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.... ooc name: Silver
.... current characters: Spot
.... how you found us: scrolling through the links that came up when I searched wolf roleplay games
.... your character's initial fight stats: TANK
....a role play sample (200+ words): Spot overhears her parents discussing going to kill a wolf that night without thinking much of it. While walking to her den, Spot finds a book which she begins to read. She learned to read from one of the elder wolves. The book is about a place called Relic Lore. Spot grabs the book and continues to her den only to be attacked by two wolves. Spot manages to dart out of the den with her book and starts running away. She reaches the edge of a small cliff where the wolves corner her. One of the wolves lunges at her giving her, a nasty scar across her face. The amount of force that the wolf used made Spot fall off the ledge. Spot breaks one of her paws and two ribs upon the fall but manages to slowly get up. She suspects that it may have been her parents that attacked her. Spot remembers about her book. She finds her book and reads it. Spot reads a chapter in the book titled "How to Get to Relic Lore" interested she reads it. She follows the instructions that it gives her to reach Relic Lore. She is finally at Relic Lore, where she hopes she will be safe.

and finally a bit about your character... a female Mackenzie Valley Wolf. She is 9 months old. She has a scar over her eye and a scar on her side. She also tends to hurt or in trouble often.
Hello Silver, thank you so much for your application! We do have a few notes before we are able to accept Spot into the game. It may be helpful to re-read the Newcomer's Guide and follow the links therein, especially 1. Character Creation Rules.

  1. Please use Full Edit on your first post here to change the thread's name to "Spot", as it is meant to be your character's name, not your OOC name.
  2. Red wolves are a separate species from Gray wolves, and therefor cannot be played in Relic Lore, sorry! Please change Spot's subspecies on her profile.
  3. We roleplay here on RoW using third-person, past-tense novel-style narration. What you have written in Spot's biography on her profile is a perfect example, with any speech placed within quotes. Asterisks and other punctuation originating in 'chat speak' cannot be used. Please change your RP sample to reflect this.

Once these 3 items are addressed, please post here again and we will review your application!
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Thank you!
Hi Silver,

Thanks for making some of those changes! I think you misunderstood Cade. She meant the style of what is on your profile is appropriate, but not necessarily the content. We are looking for an actual rp sample, think what you would post if your character was starting a new thread. I've included a sample below of something I have written as a thread starter in the past:

"Khalon was taking after some of the other nocturnal wolves in the Backwater, at least since the weather had gotten hotter. It was cooler at night, and the smoke wasn’t as bad, which meant he got more play time in before getting worn out. Even now with the moon almost at its highest point in the sky the night was still warm, partially due to the haze that hung thick in the air, casting the world in an eerie orange. To the child this was all normal, he had never experienced a summer any other way so he just assumed it was always like this.

He knew better than to go too deep into the water without an adult, a lesson that had been drove very strongly into his head by both his parents. But, that didn’t stop him from playing in the shallower areas, leaping from fallen log to fallen log. He liked to see how many he could do in a row before falling into the still water below, so far his record was ten, which he personally thought was very impressive.

He was about to break his record, going for number eleven, this was going to be huge. Sinking down into a stretch and wiggling his bum in the air, trying to warm up as if he was about to complete some olympic feat, Khalon took a deep breath. The sudden inhale of smoke caused him to go into a coughing fit, his eyes and throat burning a little. The sudden spasms knocked the child off balance, his paws slipping against the wet wood beneath him. Before he could stop himself the Valle child had fallen onto his belly, bonking his chin pretty good against the log, splitting it open.

He began to cry."
Is that better?
Hi Silver,

Thank you for your interest in coming to join us here on RoW. Staff feel at this point you may be better suited for a roleplaying site designed for beginners, RoW is an intermediate-senior type roleplaying environment. That isn't to say after a couple of months of practice you won't be ready! Also of note we are classified as "semi-realistic" which means our characters do not use objects such as books, or other human tools/items that wolves would not use in the wild.

Thank you again for your interest in joining our game!