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watching the world from the sidelines — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Ghost who has 227 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane
PF got a BWP RE! Paradise Falls, the herds you normally hunt from have moved on presumably due to high smoke levels. Open to any pack members but hoping to get 2-3 other members alongside Finny
Sunrise, Overcast, 63F/17C

Jethro had gone on his trip, and Ryder had gone with him and thankfully no wildfire had come to ravage their home while they had been away. The tawny Lennox had fretted the entire time, though she had attempted to keep her cool composure. Still, the fatigue was present on her face from many late nights looking for Caspian when she thought others wouldn’t notice, as well as parenting Atara who had long since been mobile and busy.

In her search for her son Finley had come across something equally daunting. The herds that normally frequented the Kingsfall, and in further reaches the lake, had seemingly disappeared. She had tried to ignore it at first, thinking they would come back. It wasn't too unusual for them to move around from time to time. They hadn’t. Every day the smoke came with the heat of the day and the herds stayed away.

This morning the mother found herself pacing rapidly back and forth, ears pinned back in worry. She knew that something needed to be done, but had no idea what could possibly make this any better. They had enough food in their caches for now but with the days growing shorter she knew it was only a matter of time before winter was here. If they were already dipping into their stores now that could only spell disaster for them in the long run.

Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
So far, the fires had remained at bay, which Cole was glad for. Though, she did worry for their two companions. They’d been gone a while.

In their absence, Colette had tried to be extra attentive to anything else that needed done. Which was, of course, always a lot. The ghost constantly felt fatigued, could barely remember what it felt like to be well rested or what a good night’s sleep was, but precisely none of those sensations were new. She’d learned how to cope with that stuff a long time ago.

She’d been on her way back in, ready to turn in for the.. well, morning, after keeping watch and attending to what duties she could during the dark. But the sight of a concerned Finley in her path wasn’t something the ghost could simply ignore.

”Finley. Something wrong?” She inquired, half surprised to find a genuine note of concern lacing the question. In the absence of Reika now though, the other woman was probably her closest acquaintance amidst the pack.
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Life had gotten increasingly stressful over the last month – perhaps not surprisingly. With Jethro still off scouting, all leadership duties now fell on the older woman’s shoulders, as well as the general stress put on the pack by two of its regular hunters being away, and that on top of Reika’s disappearance having lowered their numbers; I just hope he’ll be back soon, with news… Maybe, just maybe, he’d manage to find at least one of their missing.

Additionally, the pups were growing ever more rambunctious, having gained the frustrating ability to wander off if one’s eyes strayed from them for just a second. Mostly they behaved well enough, but their curiosity and boundless energy was an eternal strain on their mother.

So, it wasn’t that she hadn’t noticed the dwindling prey – how couldn’t she? But, much like Finley, she’d ignored it, hoping things would turn back around. At this point though, their caches were starting to dwindle when they should be stocking up for winter, and numerous failed hunts, filling their lungs with smoke for no reward, it was a problem that could no longer be neglected.

Returning from an early morning patrol, she was contemplating possible solutions when she came upon the other women. Noticing Finley’s clear upset and what appeared to be concern on Colette’s face, Flair’s brows knitted together. Coming to a halt, she looked back and forth between the two, addressing them both: “Everything okay?”

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Ghost who has 227 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

The mother had been so caught up in her own thoughts that she did not even realize that not just one, but two of her packmates were nearby. Ears lifted in surprise at Colette’s words, and before she could even answer Flair had also joined them almost echoing the sentiment. Brows furrowing over green eyes she was quick to respond, ”the herds, I’ve been scouting them and they only seem to be moving further away.” She fell quiet for a moment, concern darkening her face.

Finally she sighed, ”They’ve gone past where we can comfortably travel in a day - maybe even two I haven’t gone far enough to check.” Finley wished she had a solution for this problem, instead she had nothing. The woman swallowed hard against the whine she could feel building in her throat, refusing to give it the power of sound that would make the helplessness she felt in her belly real. There had to be something they could do, they couldn’t just let the pack starve once winter came and food was scarce. But, if it was this bad now, who knows how things would look once the snows arrived.

Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Flair appeared seemingly mere moments later, echoing the ghost’s original concern with an inquiry of her own. After a quick glance between them both, Cole settled her gaze on Finley as she elaborated on her concern. It was a deeply troubling one, at that; something the ghost was ashamed to admit she hadn’t even noticed.

The herds were moving away. It would take longer, and be harder, to find food. And with winter coming up… all three of them would know what that could mean.

”They’d.. have to come back though. Winter, the snow, it should stop the fires… right?” She tried to sound optimistic. If prey was leaving now, that’d mean there’d be more food for them here later - so wouldn't they come back for the winter? Cole wanted to believe something like that, but she couldn’t quite keep the worry and uncertainty from reflecting both upon her countenance and words.
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

Finley was the one who answered, quickly and to the point. Flair bit her lip, jaw tensing at the words – it shouldn’t be surprising that her fellow hunters shared her concerns – still, as Fin continued, the leader swore quietly: “Damn!” She hadn’t realized just how bad things had gotten.


Colette attempted to reassure, but her comment sounded all too much like wishful thinking to Flair, who looked over at the ghost with furrowed brows. “Fires might stop, but herds won’t want to travel through th’ snows. If they find food elsewhere, we’ll be starvin’ come winter.” She shook her head, a frustrated grumble brewing in her chest as she turned back to Finley, lone ear flattened back against her russet skull; “Hopefully Jet will be back soon with good news…” If not, they might have to seriously consider leaving the Falls – it simply wasn’t manageable, sending out hunting parties for multiple days to try and bring back food for the pups; We’ll need to bring them closer to the food… Though that also meant bringing them into much more danger.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Ghost who has 227 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

The mother’s brow furrowed as she mulled over Colette’s words. The snows would surely put out the fires but would it be too late? There was at least a moon, or maybe even two before the snow would stick to the ground. Flair seemed to share her concerns and any hope that had been in the Lennox’s eyes faded away quickly. It was so easy for her to latch onto worst case scenarios and here their leader was agreeing they may be starving come winter.

She didn’t want to say it, but couldn’t help it, ”And what if he doesn’t?” She didn’t doubt that he would come back, just that it would be good news when he did. Surely there was a reason they had been gone longer than expected and the likelihood that the reason was good seemed slim.

Turning her attention to Flair who currently had the burden of the entire pack on her shoulders, Finley continued, ”Do we have a plan B?” They had one for if the fires approached the territory but this was an entirely new problem. How many different scenarios could they possibly prepare for?

Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Flair didn’t seem to think their prey would come back, at least not if they found resources elsewhere. The ghost would’ve normally been inclined to believe that, given her leader had spent more of her life here. Something in Cole was not quite ready to just accept that assertion at face value, though.

”But the fires.. might’ve left them in the same situation as us. They might have to come back here.” The ghost didn't desire to fervently argue Flair had said, and that was evident in her words. Colette though, in an ironic turn of events, didn’t want to give up hope. In what universe had she ever tried to be the optimistic one?

It was clear though, that the situation they were facing was serious. Flair expressed a hope that their scouting party might return with good news, while Finley inquired about a secondary plan. The simple answer to that was whatever we have to do, though the ghost would default to their leader, there.

Perhaps she and Jet had discussed other plans before he’d left?
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She hated to be so bluntly pessimistic, but both her pack mates deserved the blunt truth. Leadership, Flair had found, was as much about discussing things openly with those below you as it was giving orders. Colette’s defiant optimism made her smile gratefully though, eyes flicking to the pale woman in surprise. “’t could be,” she agreed, not wanting to completely dismiss the idea, even if she felt the need to prepare for a worst-case scenario; “If th’ fire never reaches us, this might be th’ only place there is food.”

But they had to be ready for the opposite, as Finley pointed out with a clear strain in her voice. Flair turned back to her fellow mother, smile fading into a serious grimace once more. “Nothin’ concrete,” she admitted, it was something she and Jethro had yet to discuss, depending on the results of his scouting trip. Still, the two women deserved an answer now, a reassurance that their leadership was prepared to take on the situation when it came; IF it comes! She hated saying the words, but they needed to be spoken: “But we’ll just have t’ move, temporarily at least. There’s gonna be food somewhere, if we have to, we’ll go find it!” Paradise Falls was a wonderful territory that had, so far, kept their family safe, but if it came down to it, the pack came first, where they lived mattered less than their lives; As long as we stick together!

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Ghost who has 227 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

The tawny mother could appreciate that Colette was trying to be optimistic, even if she herself was having a hard time finding the hope in the situation. She looked to the pale woman beside her and offered something of a thankful smile, even if it did not reach her weary eyes. She had not known the ghost to be all that of a pond half full kind of wolf, but thought good of her for trying.

Flair’s thoughts seemed to be more in line with what Finley had been concerned about and she mulled the words over. They didn’t really have a plan B, other than to uproot everyone and move again. She didn’t love it, didn’t think Ryder would accept going anywhere his brother might not be able to find them, unless they went back to the lake. And Atara, who knew how the child would react to leaving the only home that she had ever known?

Still, it was better than the alternative which would be to stubbornly stick around until they all slowly starved. Nodding once in agreement, she tried to force a more positive expression onto her face, ”I’ll keep scouting when I can and let you know any updates.” For now she just wanted to find her daughter and maybe curl up for a nap, the mother politely excused herself and disappeared deeper into the territory.