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Marco — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
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Avella Archer
In her family Avella had noticed the way they all carried themselves, with a great pride. It was as if carrying the name Archer just automatically made them that way. She felt it rubbed off too cause she knew in the back of her mind when she was doing it. Though she never seemed to point it out to herself or tell herself to stop it. Maybe it was because there was reason to be prideful. The Archer line was a long one that had survived a very long time.

Still Maybe Alarick was right, that she had a right to be proud of the work she'd done to make the pack come to life. How many wolves dreamed of having their own pack and never making it happen. She knew that there was plenty of reason to be hopeful especially if she'd been successful during her journey. "Thank you Alarick your words do mean a lot to me. I'm just happy that I could give you all a place to call home and I hope its a wonderful place to call home." She just wanted all of her charges to be happy in their lives.

Avella accepted that Alarick couldn't explain what he meant in that moment. She knew that there were times of uncertainty. "Of course and take your time. I want you to be sure but we you are able I will make time to hear what you have to say." It was important to her that all of them felt they could come and speak with her about anything that was on their mind.

She did worry about him going on thus trip so she'd decided to make him promise. While it might have been unfair she knew that she would be more at ease if she knew he was okay. "Thank you Alarick, I hope that it won't be necessary but it's best to be prepared." Because life didn't always go to plan Which Avella knew well enough.

As much as she didn't want Alarick to go on his trip she had no good reason to keep him from it. Especially if he was going to be seeing a friend and helping someone out. So she'd agreed but hearing that the pack he was going to was one that she hadn't learned about was something she couldn't pass up. She trusted Alarick and knew that he would do a good job for her.

She smiled brightly when he said that he would be honored. "Excellent. If you are able would you be able to speak with the leader there for me? Offer our friendship and explain to them that I'm currently unable to visit but will as soon as I can?" She hoped that he would do that for her because it was important to her.
Played by Molo who has 154 posts.
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Once more, despite her obvious pride in her heritage and homeland, Avella proved why she had earned his respect in the first place, stating that his words were meaningful for her, and that she was mostly happy that she had been able to provide a place for others to call home. ”You are welcome. Thank you, again, for allowing me to play a small part in it.” For however long he did decide to stay, there was no denying the positive effect this place and group had on him.

Alarick felt as if he were in the best spirits and physical condition since he had been separated from his family, which was not insignificant. The hunter bowed his head in gratitude and respect for his leader as she once more said he could take his time with the decision, and that he could speak with her when the time was right. A promise he would be sure to keep.

The other also seemed to understand that things did not always go as planned. While he did not think either of them expected his upcoming journey would go badly, Avella was correct - it was better to be prepared. And to at least attempt to consider alternatives before something actually went wrong. ”I do not think it will, either. If the woman does not return within a few weeks, I will assume she found what she needed, and head there by myself. Without her, I should be able to make better time.” And avoid any potential hang-ups that might come about because of her, he thought.

It seemed he had been correct, to suspect that he might be given some duty as an emissary. Avella requested he attempt to speak to the leader of Levi’s pack and to extend friendship. It was a rather significant request, in his eyes, and one he would take on. ”I certainly will, if I can. Having a friend there, already, should help with that too, I think.” To be tasked with this was quite an honor, and the request was something Alarick had every intention of fulfilling, provided of course, something drastic was not going on there.

Hopefully, though, if Leviticus was still with the group, having that relationship would indeed help.
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
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Avella Archer
Avella didn't want to take all of the credit for the forming of the pack. Sure it had been her idea but if it hadn't been for Scully and the rest of them Willow Ridge wouldn't be a pack. She smiled when Alarick thanked her again, "I'm glad you could be a part of it too Alarick. Now that we are to this point I can't imagine what it would like to not have you be a part in what we are building. She had grown to count on everyone that was a part of the pack. They each had their own thing that helped the pack in some way.

Avella felt confident that the Ridge was well on its way to being what it once was. She thought that once they got through puppy season it would be time to start searching for more members once more. The masked woman didn't want to have to worry about anything and more members she believed would ensure that.

There were things that she was co concerned about as they spoke of his journey. It sounded as though he would be crossing the mountain. That worried her, many things could happen in the meantime. "What do you know about this woman Alarick," she asked since he'd mentioned her Avella thought to ask. "You'll let me know before you leave?" She wanted to have everything in order before he left so that all he would need to do was let her know he was going.

He'd also provided her an excellent opportunity. Avella didn't know if her…excursions had been successful just yet. In a few weeks for she would know for sure and that would be too late for her to be leaving the territory. There were preparations at home that needed to be made. So it made sense that Alarick speak with the leader in her stead. Then later when she could she could go and introduce herself properly. "Thank you, I think having a friend there might help a lot. I do hope they are still there." She knew how things could work in a pack, how wolves came and went. "I don't want you to miss your chance to see your friend," she added wanting Alarick to know she wished him well on his journey.
Played by Molo who has 154 posts.
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She could not imagine not having him there to be a part of it. A comment that earned his leader a happy, and rather grateful smile, though internally, the hunter had his doubts. Not necessarily about Avella and her caring, or her agenda. But, what was he, really? Amongst those who were not truly his family, how could he be more to them than just another body? These thoughts, as with so many it seemed, were something he would have to sort out on his own.

It was easier to focus on Embla, and the soft, hesitant breath that escaped him as his leader posed the question was an indication of how little he actually knew. ”Of course, I will pass word along before we go. As for her, I know only her name - Embla - and that she was searching for someone. It is not much… but, if there is a chance I can help her, a part of me feels obliged to do that.” Considering he knew how it felt to be apart from friends and family, if he could help someone else find that, it was a journey Al would undertake without question.

Especially when it meant he would get to see his friend again, and now he had figured out he could help the ridge as well. The slightest of frowns crossed his face as Avella expressed hope that Levi would in fact be part of the pack, still. Something he had not really considered. ”He should be there, still. He seemed committed, the last time we spoke. Invited me to remain with them. If by some chance he is not, though, I will make do.”

He had been given a directive, after all. If Leviticus was not still there to help, Al would not let that dissuade him from accomplishing the task.
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
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Avella Archer
Avella considered Alarick to be a very important part of what she was building. Just as important as everyone else who was there working day in and day out to make sure that their goals were met. She knew that it would take time to reach the point she wanted to. She also knew that wolves would come and go over time it was just the way of things. She just hoped that all the wolves who helped her along the way would know their importance to her.

She knew that Alarick would do right by her when it came to visiting the pack on the other side of the mountain. She smiled when he said that he would let her know when he was leaving. That would be just fine. Though she was worried about this woman. "I wouldn't expect enything less from you Alarick," she said in regards to him helping the woman he called Embla. "Just be careful and maybe you can learn a little more about her on your journey." Avella wasn't really sure how she felt about him helping this woman out but she kept those thoughts to herself for now.

Avella had nothing but good hopes that Alarick would find his friend still in the pack. "I will hope that he is and that the two of you get the chance to catch up. If he's not I'm sure you will Alarick but I think you should cross that creek when you get to it." There was no reason to think negatively when they didn't even know.

She had every faith in him and while this trip was threefold Avella still had her concerns. They mostly revolved around Alarick and his safety as well as his friend and if he'd get the chance to see him.
Played by Molo who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
She wouldn’t expect anything less from him, the leader spoke. Al was not quite sure how to take that - if it was meant to be some sort of compliment, or alternatively, simply her expectation. Regardless of whichever it was, the former hunter would most certainly honor his word, and offered his leader a respectful nod as she requested he be careful.

”I will, I promise you that,” he offered with a slight, and hopefully assuring smile. Though he chose not to speak of it, he had been wandering alone for far longer than he had been with the ridge. With the weather likely only to grow more favorable as time went on, Al did not harbor any concerns about the upcoming trip except for how long it might take.

Avella also chose to take the optimistic route on whether or not Levi would still be with the pack once he set out. Her philosophy though, was a good one. He could - and would deal with situations as they came, rather than worrying too much about it. ”A splendid idea. And thank you, for permitting this, it means.. a lot.”

Leviticus was his first friend in this place, after all. Alarick was truly looking forward to having an opportunity to catch up with him.

--think we’re good to fade if you want^^
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
She was truly glad to have Alarick among her ranks. He was a good role model for them all. He worked hard and had strong morals. She trusted him with her pack and her life if it ever came down to it. She couldn't believe she'd been lucky enough to snatch him up amd bring him back. Though she worried with some of the things he'd said in their time knowing each other that he may not be around as long as she would like him to be.

She smiled when he promised that he would be careful. "I'll hold you to it," she said half serious and half joking. Then she stepped forward and rubbed her muzzle against his. "I'll miss seeing you around here while you're gone." She wanted to make sure he knew that too since she didn't want to leave anything unsaid.

She was happy for Alarick that he was taking this opportunity to see his friend. It was important to check in every once in awhile. She was hopeful for him and didn't want him to get discouraged before he even got there. He thought she had an excellent idea amd thanked her for the opportunity. "You're welcome Alarick. I'm am glad that I'm able to allow you to go."

In a few months time she wasn't sure she'd be able to permit such a trip. At least not until the pups she may have were older.