountain spring. Up to now, his flirting had been casual, his usual, playful approach to anyone he met, who wasn’t openly hostile, and he’d assumed hers was the same. But that laugh, paired with her honest, proud response stirred something more inside him.


So, when she set off again, disappearing under the water, he was left stumped, staring blankly at the ripples she’d left behind. Only once she resurfaced, calling back her challenge, was he shaken back to life. His grin, frozen for a moment, broadened, eyes flashing at her as she started swimming into the fog. With a bark of laughter, he threw himself into the deep, paddling to catch up with her, always ready for a new game!

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