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then a week goes by and it goes untouched — Daybreak Peaks 
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Played by becca who has 162 posts.
Inactive No Rank

While the cubbin' focused on the secrets, Loach looked for the hunting. If any herds lived among the island, they were small in size. Yet he did note that life seemed most common among the shores of the island. Some semi-aquatic beast that dwelled both land and water here. Beaver may have been his first guess had there been any signs of a dam somewhere.

Yet as he carried on like this, the land seemed to raise up into a hill among the center of the island. Tall enough to give him a good view between the still winter-chilled foliage.

He tipped his head back and called for the cubbin' to come meet up with him again.

Played by Sunshine who has 73 posts.
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There was no doubt that a most peculiar scent seemed to linger on the vegetation the closer Claw examined, using his muzzle to nudge various plants and faintly inhale the scent in question to try and decipher just what he belonged to. Clearly it belonged to another animal of sorts, but the mystery would continue on as Loach's beckoning call rang out and robbed the young boy's curiosity. Now, what could he have found?

Ebony limbs trudged back over the fallen timbers from whence he came, using his prints in the moist soil to track his way back to their original point of landing before seeking out where the peppered man had managed to saunter off to in his own exploration of the island. "What yer find?" Claw spoke up once he grew closer and pushed through the brush that partly shielded the older man, his pale green gaze following the path in which Loach's were currently set upon to take in the hill that managed to nestle itself in the center of the island, the perfect vantage point should they be brave enough to scale the incline. "Should we climb it?" Of course it was a rhetorical question, but one that was asked nonetheless.
Played by becca who has 162 posts.
Inactive No Rank

'Course we should.

He side-stepped only to offer a shove into the growing boy's shoulder. Then he felt prepared to climb the hill with ease for its casual slope. Hardly rocky at all and the trees thinned the higher they went.

He was glad that this new discovery could be shared with those he had grown fond of. How it would strengthen their bonds too, he hoped.

Race ya to the top, cubbin'? Yet he lacked it in him to want to win, more inclined to only spark the challenge for the youth. Then, when they reached the height, perhaps they'd share what they had found with one another.