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[M} be that hopeful feeling — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Cade who has 913 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Riven arrived, looking as though he'd been called to the defusing of a bomb rather than a birthing. It was certainly a much more anxious demeanor than the one he'd held at Isla's, and enough for Chan to settle on an assumption for why he'd taken off so quickly when the leader had stepped between him and @Adelard. It certainly hadn't been his intention to upset the other wolf so, and his usual remedy for that was to have a conversation about the matter. Promptly.

It, wasn't likely to happen this time, not unless the newcomer wanted to come to Chan with specific, intent questioning. He was finally catching on to the fact that Riven and Adelard were close, and despite his disgust in the latter's choices he did not wish to attempt despoiling any of the man's relationships through his own actions. Initiating a conference in which the only detailed explanation that could be given would be a disparagement of Adelard's character was, then, clearly out of the question.

He would have to figure it out later. For now, he would have to kindly ignore the edge of fear and hope he simply did not make matters worse for Riven going forward.

The number of voices was growing, and Chan chose to continue listening rather than speaking up himself. Finley had answered the small gathering's newest addition and it was clear in her posture and intent gaze that Atara was focused on taking the role of emotional support for her family. That enabled him to focus his attention wholly on Hazelnut without guilt. He too slipped down on his stomach, taking to her the first round of medicinal grasses to chew on. The standard supplements for someone going through labor, as well as some treatments for her extraneous symptoms.

He hoped dearly it was just a cold, that there were no other issues. Chan watched as closely as he could from outside, wanting to respect Hazelnut's space and privacy both. Then he guessed from the way she twisted and moved that a child had come, but when her eyes looked to the den's opening again, he saw panic and his innards turned to ice. He asked for permission to enter, and slipped in as swiftly as he could while still being careful when it was granted.

It didn't take much to figure out what had gone wrong, and he promptly started to massage the small body with his muzzle. He'd seen a pup come back from this, had heard tale of others, maybe it could happen for this one too.

"Riven," he called out, wanted it to sound even, but there was a whisper of a plea in it. He'd said he had experience. Did he know something better?

It was the odds, really. Litters usually have their stillborn or their runts who barely live, this would be a universal, typical, expected experience. None of that ever made it any easier, though. Life being so cruel by nature did not devalue the children who didn't make it. Unavoidable or not, Chan was so, so tired of death.
(This post was last modified: Jun 21, 2024, 01:43 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by van who has 162 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Poor girl. Riven's ear pinned back to his skull in sympathy. To give birth, perhaps for the first time, being so ill... well, he couldn't imagine it. It made his own issues seem incredibly far away, and the initial fear he'd experienced approaching the den dropped away like water off a duck's back.

He had a job to do. Personal feelings were hardly important right now.

Chan called his name again, a twinge of anxiety in his tone, and Riven felt himself cringe inwardly. The pup that had just been born was still and unmoving, likely not going to come back. It was natural - part of life - but that didn't mean they couldn't try.

Shaking his head, he willed away the rest of the anxiety and went to work

"Lick it vigorously," he instructed Chan, though he wasn't exactly confident it would do much. "Make sure its airway is clear and nothing is wrapped around its neck." Outside of that, there wasn't much they could do aside from keeping it warm. But with its mother being so weak already and the fact that this just happened sometimes, Riven wasn't sure it would make it through. But that didn't mean that its mother and littermates had to share the same fate.

After asking for permission to enter as well, the healer settled down near the laboring mother. This wasn't like with Rhaegara, and he didn't want to push boundaries, but he wanted to offer what comfort he could manage.

"You're doing well," he told her, keeping his tone light and even. "It'll be over soon, and the medicine will kick in, and you'll feel much better." It wasn't a lie - he had no doubt that she would be fine. There wasn't room for that kind of thinking. "It won't be too long now. You're going to be just fine." He tipped his head to the side. "I'll bet you're thirsty, though. Would you like some water?" A little louder, just in case someone outside happened to hear.
Played by Pinn who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hazelnut Donata-Valle

Chan was quick to answer her call, quick to take the child away.  Hazelnut did not watch him work, could not bring herself to see the outcome, to commit the scene to memory. Perhaps it was selfish, but just this once, the woman would allow herself to be. She was not a healer, she had no wisdom to offer, so it wouldn't have made a difference either way.

Her ears fell as Riven's instructions bounced off the walls of the den. So Chan, in all his wisdom, must have found himself at a loss.

This whole thing had been a mess.  All of it.  From meeting Ryder, to the very moment she found herself in, all of it had been awful. She wished for a way to take it back, to be able to go back in time and warn herself of this outcome. But there were no shooting stars, or fairy godmothers, and there was no taking this back.

Riven's voice poured into her ears, soft and soothing. It felt too normal, too level, given the panic and chaos that had erupted inside of her. To hear it was almost jarring. Her eyes found him, confusion clouding her features as she managed to shake her head. She was thirsty.  Incredibly so. But.. "Don't go." She wasn't sure why, but in that moment, Hazelnut could think of nothing more terrifying. Well, almost nothing.

And then she heard it, or thought she heard it. Somewhere in the den, a cub began to cry.

Played by Ghost who has 230 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane
This is Finley's exit, she can be pped dropping the water back off if this continues for another couple of rounds.

Things were happening quickly, a flurry of activity at the entrance to the den as Ryder remained in his sentinel position, Chan and Riven attending to the medical needs. The mother chewed at the inside of her cheek until it had grown raw and sore, not that she noticed. It had been a long time since she had engaged in this particular habit, thinking it unladylike and frankly she didn’t like to appear anything but smooth. Ears strained forward at every sound that she could hear, though most things were just muffled voices.

Until Riven spoke, his words ringing clearly and Finley quickly got to her paws. Looking to Atara she urged, ”We should get her some water, there are turtle shells near the Falls.” It had been a life saving trick that Chan had taught them last summer, and it continued to rescue them now. She hesitated for only a moment, green eyes staring at Ryder, hoping to see some kind of change, a sign that everything was going to be okay. Then, she turned and hurried off to collect the water.

If only she had hesitated a little bit longer, she would have heard the cries begin. But, she was already too far away.

Played by Cade who has 110 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox
When Chan entered the den, Ryder felt certain that things were going wrong. Why else would he even be allowed, before the father certainly? He couldn't help but crawl further in, catching a glimpse of something small and dark that the leader was fussing over. His grey eyes passed over it, whatever emotion caused by the sight kept far, far down. They settled on Hazelnut instead. Was she alright? Would she be, even if nothing physically went wrong for her?

He wanted to join her, to at least be at her side even if he'd never have the words for any of this. Riven's voice was in the air instead, and the stranger disappeared to take up that remaining space. Ryder sat up and grit his fangs bitterly, but still didn't speak. What was there for him to do, really? What comfort could he actually be? He was the one who had done this to her.

Even as their daughter began to sound off somewhere within that den, announcing herself to the world, he couldn't help but feel darkly empty inside.
Played by Cade who has 53 posts.
Paradise Falls IX. Yearling
Atara Kane
The tension only grew, two adults slipping into the den to assist now. Atara found herself torn, when that opportunity to help herself came and her mother turned to include her, wishing she could both stay and go. Be everywhere at once. Fearful that when they returned, things might have only spiraled...

She nodded, and quickly followed after Finley. She had to have faith, and certainly couldn't allow any lack thereof to keep her from being of use.
Played by Cade who has 913 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Riven was quick to respond, but he had no magic or unexpected answer. It was very nearly exactly what had already been done, though he did switch to specifically using his tongue on the off-chance it would make the difference. Maybe it did. Pressed all in together, it was still the pup's own voice that suddenly filled the dark space. He'd felt it breathe in, and still he nearly couldn't believe it as he looked down at the crying whelp.

The shock lasted a second, and then he nosed the child back over the inches it would take to be back in her mother's embrace. He didn't make to move, not quite yet. Hazelnut's labor might not yet be over, and they needed to ensure that even if it was, she had not suffered from any other complications. At this point, it was likely he and the other man would be catching whatever illness she'd gotten, but that was of small consequence.

His gaze would repeatedly find itself drifting back to the pup who had been, for all purposes, dead a few brief moments ago. How on earth had they managed a win like that?
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]