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the last train leaving — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
All welcome! takes place after @Marrah howls goodbye to the pack in this thread (8/9).

Upon hearing her niece's initial summons for @Enera, a knot had begun to form within Woya's stomach. She told herself that it was nothing despite the timber of the young girl's notes, and continued to watch her children play and explore within the Chasm's main chamber as she stood watch at it's entrance. Time passed and little changed, her nerves continuing to burn away at the sense of peace she'd possessed before the call had sounded.

Then came the second song, the intention communicated clearly. Woya's heart dropped into the acid of her stomach, and without a second thought she abandoned her post. It was like a kneejerk reaction, something she couldn't stop or even fight. Her short legs carried her as swiftly as they could, over the concealed threshold of their home and out into the sea of blood-red ferns, chasing after Marrah's howl. She tried to call back, her own voice jostled and hampered by her strides.

Wait! she desperately begged. Wait!!

The alpha would run until her legs refused to carry her any longer, but it wouldn't be enough. Marrah was gone.