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I'll let you lead — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
For @Eros dad has taken him for a drink at the falls and to talk!
Early morning, very light snow, -3C/27F

Viorel knew that his kids had been having a hard time lately. Oleander was the last left of his litter and now there would be new siblings, Eros was adjusting to some adult concepts. The father knew that Modesto being banished had not sat well with him, and then he had been reprimanded by Sharlee who was going through something of her own. Then of course there was the drought that had completely dried up the creek and the backwater.

All of that was to say, when the father had decided to take a trip to the falls, the closest source that still had water, he had asked Eros to tag along. It took a couple days to get there, and by the time they finally did the salt and pepper was parched. The second his yellow eyes landed on the falls he surged forward and lapped happily at the cool water. Just as his lips touched the water, the sky let out a few flakes of snow drifting gently towards the earth.

When he finally felt like his thirst had been quenched for the time being, he turned back to Eros. Smiling with chagrin about how quickly he gulped, he dove right into the conversation, ”Listen, Eros. I didn’t just ask you here to get some water, I’ve been meaning to speak with you.” He trailed off, waiting for some kind of response.

Played by Cade who has 556 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros was full of worry. The adults' reactions had made it clear that water draining away was not a normal occurrence. If they were concerned, the young boy certainly could not let the thoughts of what-if rest. He needed to do something about it, but what could be done? How could one wolf bring back whole bodies of water?

At least they had the springs, but this trip in itself was a reminder of how inconvenient they truly were. What about his mom? She just kept getting bigger and more uncomfortable...

His father picked up his pace, surprising Eros into the present and out of his thoughts. He looked up and realized the falls were nowhere near as loud as they had once been. What if they dried up too? He trotted after Viorel, and bent down to sate his own thirst.

Listen, Eros.

The youth picked up his head, first regarding his father with curiosity and then with a measure of apprehension. He prepared himself for a scolding, or even...

(This post was last modified: May 16, 2022, 05:47 AM by Eros.)
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
A note to me: I have now set Vi's hydration to 100 because of this thread.

His normally chatty son had only a single word to say, okay. Viorel suddenly realized how critical what he was going to say was, there was so much that had already gone unspoken. He shifted on his paws once or twice before forcing himself still, he did not want to be seen as weak by his own son. But, he also wanted his child to know it was alright to be vulnerable and grow, it was a difficult line to walk.

There was nothing to do but start, ”I know that things have been tense recently, and a lot has been changing very quickly.” That was probably an understatement at this point, but he wanted to begin at the beginning…if that made sense. Viorel hated that he was even here second guessing the words he was going to say to his child.

He looked at the falls, and for a second was distracted by how they had only half their volume. How much longer could this continue? Then he snapped back to the task at hand, ”You’re always going to be my son, and I will protect you and your siblings from harm if it is the last thing I do. But, you’re all almost yearlings now, and that means you don’t have the excuses of being a child anymore.” He paused for a second, trying to sort out his thoughts. ”You will all be expected to follow the same rules as the rest of the pack, and when you break them, receive the same punishments as everyone else.” He could only hope that this was not going to cause another blow up.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Cade who has 556 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
It took the boy a moment to build an assumption of what his father was getting at. His peach eyes watched Viorel conjure the words, open to the possibilities until it shifted toward something a bit more definite in the child's mind. They drifted away, out toward the dwindling water. Was this a warning, an attempt to reign him in before he crossed some kind of invisible line? What exactly was he doing that was so terrible and wrong, anyways?

"... like banishment?" he asked quietly after his father finished, still not meeting his gaze.

If they all felt this way, like he was some kind of problem, if they wanted him to just go like Grandma or Aunt Mo... he'd do it. Eros wasn't looking to be anybody's burden. His ears lowered sadly at the thought, but his muscles tensed with determination.
(This post was last modified: May 16, 2022, 05:57 AM by Eros.)
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The look of sadness and realization on Eros’ face broke Viorel’s heart, and he wanted to pull him into a warm embrace, tell him that could never happen. But, that was not entirely the truth was it? Silver eyebrows knit together on his forehead, ”Well yes I guess. But, I would only let that happen if you did something really terrible, like purposely injure another member of the pack, or try to. Or do something to try to break up the pack.” This was not going at all the way that he thought it was going to go.

Trying to force a smile he forged on, ”But, it’s not all bad being an adult. It means you also get a lot more freedom to explore, and start to get working towards earning a specific role if that’s what you want.” He could see his young son being a good scout, or even a healer if he took after either of the mothers. This time the smile reached his eyes, ”In fact, once your mother gives birth you and your brothers will be tasked with teaching your younger siblings as much as you can, but, before that I have a special task for you, if you’re interested.” Viorel had been planning on doing some scouting of his own, but with the lack of water and heavily pregnant wife, maybe it was better if Eros did it.

The father left the offer in the air, a tantalizing treat should his son take it.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Cade who has 556 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
His father was not immediately assuring, but his words did offer fatherly protection. Clearly, others in the family had not been afforded such tolerance, for none of those the remaining Valles looked down on had physically harmed someone much less managed to undermine the pack as a whole. While he knew that equality was more important than the bond between him and his dad, he also carried the same emotions of every other child. He wanted his father to favor him, to give him understanding and second chances, to defend him before others whether they were a stranger or Aunt Shar.

Whatever his feelings on the matter, it hadn't been the point. Or at least, not solitary; Viorel let the conversation fluidly move on to something good and Eros' spirits were lifted. It wasn't what he'd thought, and that was a relief.

All of it excited him, from the thought of having his own specific job to being the best big brother he could, but the special task was indeed the hook the older Valle hoped it would be.

"What is it?" he asked, eyes bright with interest.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Despite their recent upsets Viorel knew that his son was a good boy, and that he was young and trying to find himself in the world. He had already begun to learn that the world was not always a happy place, but the father wanted to shelter him still. But, coddling would do him no good in the long run. All he could do was be there to pick up the pieces and make things better when his son’s world hit a bump.

And for now that was still easy to do. The leader smiled as his son’s eyes brightened with excitement and a sense of relief washed over him. Glancing up towards the mountains he mused, ”Well, we need a scout to go check on both Sanguine Cove and Willow Ridge. Make sure that they’re doing alright despite the drought and announce that we will be having a new litter in the spring.” He spoke as if this was all a new idea, and not one that he had discussed thoroughly with Vanadis. Viorel was a smart man, he wasn’t sending his children off on a weeks long trip without his wife’s permission.

Glancing back at Eros he continued, ”I thought it might be something you would like to do, and maybe take Archer with you if you don’t want to go alone.” Viorel himself would feel better if they both went and could look out for each other, but he didn’t need his boy to know that.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Cade who has 556 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Two desires dueled within him when he heard Sanguine Cove. He wanted very much to go there and see @Kateri and @Leo both, particularly the latter whom Eros had come to better understand his unique feelings for. However, he remembered well the last ascent and how he nearly hadn't made it. It was exhausting going up that mountain! The boy thought a moment, paws tapping the ground as he did so.

"Definitely," he answered with a big grin, knowing at least that no matter how they did it, him and his brother could get this done. Even if it meant splitting up the tasks, which would later prove to be the case.

"We'll get it done. You can trust us."

The words were delivered with a beaming smile, but they were also carefully picked. Eros had gotten the immense sense that Viorel very much did not trust him. Hopefully, this was to prove otherwise.
(This post was last modified: Aug 10, 2022, 05:41 PM by Eros.)
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Feel free to fade with your next post!

His son beamed at him, and assured the father that not only would they get the job done, but that he could trust them. The last sentence caused Viorel to pause for a moment before answering, ”I know I can. I just hope you don’t rush into growing up.” He wasn’t even sure the first half of that statement was true, he knew he could trust Archer, Eros was another story these days.

As for not growing up too quickly, Viorel loved his family and what he and his cousin had built, but that didn’t mean he didn’t think about what could have been. What would life have been like if he had been able to be a teenager for real, grow up in a pack with adult guidance. These thoughts had only become more prevalent since Eros’ accusation, was it his fault everyone was leaving? Was he trying to do something that he wasn’t cut out for?

Maybe his son would make better decisions. The father could only hope that this was going to be the case. Turning away he took another drink, ”We can hang out here for a little while, but then we should get back.” He needed to get back to Vanadis.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Cade who has 556 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Rush into growing up? Eros blinked his bright eyes at his father, not entirely sure what to make of the words. Wasn't he about to be an adult whether he wanted to or not? The teen didn't fear getting older, but of course he could not know everything it entailed. All he saw was freedom, maybe even the chance to finally be taken seriously. It certainly didn't seem out of line with the example set for him, muddling his understanding all the more.

Rather than pursue clarification, though, Eros let the thoughts go as Viorel went on. Hang out. Yeah, that sounded much better.

"Bet I can catch a fish before you do," he offered with a wry grin, stepping into the waters. What better way to pass a little time than sport? Maybe he'd even win this time!

Shoulders squared and gaze set on the shadows flitting through the shallows, he utilized the skills he'd been taught and did his best to bring home a snack or two for the others.
