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focus on the future — Velo en Cascada 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leviticus Armstead
That sounds interesting, the other man said, and Levi perked back up, fears of being irritating ebbing. His tail returned to keeping beat against the ground as the other went on to say it was nice to have met him and that he appreciated his input. That was plenty enough to give him the warm fuzzies.

"Yeah, no problem," he answered, briefly beaming as he spoke the words, grin toothy and eyes closed to make room.

"The trees were really cool," he spoke with a renewed interest, beryl gaze bright, "if you brushed them against stuff it left behind black, and so you could take sticks and mark stuff all up if ya wanted."

He'd quite enjoyed himself, though his thoughts about them were also bittersweet. Much of his life was anymore.

"... do ya just like seeing new stuff?"
[Image: qfzMxz5.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
With introductions out of the way, there was a notable shift in Levi’s demeanor, as excitement took hold of the other man. He went on to elaborate about the odd trees, labeling them cool and professing that brushing stuff against them left behind a black color. It was impossible not to grin along with the other, a sign of Jet’s agreement that such a thing was interesting and cool, even if he couldn’t quite comprehend it without seeing it.

”Could you use it to change the color of.. yourself?” Jet inquired with a head tip, a very interesting idea coming to mind. If he wasn’t already mostly black, he would’ve particularly enjoyed coating himself in the stuff and faking like he was some kind of monster or demon. But maybe there was still some fun to be had, there. He’d think of something.

A slightly more serious question from the other came next, though. ”Yah. I do like explorin’ just for the sake of it. But I also wanna have options, lots of places to pick from, if I actually find folks crazy enough to go along with my pack idea.” He flashed a grin at that, even though the idea really wasn’t all that crazy. It still seemed surreal, though, that others might look to him as their leader. Surely there had to be some out there, though, that needed a home, someone to empathize and relate to, and a place to belong. Jet believed he could do a fair job of providing, as long as he could find them.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leviticus Armstead
Levi's smile turned bashful once more as Jethro asked his benign question. The memory of @Viorel and @Vanadis giving him such bewildered looks when he'd appeared disheveled and covered in charcoal before them had yet to thoroughly fade.

"Yeah. I got pretty messy before I figured it out..." he admitted quietly, and was happy to shift back to showing earnest interest in what the other wolf was saying. His ears twitched at those final words. Oh.

"What's the idea?" he asked, clearly curious but also mildly apprehensive about why others might need to be crazy to appreciate it. Was it something extreme?
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2022, 06:14 PM by Leviticus.)
[Image: qfzMxz5.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
So, one could use the trees to temporarily change the color of themselves. The other wolf professed to this, claiming he’d gotten pretty messy before he figured it out. Jethro’s eyes sparkled with keen interest and amusement, though he opted to respond with a single, calculated nod. It would be rather interesting to drag Siyet to such a place and see what happened…

Levi inquired as to the nature of the idea, although he sounded a little tentative, in doing so. At that, the dark one realized how his previous statement might’ve sounded, and issued a wry grin. ”Before I got here, I came from a bad place. My birth was.. ah, unplanned. So I was an outcast. It took a while t’get over that, but now I wanna offer a home to anyone like me. Anyone that needs it, regardless of their past. Where nobody’s gotta worry about family bonds, blood, or that stuff.” It was important to some packs, and he understood why that might be, at least to a degree. But it wouldn’t be significant to what he had in mind.

”Unless they’re a murderer or somethin’, then I don’t want that.” Jet added on after another moment's consideration. That was obviously, of course, something he would not overlook. But barring such drastic things, Jet didn’t see himself turning anyone away.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leviticus Armstead
As Jethro elaborated, Leviticus couldn't help but sadly reflect on how many more wolves seemed to come from broken rather than whole homes. It shouldn't be that way, and he couldn't understand why it was. Worst yet, he didn't know what he alone could do about any of it. Thankfully, the story took a good turn, and his acquaintance professed to a rather admirable goal, in his own opinion.

Unless they’re a murderer or somethin’, he tacked on, and Levi's ears leaned back at the severe example. He could not imagine wolves killing each other, much less for sport or some other insane cause. He shook his head and shuddered, wanting to say that he would hope they'd have a good reason but also unable to come up with what the could be. Even if someone wanted to kill him, Levi could only picture himself escaping, not retaliating, and certainly not to the extent that the other wound up dead.

"... I think that's needed, what you wanna do. I... I wouldn't be here, if my pack had just been able to accept my friend for who he was. Things would've been a lot better."
[Image: qfzMxz5.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Levi appeared slightly taken aback by the rather harsh example. Perhaps citing a murderer as someone he wouldn’t accept had gone a little too far, but at least it proved what kind of a man this one was. The kind that was opposed to killing others, it seemed, which was good, by and large.

It was.. however, a complex issue. The act of killing another was not necessarily something Jet could see himself turning someone away for. There were instances in which he thought killing dismissable, perhaps even acceptable or needed. There were some deeds that were worse than killing, he thought, anyway - as long as it wasn't unprovoked. His new friend didn’t need to know any of that, though.

The other man did profess that he thought what Jethro hoped to do was needed. An encouraging, if slightly saddening thing, based on what came after. The dark one frowned a little, head tipping to one side curiously, though he opted not to pry. ”Am sorry t’hear that. Shameful what others will do, to someone that’s different from them. I hope.. you've found somewhere better?” He hoped so, but didn't want to assume.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leviticus Armstead
There he was again, sinking back into the murky waters of his emotions. Leviticus didn't want to, but the waves came so suddenly and overwhelmed so swiftly. Thankfully, his company helped guide them back into calmer seas.

Somewhere better.

He stared ahead for a moment, genuinely considering the question. Perhaps that was telling in itself, but Leviticus had come to know that he was poor at knowing and seeking what was truly good for him. Just because the Chasm was different didn't mean he didn't still belong here, that it wasn't what was best.

"... yeah," he answered, smile slowly returning to his muzzle as his beryl eyes regarded Jethro once again, "I think I have."

It wasn't what he'd pictured or sought, but moments of kindness from his packmates shone through in his memories. There were certainly worse places to be.

"Good luck, by the way," Levi added on, mouth now stretching into a grin, "with founding your pack."
[Image: qfzMxz5.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Whatever the circumstances were, surrounding Levi and his friend, that tiny bit of knowledge provided just a bit of mutual understanding, between them. Most everyone here he had met so far, Jethro assumed, had come from a good place. Or at least, a place where they’d been cared about or respected. But not everyone. And that, he supposed, was a good reminder, not to be too quick to jump to conclusions.

Thankfully, had also seemingly found somewhere better. Or at least, he thought he had. The words themselves weren’t exactly inspiring, but the smile, that was. And the good wishes were definitely most welcome.

”Good, seems like you deserve it. And thank ya.” Jet offered the other a grateful tip of his nose. ”Hope it doesn’t come to it, but.. should you ever find yourself needin’ something new, I’d be glad to have ya, too.” It didn’t hurt to extend the offer. As disappointing as it was to lose out on such a good character as a possible recruit, though, Jet did genuinely hope it wouldn’t come to that.

Mostly, anyway.

--think we can fade w/yours if you’re good with that? Really enjoyed this meeting, too ^^
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 187 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leviticus Armstead
Jethro continued to be kind, and Leviticus was starting to think he'd made a rather good friend in the other wolf. Wherever he ended up, Levi found himself hoping it wouldn't be too far to visit. And while he didn't foresee taking his leave of Fool's Gold Chasm, the offer given was one he'd likely take up if the event ever did occur.

He chuckled bashfully and answered "aw, thanks. I'll remember that. n' you can always come to the Chasm for anything, too. Where the ferns join the foothills of those red dunes. Can't speak for everyone, but I'm always happy to help at least."

Maybe it wouldn't be much, but it was something, right?

"I should get headin' back. Thanks for talkin'. I hope I see you around."

feel free to archive or post again then archive~ ^^ thanks for givin' levi another buddy!
[Image: qfzMxz5.png]