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her face is a map of the world — Fool's Gold Chasm 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
@Adelard will be making their decision OOCly, so I'm good to wrap up with this round if you guys are? (:

The young girl was quick to ask more things of the stranger, earning her stare once more. The boy, on the other paw, appeared cowed. Walrus regarded Enera with a small smile - she was the stronger of them, then. Despite this measure of approval the questions went unanswered as the child's mother spoke.

... the decision is not for me to make, the other woman informed her, and she nodded her head in understanding once before settling her hefty haunches down within the snow, at ease.

"I c'n wait. Do what yer need ter."

Within her head, the illusionary timer began. She of course would not wait any length that could be construed as insulting, even mildly so - but even a wolf of such self-import understood that a leader was not always able and willing to appear at every stranger's summons. Walrus could spare an hour or two.
Played by Tasha who has 178 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rhaegara Rayvne
Hodgepoding this together a bit, let me know if anything isn't okay!

Rhaegara would admit that she was impressed with the gift the woman brought, and she felt it would speak to her character. She simply hoped she was more loyal than those who had both come and gone before her… “Children, why don’t we go find Adelard.” She posed. If It was up to her, the woman would be welcome. Their numbers had shrank, and she wanted nothing more than for her home to thrive… it was time.

She headed off, finding the man herself. “I will return shortly.” It was a promise she made as she dipped away. It did not take her long, and he deferred judgement to her. With it, she offered a smile upon the return, dipping her head in greeting. “Welcome to the Chasm, Walrus. Come, I can show you to the nearest cache and then I’m sure the young ones would love to help me give you a tour of the territory.”

Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


To Enera's great disappointment, her questions were once again answered with a firm state, although Walrus didn't seem to be quite as cold this time. It didn't help ease the girl's curiosity, much her mama told her to be patient. Still, she obediently sat next to Caelyn to wait. When Rhaegara went off to find Adelard, Enera stayed to wait. She was a big girl, and she hoped the strange woman would answer her questions while her mama was gone.

No luck. It didn't take long for Mama to get back and welcome Walrus into the pack. Enera leaped to her feet and excitedly nudged her brother-friend. Did this mean they got to eat now?