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new beginning — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Today was that day. Very soon, he and Siyet would be leaving the place they had been calling home for more than half a year, now. Jethro felt both excitement and a small bit of heartache that he did not know when he would see the cove, or some of his friends here, again. There wasn’t any way of knowing how well he and Siyet would do in the upcoming journey, but the dark one had determined long ago that he wanted to try.

He sat just inside the cove’s territory, the sun just beginning to set behind him as he waited for Siyet, and anyone else that might wish to say goodbye. While the sun was beginning to set on this chapter of life and Jet anticipated getting started on what was ahead, he’d also be forever grateful for the home he’d had, here.

@Siyet and Jethro's exit from SC. aw if anyone wanna say goodbye
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
It was the morning she had been waiting for. The day her and Jethro were leaving. She arched her back, stretching out the sleep, and looked towards the sun. It was a nice warm day, the perfect day to begin a new adventure.

She left her usual spot by the lake and headed toward the center of the Cove, where Jethro said to meet. She walked over there, a smile on her face, and saw him, patiently waiting. She couldn't help but prance over there. Soon she would be leaving with the one she loved. Whether or not he shared those feelings didn't matter as much anymore. As long as she got to be with him.

"Goooooood Morning Jethro! It's such a nice day today isn't it?"

She flashed him a smile and went over to him to join him is his apparent sunbathing.
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
The appearance of his friend brought Jet out of his musings, and he noticed a different level of energy and flair to her steps, that was not often present. He observed Siyet’s approach with a slightly amused smile, glad once more that he was not setting off completely alone, and even more so that his friend seemed to share in the enthusiasm. He was more than certain he could’ve made things work, on his own, but it helped that he didn’t have to.

Jet rose as the other grew closer, reaching out to greet the other with a soft bump of his crown. ”G’mornin’, it sure is. You ready for this - good with headin’ to the north, to start?” It wasn’t really a question he thought he needed to ask, but the word and opinion of his friend was important.

Most of his exploring as of lately had cenetered around the cove, but Jet was eager to venture beyond that radius. The places that both Levi and Oksana had told him about toward the north were places he wanted to see - including the lake that existed there. For practical purposes, living near a lake or large body of water made sense, and though a part of him would miss the mountains too, being out of them also seemed like a positive.
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Siyet returned Jethro's gesture and observed him as he spoke. He definitely seemed to be carrying himself differently and seemed like he was in a good place. Siyet hoped that this journey would good for Jethro, and that he would feel whole, and at peace with himself. Some of the negative things he had said in the past bothered her and she hoped that his outlook on life would change.

She looked at him and nodded with his words.

"Yes, north sounds like a good plan to me. It's starting to warm up a little, so it's possible food could be migrating north too."

Siyet thought that maybe because he had been wondering when Jethro originally found her, he had experience in the area, and would know a good route to go north. She wondered how many, if any, other wolves they may run into. It was quite an exciting thought, meeting new people. She couldn't keep her tail from wagging as she awaited the next steps.
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
With a nod, Siyet agreed to venture north with him, expressing optimism about their likelihood of finding prey as well. Of all the things he had been thinking about, that was not one Jet had given a large amount of thought to. ”Good point. Oksana told me about a forest, an’ another lake to the north, which she grew up nearby. Thought we could check that out, but take our time and explore anythin’ else of interest along the way. See if we meet anyone interested in joining us, too.”

Although he did hope to live beside, or near another lake, Jet didn’t necessarily want to rush directly there, not if it meant they would pass up something interesting. They would also need to find others to join them, for the idea to be successful. For now, with spring on its way, he and Siyet had plenty of time to do and decide on all of those things. They didn’t need to be in a rush to settle somewhere.

With a soft breath and a wry smile, the dark one leaned closer to his friend. ”Thank ya, again, for comin’ with me. I’m glad not to be doing this alone. With both of us workin’ together, I think we got a real shot at success and makin’ a good place for others that need it.” Jet was optimistic about this, genuinely hopeful that it would work out.
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Jethro mentioned that the place they might be going to was recommended by Oksana. If it was recommended by her friend, she trusted that this place may be promising and she agreed with Jethro. She also didn't mind going north because this would mean cooler temperatures, which would be nice with the increase in temperatures.

" Well if Oksana said its a good spot, its good enough for me."

She chuckled slightly, and looked at Jethro as he said how he was glad she was going with him. He wanted this endeavor to succeed, and because of this Siyet also wanted this too succeed. It was his dream, and she wanted to support his dream in any way she can. She looked north, in the direction they were going to be goin and stretched her back out.

"With the two of us, I am sure we will be able to make this work. We got this Jet. I believe in us."

She playfully bumped into Jethro, while smiling. She was ready to head out. She couldn't wait to see what the adventure would bring.
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Siyet seemed willing enough to head north to check out the place Oksana had mentioned, which meant that the plan, for now at least, was set. ”If it’s anything like she described, and like I imagine… I think we’ll like it, there.”

That didn’t necessarily mean they would end up staying. For, Jethro supposed, it was always possible he and his companion could end up hating the place, though he very much doubted that would be the outcome.

Jet returned the grin of his companion, absorbing her shoulder bump with a soft chuckle. ”I believe in us, too. One way or another, we will make it work.” Rarely had the dark one allowed himself to feel so optimistic about anything. But even if the plan didn’t work out, what did they have to lose? Nothing except time, and that was something, at their age, each of them still presumably had an abundance of.

Inclining his head, Jet set off towards the north. Tempted though he was to look back at the cove, he didn’t. One way or another, he’d see it again, he was sure of that.

--fade here?