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Show me where to look — Lost Lake 
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Played by Kai who has 21 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Feyre Vuesain
Feyre had spent days along the lake looking for the perfect stone. Her mother had told her about the memorial for their father and others thst had been lost. The little blackbird didn't know much about the others but she knew a lot about her dad. She wanted to find the most perfect rock to honor him. One that she would be able to find each time she went to the memorial. One that would say that her father was being remembered there too.

It had taken quite a few days but she'd finally found the perfect stone. It wasn't too big but it wasn't small either. It was white with a gray strip around it and it had been smoothed by the water of the lake. Feyre was happy with her choice. She'd taken it to a secret spot for safe keeping until the day she would place it in its resting place.

When that day came she went to get it before waiting for her family to be ready to make the journey. Once they were all ready she followed her mother until they reached the place.
Played by Kai who has 16 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Star Vuesain
Star hadn't really wanted to go to the memorial. She didn't want to be forced to accept that her dad was gone. She'd spoken with her mother about this to which she'd been told that if it was something she wasn't comfortable with she didn't have to go. So Star had all but made up her mind that she would stay at the den while everyone went to the memorial.

However, when the day of the dedication came Star had changed her mind. She exited the den to meet up with Feyre with her own stone. A nice dark gray one that had a strange shaped. She'd found it while practicing her hunting in the forest. It had caught her eye and she knew that it had to go on the memorial.

Though her feelings were still a little mixed on the matter of the dedication amd whether she wanted to be there or not she followed her mother and Fey as they made their way through the cove.
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
The Vuesain-Slayer girl still felt extremely guilty for not being there for her father before his death. She was still sad that she hadn't gotten the chance to say goodbye to him amd tell him that she loved him. With Archers help she was slowly coming to terms with things. Kateri didn't know what she would do without him.

When she heard about the memorial for her father and the others she knew they had to stay. This would be her chance to speak with her father and tell him the things that she'd wanted to say. She had brought a special bone to place upon the memorial as a gift to her father. Something she hoped would show him that she'd healed and was living a normal life. She was sure that he'd be happy to know that.

She was deep in thought as her paws carried her across the familiar ground of her birth home. They would take her to the place where the memorial would be but it all seemed surreal to her. It made her very uncomfortable but she carried on. This was something she had to do.

There were quite a few wolves gathered when she arrived. The Slayer girl quietly placed her gift upon the Cairn before stepping back to hear Stella speak.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
The day that the dedication of the memorial had come. Oksana was proud of Stella for coming up with the idea and pitting it all together. She believed that this would be good for everyone in the pack. Though Sanguine Cove hadn't been the home She'd grown up I'm she understood the pack had a history there. Just as her birthplace did. That many of the wolves within had ties to that history and she wanted them to have a place they could go to remember those who had given the pack life.

Oksana gathered her daughters each of them with gifts for their father. Di wasnt there ao she hoped that her other daughter had already gone to the dedication. She had been doing the best that she could to be there for each of them as they needed her. She was quite proud of the way they'd handled the loss of their father. Though the crow still struggled herself with the loss of her husband she tried to make sure to keep up with the pack and her children.

With the two of them in tow she led then to the place the dedication would take place. She didn't speak sure that they each knew the importance of this day. The crow carried her own gift for the memorial. A medium sized stone that was shiny and black. She thought it would be the perfect addition.

They arrived just as Stella had begun to speak so stayed back a little to allow her to finish what she wanted to say.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 679 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

The pack slowly assembled, some only arriving once Stella began to speak. Nash listened closely, respectfully, glancing down to ensure his children were doing the same. For once they sat quietly - though Mona hadn't come, which had to help. The young girl's desire to constantly be in the center of attention was becoming problem. One Nash wasn't sure he knew how to address. Now was not the time, however.

The leader had expected his mother to come and looked to the path with concern, hoping she would make it before the pack disbanded - that she could make it.

Stella finished her speech and Nash nodded to her in encouragement. "Well said," he murmured before his gaze landed on Kateri. She'd been quiet since returning to the Cove with her friend from the Backwater. It was strange to see his step-daughter with the scent of another pack. He hoped for her mother's sake she would stay, but something told him she wouldn't. This was not the time nor place to discuss it with her.

Nash dipped his head to the growing cairn in his own goodbye to his dear friend then sat beside the path's entrance to wait for more members to arrive - or for the present members to leave. He would guard the cairn until then.