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Come away with me — Lost Lake 
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
@Aleister twilight, clear, cold

It had come over her slowly. Oksana wasn't any stranger to her heat and knew the signs after three years of dealing with it. She had always been careful not wanting to bring pups into the world of a loner. She didn't want them to suffer the hardships but most of all she didn't want then to grow up without a father. She knew what it was like and she wanted more for her children.

Then came Aleister, her husband and the man she wanted to be the father to her children. She wanted this for the both of them and she was sure that he wanted it too. As her heat symptoms grew stronger with each passing day she knew the moment when she was ready to accept her husband in the way that would give them children.

She sought out a quiet place she didn't think they would be disturbed. Leaving her scent along the way for him to follow. Dark tufts of fur left on branches and in the bark of trees. Until she reached the place of her choosing, a quiet place on the other side of the lake from their home. There she laid on a soft bed of pine needles she'd prepared for them and waited for her love to find her.
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

As the days passed on, pulling them deeper into the spring season, the Vuesain felt the change in his behavior as the scent of his wife began to change. Having already discussed their plans for this season, Aleister would be sticking close to Oksana's side unlike last year. This year, he would not be grieving the abandonment of his sister in turn searching for comfort in any warm body. No, this year the agouti male was committed to one female and one female only. And now she was alluding him...

When her scent exited the borders of the Cove leaving her vulnerable, the Vuesain instinctively followed. Briskly tracking her trail as left clear signs along the trees and bark, wherever she could leave a piece of her for him to follow. Sana was always just out of his reach as she played with him, challenging his patience and resolve. Until finally, his mismatched gaze could see her dark form just through the trees.

Prowling through the forest, Aleister slowed as he approached allowing his heated ocean and sunshine gaze to take in the sight of her. Slowing to a pause just on the edge of the tree line, he let his ravenous gaze linger over her form as she was settled upon a bed pine needles. "Sana," he breathed gruffly as he was overwhelmed in her intoxicating scent. "My beautiful Sana," he purred as he took another step towards her.

[Image: lMaXPz.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Since the change in her scent and body her husband had not been far from her. It made her feel special like a treasure to be protected. It was because of this that when she'd slipped away from him that clear afternoon she knew he'd be quick to follow. The trail she'd left him meant to help him find her was also placed so that he would know that she was ready to accept him and take their marriage father than it had gone before. After meeting Aleister and becoming his wife she was glad that she'd saved herself for him, the man she loved and who loved her in return.

She was patient as she waited from him to find her. Everything was so perfect, she couldn't imagine it to be better than it was. The crow looked up to sky where the pinks, blues, and purples of sunset filled the sky. In the darker parts the stars in their infinite numbers twinkled cheerfully. She sent up a silent prayer to then for bringing her and her Lee together.

The sound of his approach brought her firey gaze back down to earth. She watched his approach with a soft smile across her dark maw. "Lee," she whispered into the air around the, "My handsome husband." She truly did love saying that word. She took in the sight of him as he stood there in front of her before she stood from the bed of pine needles.Closing the distance between them she licked his chin before running her nose along the bottom of his jaw. She then buried her nose into fur at hid neck and took in his scent with a deep breath. She was ready for what was to come and to share this moment with the man she loved. Oksana ran her muzzle along the length of his back before coming around behind him.

Once she came up beside him she kissed his cheek. This time a question was on her lips, "Dance with me?" she whispered before taking a few steps away from him and offering a clear invitation.
(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2022, 02:34 PM by Oksana.)
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arya who has 391 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aleister Vuesain

"Lee." Her nickname for him sent shivers down his spine as his mismatched gaze beheld his wife. She truly held all of him in her paw and Aleister couldn't imagine it any other way. Sana was the light for him to follow whenever the darkness grew too great, and she was the shore whenever the waters grew too rough. He was lucky to have found her when he did, though he wished he could have crossed paths with her years earlier. But everything happens for a reason, and he wouldn't have changed a single moment.

When she closed the distance between them, he couldn't help the rumbling of his throat as she ran her body along the length of his. Her whispered words sent another wave of shivers as his ocean and sunshine gaze met her fiery eyes. "Always," he muttered lovingly as he kissed her cheek in return. 

Al fade
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2022, 06:25 PM by Aleister.)
[Image: lMaXPz.png]