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On my own — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
When she'd met the Chocolate man all those months ago Avella couldn't have imagined how important his part in her life would be. He wasn't just another pack member or subordinate. He'd been many things to her but the most important was her friend. She wanted to make sure that he was happy in his life with the pack. As much as she appreciated the work that he did for the pack she felt he needed time away from that work.

She smiled when he said that he thought he took tike fir himself. "Good, it's important to me that your not overworking yourself." She knew he spent time with the kids and Avella believed that not only did he truly enjoy that time but also that it was fun for him.

Hagar went on to explain a little more about how he took time for himself. Avella was thoughtful for a moment as she considered his words. "Sounds like what I do when I come to this place," she commented before meeting his gaze. "I'm grateful for your devotion to the pack Hagar but especially to me and the children. I can't can't express enough what that means to me."
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 241 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Overworking. That he certainly didn't feel he did, though whether or not that were the reality of things would yet be seen. Hagar had always been a wolf of action, one who'd never found himself bored, and he enjoyed the lifestyle these traits brought about.

He listened while watching the water flow, caught the movement of her gaze from the peripheral of his own. Avella spoke then in that way she had, effortlessly articulate and benevolent. His stomach squirmed with a feeling that was close to butterfly wings, but not quite the same. His green eyes flicked back to the river, and there was a brief silence as he mulled over his thoughts before expressing them. He would never have as quick a tongue as her.

"You all mean a lot to me too," he answered, voice a touch quieter than it had been previously. This place was his home, Hagar officially tethered whether he liked it or not. Most of the time, he truly, deep into his bones did. There were moments though, where sometimes he wondered if this wasn't quite where he was meant to be.
[Image: 2zvAVMd.png]
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
Avella knew the loyalty and commitment that Hagar had shown to the pack. He worked hard to make sure that they all had what they needed to survive. Even during the drought he never faltered. Since she'd met him the masked woman knew that he could always be counted on.

A smile crossed her features at the last words that he spoke. "I had hoped when you came to join us that we would all become a family. That we woukd be there for each other. I care very much for you too Hagar as I'm sure the pups do as well." It was important for him to know that. She didn't want him to ever feel as though he was just someone to do the work. That couldn't be farther from the truth.

She looked across the creek for a moment before turning her mismatched gaze back to him. "We could stay here awhile longer if you like? It's been awhile since we've enjoyed each other's company."
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 241 posts.
Inactive Deceased
The pups... His tail thumped against the ground, heart warmed once more by the thought of their children. He could not have them forever, but Hagar appreciated every single second.

We could stay here awhile longer if you like? It's been awhile since we've enjoyed each other's company.

Hagar met her gaze, and nodded. He would stay as long as she'd like, content to enjoy this peaceful moment together in their home. Almost like it was before Camden had joined them...
[Image: 2zvAVMd.png]