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but lately, I've been doin' better — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Cade who has 880 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan's ears stood tall atop his gray-speckled crown, eager to hear a reply. The voices behind him barely registered, the distance too far for words to be made out any longer. Nothing answered his call, and his anxieties mounted. He set off at a jog that was ready to become a sprint at a second's notice, nose twitching to try and catch the child's scent. It wasn't like his boy not to answer him, but hopefully he was just out of ear's shot. Too far for the father's comfort, but he knew he had to walk a tightrope when it came to keeping them safe and letting them grow up. Already he knew his depression affected them, he didn't need his fears to choke them as well...

[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 41 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater XIV. Yearling
Ally Vuesain
the night comes down like heaven

It seemed the meeting was winding down and Ally had missed most of it. She was just getting ready to turn and sneak off just as she had snuck in when the girl on the other side of Galen spoke up, loud and defiant. Ally nearly cringed away from her tone, but the end of her sentence caught her attention. Her ears pricked up. Cove. She blinked at this stranger whose name she didn't know. How did she know about the Cove?

Ally turned, eager to hear the answer. She barely registered the other yearling's answer, so intent was she upon Finley, who responded with chilled words. Ally's ears dropped again, disappointed and afraid to draw that ire upon herself, until the leader continued. Ally swallowed and timidly spoke up. "Could... could I go with you?" she asked, but thinking of the harsh winter on the mountainside quelled her heart a little. "Or, could you tell my grandma I'm here? Maybe she can find my dad." Or maybe her dad was there, waiting for her to find her way back to him.

Played by Cade who has 33 posts.
Paradise Falls XVI. Yearling
Addison Smoke-Athesila
Addison didn't expect anyone else's voice to cut through the air, and certainly not so assertively. Her perpetually sleepy eyes blinked a little wider with mild surprise, and she looked over her shoulder to see who it was. Magg. Her, cousin, yes? The older girl radiated anger, and Addy was at a loss as to why. She also didn't understand why someone had to be sent to 'The Cove,' especially when those wolves seemed to always come here. They'd all went home just fine, why didn't she or her brother?

Miriam's voice picked up next, but it was Finley's sharp response that took Addison's attention next, her head swiveling back into proper place to watch the new leader owlishly. Now she was mad too, at least that's what Addy thought she was picking up, but she didn't get that either. It not only confused her, it was kind of harshin' her mellow. Perturbed, the pup got onto her paws and quickly disappeared after her father.
Played by Sunshine who has 90 posts.
Sanguine Cove VII. Subordinate
Galen Vuesain
It was the sound of chattering teeth and motion along the outskirts of those gathered that drew Galen's attention first toward the silhouette of a dark tawny yearling that looked to be soaked to the bones, curiosity briefly washing over his features before swarthy ears pricked forward in full interest when said yearling spoke up through the chattering of teeth to offer themselves up as a courier for them. Golden eyes eagerly shifted from the girl to that of Finley only to witness the pair of green daggers that were sent flying toward Magg, their ire enough to send a small shiver down the boy's spine as if he too had been drenched to the bone.

The newly appointed leader made a valid point, though, that perhaps this wasn't the ideal time to bring up such a topic, but how could they be blamed for doing so when their attempts since the moment they arrived had been constantly brushed aside. Essentially their voices silenced until they had no choice but to speak out of turn. Finley then went on to mention intentions to go herself once things calmed down unless someone offered to go with Miriam, but Galen wondered if things ever would at the rate things were thus far.

"What if Magg and myself go with her? No offense to er..Miriam was it?" He paused to glance toward the shivering yearling, a soft smile on his maw to show his appreciation for her offer before shifting his attention back to Finley. "But does she even know how to get to the Cove?" There was no disrespect meant in his statement, but it was a gaping hole in the plan Galen couldn't ignore. Plus, if all three of them left Magg would hopefully have the support she needed for her leg to make the journey up the mountain and they could be done being burdens for the pack.

Yet, there was a sudden curve ball thrown into the mix once silence momentarily settled between those gathered again and young Ally timidly spoke up in its place. Confusion had dark brows pinching together and his gaze fell to Magg first to see if she had any inkling as to who Ally may be talking about before it fell next upon the tawny child at his side. "Who's your grandma?"
Played by Cade who has 40 posts.
Paradise Falls XIV. Yearling
Atara Kane
An unfamiliar voice picked up then, coming from what felt to her like the back of the group. She turned to spot the girl, the one who was hurt and so she never left the den. Before, Atara had been a little curious about what her story had been. In this moment, she couldn't care less. Finley's responding tone told her daughter everything the pup needed to know. Her own verdant sights hardened into a matching glare. Whatever the problem was, her mom was right. This wasn't the time for trips, this was about her father.

Then Fin continued, and Atara's stomach dropped as she whipped back round to regard her mother with a look of both shock and horror. She was going to do what? After what happened to Dad?! Her young heart was hammering now, and it was taking all her strength to keep from interjecting with the others and demanding that if Finley went anywhere, it better be with her remaining child in tow. Even that wouldn't satisfy her anxiety, though. Jethro had made the exact same promise and broken it, why wouldn't any other adult?
(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2024, 09:55 PM by Atara.)
Played by Cade who has 167 posts.
Sanguine Cove IX. Lowest
Magg Slayer
The first to answer her was not the alpha, but rather an agemate who Magg didn't have a name for. It was enough to get her on the shit list as well despite her being the first to offer help, and thus she did not acknowledge the girl in any way. Her gaze remained glued to Finley's, daring to glare back. The first sentence the woman spoke sent rage coursing through every fiber of her being, the response seething from betwixt gritted fangs instantaneously.

"I goddamned have."

Eyes wide and nostrils flared, it was easy to realize her jaw was clenched so hard the words hadn't been able to reach their intended target. Finley was pressing on, and Magg's hackles began to lift. What needed settled? Why did these wolves care so little about what was clearly an emergency for her and Galen?

'Could... could I go with you?' a child now spoke up, like they were talking about some fun vacation, and- 'Or, could you tell my grandma I'm here? Maybe she can find my dad.'

Her head turned, blinking over at the smaller girl at Galen's other side. Marked like her, with mixed eyes like Leo's. Another dark shape, amongst the trees past the pup's shoulder, move almost imperceptibly, and the recognition hit even harder. Was that... Isla?! There was also a child here trying to get to family in the Cove and Isla was just chilling out here and Finley wanted to act like communicating with Magg's parents wasn't a priority?!

She didn't know where to start, what to feel, how to react. It was too much at once, but it did solidify something. Even as Galen spoke up, trying to work things out.

"... nevermind."

She looked to Galen, wanting to communicate without being overheard by anyone else, but that was an impossibility in their current situation.

"We don't need their help."

Unless physically stopped, she would remove herself then and there, limping back into the darkness of the cave.

(This post was last modified: Feb 27, 2024, 10:32 PM by Magg.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 365 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Flair Smoke-Athesila

She felt so tired. It was a struggle to just pay attention to Finley, let alone anything else going on around her. All her energy was focused on giving the new leader what support she could, her heart aching with a mixture of gratitude and sympathy for the other woman – she hoped she’d soon be fit enough to relieve her - though at the moment, the thought alone made her feel faint.

The immediate response to Finley’s words was silence, disturbed only by Chan stepping away. Of course, Flair had noticed their son’s absence, and with the grave news about Jethro, it filled her with just as much worry as her partner. But she didn’t have the strength to go looking, so she stayed where she could be of most use, bending her head to nuzzle Addison’s ears gently as the girl snuggled closer – her caress bringing a soft smile to Flair’s lips, despite everything. Then her attention was back on Fin, looking to meet her eyes and show her support.

Then an unexpected voice spoke up, in a tone entirely unexpected, and enough to make Flair’s haggles prickle, despite her woes. Chan had told her of Magg’s injury, but she hadn’t had much presence to learn the details. Still, her scorn at the news about Jethro was abhorrent, as was the tone she was taking with their new leader. The former leader shot a pointed glare at the youngster, following up Finley’s response with a low growl, supporting the woman wholly. Her position made perfect sense and she was handling the rudeness with a grace Flair could not have mastered in her place.

Obviously, this wasn’t enough for the yearlings. While Galen tried to work things out more civilly, ignoring Finley’s request to make the discussion private, Magg was clearly of only one mind, that her problem was more important than anything else. Had it still been Flair up there, at her full strength, she might have moved to correct the girl physically – injured or not – but as it was, she could only defer to Finley, on whether to let it slide and allow her to storm off.

Regardless, even as the meeting seemed to dissolve around them, the former leader would remain, giving Finley her silent support ‘til the end, even if she couldn’t offer much else.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Tasha who has 51 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Miriam Faith

Miriam was not fully aware of the spat she appeared to have stuck herself directly in the middle of. A frown found her features as she looked back and forth between Finley and Magg… she had merely volunteered in order to ensure whatever needed to be done ended up done… Magg was injured, from what she knew, and that meant she would need help moving around, right?

A number of people spoke up, some saying she should not go because (a fair point on their part) she did not know where it was, and even Finley spoke up about going herself unless someone volunteered to go with her… she was certain the dripping mess was not helping, but her mishap in the stream had been… well, a mishap… and once she had time to lay down and dry off she was certain she would be fine.

But then Magg was storming off, leaving her utterly confused with a frown on her features. “However I can help… e-even if that i-is staying here while s-so-someone else goes.” She managed through the chattering, addressing Finley as it was her call.

Played by Cade who has 73 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Marigold Tanga
Marigold pulled her gaze away briefly when she heard another arrive, and was given another slight shock to see the yearling completely drenched and clearly freezing. Mar frowned deeply and got onto her paws, picking her way carefully amongst the other bodies between the two of them. As she moved, the others continued talking. When she at last got to young Miriam's side she leaned lightly into the girl, lending body heat. Were she more comfortable with physical contact she would have set about licking what moisture she could from the yearling's coat. As it was, this was already Mar's limit, but not doing anything at all had certainly not been an option.

She returned her gaze to Finley, sympathy strongly shown there. She wanted to offer to go with them, to help and take some of this weight off of everyone's shoulders, but her jaw might as well have been wired shut. Each time she tried to even consider it, her mind replayed Auburn's fall.

Magg retreated, Micaden had not answered, and Addison had taken off after their father, leaving Flair by herself, while Miriam still shivered and Finley stood in front of them all alone. Mar felt pulled in every direction, even while not a single one of them had asked for her help.

"We're here for you, Finley," she spoke up, hoping the message was clear. Whether it was now or down the line, having to do with this scouting mess or anything else, her pack had her back.
(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2024, 01:30 AM by Marigold.)
Played by Ghost who has 215 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Mentor
Finley Lennox

Sweet little Ally chimed in next and volunteered to also go up the mountain with Miriam, and then mentioned her grandparents were up there. The agouti woman let out an audible sigh, she certainly wasn’t going to send a teen and a child alone on an errand to a mountain top. This seemed to distract Galen who said that they would go with Miriam. If they were well enough to make the trip then what did they need a scout from the Falls for. Every time one of the pair spoke it grated against her frazzled nerves.

The hardness had returned to her face and tone when she answered, ”Nobody is keeping you here. If the pair of you would like to leave you are welcome to go.” It was implied here that “welcome to go” was generous, more of a suggestion that they had worn out their welcome. She watched as the younger one limped away and then looked expectantly to Galen to see if he would follow behind.

Then she deflated a little, once she was surrounded by the wolves she knew that she could trust. Shooting a thankful smile to Marigold she nodded silently before turning her attention to Miriam, ”Come on, we should get you dried off and warmed up before you catch a cold.” That was the last thing that they needed.