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you were a vision in the morning — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Pinn who has 150 posts.
No Rank
March 1st, broken clouds, sunset

She felt the hunger as she paced, waiting for him to find her.

As soon as the first flutter of spring began so too did Vanadis' game. She laid her scent where she knew Vi would find it, brushing her sides lazily against tree trunks and rocks, pulling him further away from the Backwater and into the surrounding woods. She would not make it easy, of course, otherwise there would be no point in going to such lengths.

Vana initially intended on making her way to the Orchard, but she didn't beeline. Her trail weaved this way and that, sometimes doubling back on itself, or halting at the edge of a river that she would follow for ages before actually crossing. The more difficult she made it, the more interesting the game became, the more she yearned for Viorel to complete the treasure hunt.

Vanadis never made it to the orchard, she couldn't. Her limbs halted in a budding field, one that would soon be covered in large swaths of fragrant purple flowers. If only spring would have come for her a moon later. Such a pity.

Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel had been playing along with Vanadis’ little game with a slight hinge of impatience. He would do as she wished, following her clues and allowing her to slip away out of sight, but only barely. He didn’t want her too far from him in her current state, and the thought of someone else coming upon him lit a rage deep in his belly. She was his and he intended to make that fact clear as soon as she stopped her little scavenger hunt.

Last year had been a mistake, there would be no such repeats this year. No underground dens to hide in during a thunderstorm, no awkward follow ups. This year she was his wife and the thought made the impatience even worse. Finally it seemed that she came to a halt, and her cream form was lit in a mirage of orange, pink, and red as the setting sun rays lay across her.

Sea gods she was beautiful.

He took a step into the clearing, not noteing even for a second that they had stumbled upon a lilac field just a month before it erupted into purple flowers. ”What a fun little game you’ve been playing Archer.” But now the games are over.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Pinn who has 150 posts.
No Rank

Vana's pacing ceased as Viorel's scent drifted over the horizon. He was early. Bright eyes swept up to meet him, latching onto his sun-lit form with mischief still sparkling in their depths.

Unfortunately, Vanadis couldn't stop the smile that spread across her maw, though she tried. Her mate had played her game, and he'd come to collect his prize, but more than that, Vana would be able to collect hers. She'd put so much effort into this game, laid the trail so precisely, and made sure to separate him from the others so that his attention couldn't stray. Here in this field there were no children, no obstacles, no problems. She'd have him all to herself for as long as she wanted.

"I think I might have underestimated my opponent." Perhaps she should have pushed ahead to the Orchard?

Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel’s grin at her words and he pushed forward, circling the woman and looking her over as if he was starving and she was a feast. Suddenly he chuckled, dipping down into a bow he gestured with his muzzle, ”Perhaps it is time for a rematch? This time I’ll even give you a heads start.” He winked then, knowing she would not take kindly to the implication that she needed any kind of handicap.

Rolling his shoulders, he counted dramatically, ”one….two…..three…” He had no intention of ever letting her take off far from him, he would rather chew off his own tail. The second she started to run he would be on her trail, nipping at her ankles playfully. If he could keep up, he was not that quick.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Pinn who has 150 posts.
No Rank

Vana's head turned as Vi circled, her gaze straying only to turn in the other direction once he'd gotten too far behind. The way he looked at her, the hunger in his gaze, it should have made her feel like prey, but the woman felt quite the opposite.  As much as he had been the hunter following her trail, she had been the siren beckoning him forth.

Viorel knew her well. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not going to need it." The woman flashed him a wicked smile, and waited for him to count.


She could feel her heart thumping in her chest.


Her gaze left him finally, dancing over the budding field as she chose a direction.


And they were off.

He was fast enough, and maybe she could have been faster, but Vana's paws would not let her drift too far ahead, unwilling to let her mate of her sight now that she had him here. Eventually she would let him catch her, but only after she had had ample time to enjoy the chase.

Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

A grin spread across his muzzle at his mate’s response and watching her get to her paws. He counted, and waited until she took off before laughing with abandon and taking off after her. The pair circled around the lilacs, getting close to one another, switching chaser and chased, barking and carrying on like a couple love-struck pups.

When Viorel finally caught her he was not going to let her go, they tumbled off into the closest blooming bush. This was just the beginning of the season, and the pair would be busy over the next week ensuring that it took. But you could only start one day at a time.

fade. They made a baby
[Image: s38i5ZS.png]