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follow your fire — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Ghost who has 227 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

So this Reika was not with the group as Finley had first assumed that she was, and Flair did not take overly kind to strangers. All of this was noted even while the expectant mother remained silent. Maybe it was just more her nature to observe rather than speak, or maybe it was self preservation in not wanting to piss off Flair. Another wolf may have considered how Reika was feeling more excluded, but this did not occur quickly to the Lennox woman who at her core was prone to selfishness.

At least Chan did not allow the silence to go on long before he answered both questions. Thankful for a distraction she answered, ”I would love to hear what the plans are.” That would allow her to have a more realistic sense of where things were headed and what her options were. Not that she had many. She knew that barring something extreme her best option would be to stay where the numbers are for protection.

She could only hope that whatever they were she would be able to manage them as her pregnancy progressed. If it progressed. It was still so new her scent had not changed and she had no way of knowing if her life as she knew it was over. Only time would tell. For now she needed to play it safe.

Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Of course, Chan remained his cordial self, explaining everything, unbothered by the stranger’s attitude. Flair let out a grumbly sigh, shaking her shoulders to settle her hackles back down. It was no use trying to keep up her standoffish self with the excessively chummy Eastfall around. She smiled a little at that, wondering how different her last stint as a loner would have been if they’d been friends back then.


At least the bistre shewolf finally offered an introduction of her own, adding a bit of info about herself, which did help to thaw Flair slightly towards her. She stepped aside, no longer blocking Reika from her find, even nodding towards the carcass; “Guess we might as well share this, just, leave some for Gwen, yeah?” She quirked a brow looking between the two new wolves and then back to Chan, narrowing her eyes a little at his addition.


Then Finley spoke up and Flair found herself agreeing with her, giving a half tilt of her head towards the lithe girl. “Me too,” she drawled, looking to meet Chan’s eyes. It was true, they had talked about heading for the ocean, but up until now, she’d thought that meant just the three of them. If they were gonna pick up strangers along the way, and at this pace, that trip was gonna get cumbersome real fast.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
The girl remained cool under fire, and introduced herself as newcomer Reika. Had she been traveling with Cole, then? Chan made a mental note to have a more private discussion with the young woman later on, wanting to know just how extensive or brief her connection to his past partner was. Before that, however, Finley and Flair made their desire to discuss the future clear while the latter gave invitation to them all to take part in the carcass she'd brought.

It would be a wordy afternoon, then. Chan didn't mind. He settled in, intent on letting the others take their pick of meat before digging in himself.

"Well, y'know @Jethro had talked about founding his own pack..." he began, willing to expound here and now if they were up for it.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Kai who has 58 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Reika Archer
Reika had given them a brief introduction. Though she didn't know these wolves she wasn't against making friends with them. It seemed they would ge occupying the same part of the lore so it made more sense to male friends of them than enemies. Especially when there were three of them and just her amd Colette.

Reika's ears perked at the mention of plans. Perhaps there would be some interesting information to be had there hut before that was elaborated on something else happened. The red female seemed more inclined to share her food. So Reika took came closer to the group. She would wait until they'd taken their share.

She once again found her ears perking when Chan spoke. "I've met Jethro and his friend Siyet," she told as if it was important information. She wasn't sure it was but perhaps it would help in creating a friendship with these three.
Played by Ghost who has 227 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

Flair seemed to settle after Reika introduced herself, and Finley felt a little bit better about not being the only newcomer to the group. When the other woman moved aside the Lennox wolf smiled gratefully but declined, ”Thank you, but Chan was kind enough to share his kill with me earlier today.” She did not want to be greedy given that this group owed her nothing, and frankly she didn’t like eating more than her share even under normal circumstances.

At the mention that they might be forming a pack, or someone named Jethro might be forming a pack Finley smiled slightly. That would at least offer some stability should her mistake take fruition in her womb. And if it didn’t, she could stick around long enough to repay her debts to the group before continuing on.

The woman stayed silent, but looked diligently at the others waiting for someone to chime in. She had no idea who Jethro was, and therefore had nothing to add.