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fate — Chinook Coulee 
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Played by Molo who has 48 posts.
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She was now well and truly lost. In her desire for adventure, the girl supposed she must’ve taken a wrong turn (or several) somewhere. Pan hadn’t been able to backtrack, and hadn't been able to find her way back to her family. What’d at first started off as a fun little rebellious excursion had turned into a dreadful nightmare.

Pan had never been alone for this long, and she definitely didn’t like it. Days of wandering, calling out to her family, and nights spent sobbing did little good. After countless days, the girl wondered if she’d ever find them.

She had been subsisting on what she could scavenge, using what skills she’d been taught to forage.

And thankfully, she’d eventually found an area that seemed relatively safe. There was water, and sometimes there were these strange, slimy creatures that would float to the edge (fish, but she didn’t know that word yet).

As long as she avoided the scary-looking, giant brown creatures (bears) that could sometimes be found picking them right out from the water, she could usually scavenge some leftovers. They were typically dead or close to it, and they tasted weird, certainly not like the fresher kills she was used to. But it was better than going hungry.

Today, there weren’t any giant creatures nearby yet, so she felt safe to search the shoreline. A shiny, oddly shaped stone caught her eye, and the girl stooped to examine it.