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Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
A clear sense of dejection came over her, and Chan's features softened incrementally as she gave her pitiful answer. Had she not claimed to be responsible firsthand for so much violence, he would have sought to comfort her. That was not what Colette needed, however, not in his eyes. Either she truly regretted the horror of her choices, or she didn't.

"That's pointless," he scoffed quietly.

Still, he was surprised when she agreed to accompany him, and it showed briefly across his face. The way she continued to frame it distracted him from any gratitude he might have shown.

"What image?" he chuffed again. To everyone outside of the Lore, he was just a passerby.

"If there's 'anyone left' they're gonna deny or confirm whether or not this supposed evil horde exists and is still a threat. Like I could ignore that kind of shit. Families harming no one slaughtered like we're just all, all, coyotes. And I can't take your word for it obviously so we're going to check it out and then we'll figure out what to do from there."
(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2022, 10:16 PM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Waiting for fate, in his view, was pointless. Colette didn’t think so, but opted not to share a view on that matter. The ghost was sure she’d get her comeuppance for the deeds committed in past years, one way or another. She hadn’t thought she’d be volunteering to go wandering back to a place where that was likely to happen any time soon, but here they were.

Her former lover though, still, expressed doubt. What image, he questioned. Before going on about families and confirming whether or not things had actually happened. He couldn’t take her word for it - she understood that. But if he was intent on going back, there were a few things that needed to be addressed.

Irritation flashed through her again. ”If there’s anyone left, they’re definitely gonna confirm what happened. Then, they’re probably gonna kill me for it.” Even if word of her ultimate betrayal and undermining of the empire had gotten around, Colette knew there was a bounty on her head. Going back would likely mean facing judgement, but that was far from her main concern.

”They’ll probably go after you, too, if they think you were associated with me. Which they’re likely to think, if you go waltzing back in there with me unharmed and in tow. Did you really not think of that?” She asked incredulously. She couldn’t believe he would not have considered that view, after his close association with her and disappearance shortly before the horrific events. If somehow he hadn’t, though, she was going to make sure he did now.

”I’ve earned that punishment, deserve it. You don’t, but they don’t know that. So if you insist on going back, you’re going to have to make it look like you captured me. Otherwise, you’d be better off going alone.” In her mind, that was the only way this worked. The only way she could be sure Chan got out of it, if she went with him, and could survive to return to.. whoever was important to him, here. A part of her was aware that it completely undid her previous comments, but that narrative didn’t matter when Chan’s life was potentially at risk.
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan listened to her, and none of what she said really had any sway on him nor the decision he'd made.

"No one's killing you," he corrected. The closer they got to the Basin, the better he'd be able to get a feel for what was going on and what he felt he needed to do. If it meant Colette staying behind a few miles while he went in solo, so be it. If 'survivors' were hostile to him for having been her confidant two years ago? He'd deal with it, just like he had every other act of aggression he'd experienced throughout his life. No, he didn't want to endanger Colette regardless of her admissions, but for himself potential harm had never deterred him before when his mind was set.

"You've never had any faith in me at all, have you? Come on. You clearly need to eat. We can talk about it another day."
(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2022, 10:22 PM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
He listened, but didn’t seem to hear, or care. And dismissed all of it with a simple statement. To hear that he still wanted to guard her life, after everything she’d told him was stunning. How he could be so confident of that was something she didn’t know, but at this point, the ghost did not feel there was anything else she could say that wouldn’t be redundant. If that was what he thought, so be it. Time would prove one of them right.

Then he was talking of faith, of food, of addressing the subject another day. Her gaze was drawn away, up towards the sky, and a lone hawk soaring above. His compromise was one Colette was mostly willing to accept.

”I’ve never trusted anyone more than you,” the soft admission escaped her before she could get a handle on it. ”But I think you’re wrong.” About going there, about wanting to spare her, or thinking he could. Colette’s one-eyed gaze drifted back down to the man.

”Go, do what you need to do. I’ll be around.”

She’d need to talk to Reika, first. Tell the kid about this journey, about the possibility of her not returning. Thinking of a way to present that to her younger caretaker would at least take her mind off of.. other things, for a while.
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
His ears leaned back, finally reminded once more of the woman he'd thought he'd known as she spoke with a soft rawness. Chan sighed, frown returning as then dismissed his offer. I'll be around, she said. The worry that she wouldn't be was evident. Still, he took a step forward.

"... don't leave, please."

He would just have to chase after her. There was no part of him that wanted to leave her to her wanderings, even if everything she said was true. Chan looked at her a moment longer, then set off, returning to Flair and Gwen.

thanks for the thread <3
(This post was last modified: Mar 28, 2022, 11:40 PM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Don’t leave, he said, a frown lingering on his countenance.

”I won’t.” The two words held promise, the first real promise the ghost had made to anyone in a long time. She did not know what the consequences of this trip would be for her. It was possible he was right, and it wouldn’t spell the doom Colette expected. If it did, that was something she was willing to accept.

As with Reika, though, the ghost vowed to herself, not to let anything happen to Chan. Whoever or whatever it was that he cared about here, he would return to. No matter what happened to her.