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somewhere in your dreams — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
It works- sort of. Arty's eyes open, but his muzzle moves. Not quite away, but lower, touching Malien's pale chin. And Malien worries: had his kiss been too forward? Too much?

He doesn't ask, and puts it out of his mind. Basks in the warm presence next to him instead, in the soft laugh. How can someone be so effortlessly beautiful? So breathtaking and mesmerizing? The breath gets stuck in his throat but his tail beats, a small, toothy smile curving over his muzzle and lighting up his eyes.

"I'll nurture your pride," he promises in a murmur, nosing one of Arty's cheeks and his neck. "Bolster you against future encounters." He would be content to stay here, to bask together in the sunlight.
Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
I’ll nurture your pride, the other murmured. Almost, perhaps, possessively? He wasn’t sure what to think about that. But it had him nudging a little more into the embrace anyway. ”And I, for you. Should you ever need it.” He murmured in return.

His companion, it seemed, would’ve been content to lounge the day away. Or at least maybe a part of it. Though Arty thoroughly relished in this closeness and contact, was fascinated by the shifting changes he’d seen in Malien’s disposition since their initial meeting, lounging had been what they’d done the most of.

Although Artyom couldn’t believe he was thinking it, today was a day that’d felt ripe for exploration and adventure. Not getting all cuddly. Despite his embarrassing slip-up, his paws itched to continue. To see yet more of this place. So he leans forth again, briefly and tantalizingly close to Malien. Quickly returning the earlier kiss, before somewhat reluctantly pulling back.

”Shall we keep going, then? The day is still young. He inquires, pointing with his nose towards the path Malien had been following before his incident. Ready to rise to his paws at a moment’s notice, if only the other gives him the word.

-feel free to fade & assume they either cuddle or continue exploring.. unless you’d like to continue? Going to need some reason for separation too :s
Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
As Arty responds in kind, Malien realizes he did not offer it to be promised it in return. He hadn't even thought of it- it had just seemed right, and natural, to say he would. Offered on a whim with no expectations, and though he still lays close, it makes him pause for a moment.

He feels his heart beat. It's a bit too hard and fast and noticeable. Not racing, but alive.

What is happening to me..?

He is getting kissed by another wolf, and enjoying it, is what's happening. It is warmer feeling than any sunlight has ever been. So, lounging does sail rather easily to the top of his wishlist.

The suggestion of ceasing the activity is initially met with with a slight grunt, but Arty does have a point. And besides, Malien did thoroughly enjoy just sauntering around with him, too. "You are right," he agrees, lingering a second longer before disentangling himself and standing- a grin, the sway of his tail, a playful nudge, and he's off again, wandering up the peaceful, frozen stream.

I'm fine with either! And yeah I have no ideas for that D;
Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
With the slightest of grunts, Malien agreed. You’re right, he spoke, before separating and standing. Arty smiled a little - of course I am - before he returned the playful nudge. And then bounced to his paws, a surge of fiery energy prompting him to surge forth after his companion excitedly. Albeit this time after making sure he was not standing on ice.

For this, whatever the nature of this relationship was between him and Mally, it sure beat exploring all of these new places alone. He thought he’d have grown tired of the other by now, as he had of most others, but no… Malien just continued to offer surprise after surprise. Not only did he make a wonderful pillow, but a good tour guide as well.

And, speaking of…

”What do you suppose this place would be called?” Arty wondered aloud, slowing a little to examine their surroundings again. They were in a region called Relic Lore - still an odd name but he’d gotten used to that - but that didn’t mean they couldn’t carve out a tiny little slice for themselves. Maybe name it, even if nobody would ever know.
Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
goddd I'm so sorry, I want to stop being an adult xD

Has he ever felt so aimless, yet so content at the same time? They're not doing anything, not aspiring to anything, there's no goal but he doesn't need one. Doesn't want one, because it would be an indication of a finish line- an end.

And he just wants this. He wants to watch Artyom in the sunlight, the youthful energy as he comes catching up, the sunlight setting off the red tones in his fur in a wonderful, dazzling display of copper tones...


Malien turns his head away to watch the surroundings, too self-conscious of the smile on his face. It is too warm, too sappy, not at all the cold and wicked grin he normally sports, or whatever other odd contortions when he doesn't manage to fake a smile.

"It's very peaceful," he says, managing to scrub most of the smile from his features as he tilts his head the other way to look at Arty as they meander up the foothills. "So probably something to do with that. And this is a, what.." He drops his nose to flick it through the snow. "Stream? Chase? Burn? Thing?"
Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It’s peaceful, Malien replied initially to the inquiry. So whatever they called it should have something to do with that. Artyom agreed, with a small, approving nod. They could call it something that had to do with how they actually perceived the place. Based on its characteristics. Practical and smart.

”There’re a lot of pine trees around, too. Um..” Arty’s brow furrowed in thought.. ”Evergreen hedge?” He was not good at naming things, at all. That seemed about the best he could come up with, on a whim, but it didn’t stop him from trying to think further.

”Tranquil creek?” Either one of them seemed.. acceptable, though maybe Mally would have other ideas.

--i feel that so hard. sorry for short post :x
(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2023, 04:13 PM by Artyom.)
Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
Evergreen. Malien has barely paid attention to the trees, too intent on the little stream. Snow and sunlight glitter upon dark pine boughs, and his tongue runs thoughtfully along the inside of his teeth. Evergreen Creek? Evergreenly Guarded Creek?

(And there's this little niggling thought in the back of his mind, one that he doesn't want to let his inner voice give words to, because that would be too much)

"Tranquil's a nice word," he says as he wanders along. He's always thought it is nice - elegant and eloquent without being pompous. Another thought hits him, and he chuffs. "Tranquil Burn," he says, sly, wicked, amused, clearly quite humored by the oxymoronic nature of the name. "Tranquil Chase."
Played by Molo who has 70 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tranquil was a nice word Malien pronounced, something Artyom was in complete agreement with. It instilled feelings of calm and pleasantness, something along those lines. This felt like the sort of place where one could just sit back and relax, never have anything go wrong. Except for, of course, slipping on ice.

Nothing that wasn’t due to one’s own clumsiness, then.

His company then proposed two names, which he sounded rather humored by, and fond of. Neither of the two words he proposed really fit with tranquil, though maybe that was the point.

Arty smiled. ”I like those. Up to you, which one,” he spoke in reply, leaning in to attempt a quick shoulder-bump before darting away again. Because either of them would be fine by him. As long as he had something to call the area.
Played by Fenrir who has 103 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Malien Eterna
He likes those? It makes Malien pause for a second, one paw raised to push onto the crust of glittering snow, ears turning but brain standing still. He hadn't thought three simple words could make him feel like that, but here he is, and no matter how much he tries to tell himself he's just curious of Artyom finds them as hilarious as he does he can't quite possibly convince himself. After all, such a simple pondering wouldn't make his heart beat like this, would it?

A shoulder against his breaks him out of his daze, throwing him off balance for a moment and letting Artyom pull ahead. You make me look a fool he finds himself thinking, but instead of bitter and full of resentment the thought is .. fond.

He snaps out of it, again.

"Tranquil Chase!" he barks as he does just that - gives chase, running after that beautiful wolf glittering ebony and a coppery red along his back in the sunlight.

I'd be fine with ending it here-ish, if you are?
(This post was last modified: May 23, 2023, 07:06 AM by Malien.)