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Played by Melorama who has 396 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Archer led her along the creek and they quickly came upon Eros and Vayko, with the latter being hunched over by a tree. The scent of fresh blood immediately washed over her, and she felt a spike of worry shoot through her. Clover rushed over to him as he grumbled out to her about how they were often in situations such as these. If he was able to poke a bit of wry fun, then that meant he wasn't too badly hurt.

She sniffed over him as he began to explain, taking note of the small puddle of blood by his feet as she rounded to his face. The slightest bit of amusement crossed her features before she schooled her features into one more of professionalism. She had also slid into a tree not too long ago, which was just a little funny to her that it had happened to him. But his blood nose was a bit more intense than her sore shoulder had been.

Clover sniffed gently at his nose and the space between his eyes, pressing her nose very softly against his muzzle to determine if anything was broken. "It doesn't look too bad. If you place some pressure with your paw on the top of your muzzle and keep your head down the bleeding should stop quickly," she said as she stepped back. If the bleeding didn't seem like it would stop then she had some Ergot and Yarrow that could help, but in her experience most nose bleeds didn't last too long. The pain near his eyes was the more worrying part, as it could indicate a break or fracture of the delicate bones around the eyes, but from what she could tell nothing seemed out of place of anything major.

"I can give you something for the pain, and if the blood doesn't seem to want to stop I have herbs for that as well," Clover said with a firm nod, but a warm smile. "It would be best if you come with me back to my den where I can better take care of you." She turned to the two boys, Eros looking nervous but Archer seeming more attentively calm. "You two came come with if you'd like to observe." As long as they weren't disruptive she would allow them to watch her as she helped Vayko.
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Eros was bloody useless, simply blinking and staring at him. Thankfully Archer went and sought the woman out, bringing her back with him. At least one of his nephews could focus in a crisis instead of being petrified at the sight of blood. He was relieved when the ivory form appeared, watching as she assessed the damage. He trusted her medical opinion, a feat considering how much he loathed to be around her a year ago… more than that, he trusted her as a friend, and a part of the family. She was family, and she had proven that time and time again even if she was not a Valle in blood or name.

He immediately did as she said, placing a paw on his muzzle and keeping his head down in order to hopefully stop the bleeding. He hummed in agreement at the mention of something for the pain, though he hoped more medication was not needed to stop the bleeding. That would be unfortunate. “Whatever you need to do.” He agreed gratefully to the woman and once again made the request. “Is there a way that Viorel can not find out about this? He’s still not letting me live the turtle incident down.” The last thing he needed was his cousin having even more fuel for him.

Played by Cade who has 562 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Archer's reassurances helped, especially given how rarely he heard the other boy speak positively of Mama Clo. He gave his sibling an appreciative smile, before turning his attention fully back onto Clover's medical treatment of his Uncle. She spoke of moving Vayko to the infirmary, and offered the brothers the chance to come along. Normally Eros wouldn't have hesitated, but the older man brought up keeping this from Viorel once more and he thought that maybe, for his own moral integrity, he should not accompany them.

It was a tough choice, and his faltering would be noticed by anyone who paid him mind.

"Um... Okay..." he finally agreed after a long stare at his brother - the deciding factor being the thought of his family member dying because Eros had been too uppity to stick around.
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Clover took quick action, professionally looking Uncle Vayko. Archer cocked his head when she pressed her nose between his eyes, but kept his questions to himself for the time being. He listened carefully as they talked, though he took the time to return his brother's smile. He was glad he seemed to be able to help Eros calm down a little.

Then Clover offered to let the brothers come along to the healing den with her and their Uncle. To Archer's surprise, Eros hesitated and instead stared at him for a long time. Archer met his brother's gaze for a long moment before shrugging and standing. "We won't tell Da, and I'd like to come," he said. "Why'd you push your nose on his face like that?" he asked now that it seemed like a more appropriate time.

(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2022, 08:04 PM by Archer.)

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Melorama who has 396 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She couldn't stop the gentle snort of laughter that slipped past her at Vayko's request to not tell Viorel about the incident. Unprofessionalism aside, it amused her that his biggest worry was being furthered ridiculed by his cousin, and not the fact that there was currently fresh blood dripping from his face. But she quickly took control back of her facial expressions, even as the corners of her lips threatened to curl up in a smile. "I promise I won't tell him," Clover said sincerely, doing her best not to glance at either of the two boys. It was really up to them whether they told their father about it, and it likely wouldn't make a difference if she told them not to.

Both of them agreed to joining her and Vayko at her den, even as Eros sounded a bit hesitant, but Archer's question had her ears pricking forward happily at the thought of another quick impromptu lesson. She was sure Vayko wouldn't mind the quick interruption before they went back to her den. "I was checking to see if any of the small and delicate bones near his eyes were broken as that could mean a far longer healing process, and might mean I'd need to give him a herb to stop the bleeding beyond simply waiting for it to naturally stop." She would do a much more intense check back at her den, but for now she was happy to say that there wasn't any sort of major break. A minor one wouldn't be too bad.

Clover then began rooting around the tree, using her paws to scoop up some of the snow into a squished rounded form. If she had had any access to large leaves she would have wrapped the snow up within the leaf, but as is the snow would have to do for an improvised ice pack to help stem the bleeding. She sat back on her haunches and carefully cupped the snow in her forepaws, lifting it up towards Vayko's face with a focused expression, intending to gently place it upon his muzzle where he had his paw pressed. "Here, use your paw to keep the snow on the bridge of your nose. This should help the bleeding to stop along with the added pressure from your paw." If even the snow couldn't slow down the bleeding then she would definitely need to use some Ergot or Yarrow.
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
I'm thinking last round and then whoever is the last to post can fade it with theirs?

Archer at least promised not to tell his father, even if Eros’ response still left much to be desired. He hissed lightly as her nose pushed against his face but he held it in. She was quickly explaining to Archer why everything was happening as well. He moved along and used his paw to press the snow on the bridge of his nose just as she instructed. “What happens if the herbs don’t work and it just keeps bleeding?” He worried, fretting remembering how his paw hadn’t quite healed right and worried something similar would happen with his nose now.

“How long should it take to stop bleeding?” He asked again, his concern rising as the faintest hint of blood was tasted on his tongue from having his head tilted back initially before he had been instructed to tilt it forward.

Vayko Valle
Played by Cade who has 562 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
We won't tell Da. His brother made the promise so easily. Eros was shocked, but attempted to keep the emotion to himself as he hovered nearby. Even Clover didn't have a problem with the secret, and he was further confused by the contrast of their nonchalance to his discomfort. It was clear that this was a qualm he would need to take up with his other mother, and hopefully she could explain the dissonance.

He would find her later, after he knew for sure that his uncle was going to be okay.
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Archer nodded as Clover explained how she'd checked the bones around Uncle Vayko's face. He would ask her how to tell later, when she could spend more time instructing him. For now, he wanted to make sure his uncle was okay and learn how to stop bleeding the way she was doing. He cocked his head as she packed the snow and placed it on Vayko's face. "What's that for?" he asked, oblivious to his brother's discomfort and uncharacteristic silence. He didn't see any problem with keeping a secret from Da if it was for Uncle Vayko. There couldn't be harm in letting his uncle keep this little incident to himself.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Melorama who has 396 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
She could understand his worry, but made sure to keep a gentle smile on her face as she spoke in confident tones. "Then I'll just have to take a bit more of a paws-on approach." Clover had yet to come upon a medical issue she couldn't fix, and she wasn't about to let that streak end just yet. There was always something else she could try, but she was sure the bleeding would dry up on its own given enough time.

Her gaze flitted momentarily to Archer at the boys' question. "The cold from the snow will help stem the bleeding enough to allow it to clot by itself." It was quite fortunate that they were in the colder months, as there was not an easy alternative to cold snow to use for such a task.

The concern in Vayko's voice was evident as he spoke. "Not long at all. If we were to make the trip to my medicine den now, a normal nosebleed would be mostly stopped within that time, and if not I have other methods to ensure it stops." She figure it would be best to stay put until the snow pressed to his face melted, and if by that point it was still bleeding she would guide him to her medicine den to give him some Ergot or Yarrow, and use more manual force if it was then needed. The boys were more than welcome to tag along to watch her work if they wanted to, as there may be a day where they would need to stem a nosebleed without assistance from her or someone else.