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Take a chance — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Flywolf who has 667 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
Dated mid-morning 5/28, for @Matos on the borders of SC.

He'd delayed long enough, and Nash knew he needed to make this trip as quick as possible. There was too much going on, too much at stake, for him to take an extended trip. He likely wouldn't even stay the night in Paradise Falls. Ten days was already too long.

Nash had talked with Aquene about this trip when Moon died, and then everything with Sari and Magg's birth and the news of Archer's death... even though the man hadn't been on the mountain at the time of his demise, the news was still being delivered by one of theirs and it could only make relations with the Backwater worse. Nash didn't know what to do. At this point he doubted there would be hope of smoothing relations even to neutral. As their closest neighbor and once-friends... especially since Aquene had a granddaughter there.

And now he was off to talk to his brother. Just thinking about him had anger stirring in his chest. Chan had known so much, had Isla, held Magg when she asked for help getting home, didn't send word after Jethro's disappearance, had held Ally after the pup asked to get to the mountain... Nash took a deep breath. He would talk to him. He would deliver news of their mother's death. He would tell him he was welcome to visit her grave should he desire. And then he would leave. He knew his anger stemmed from hurt, from betrayal; once upon a time he idolized his eldest brother, and now...

Nash didn't know what to think.

Played by Grae who has 108 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
He needed to do something. He could no longer just sit idly by. Look at all that had happened while he was just...there, simply existing. Burying his grandmother, His nieces and nephews, his baby sister. They were just the tip of the iceberg of traumatic events that rained down on them in his short two years. The young man felt stuck, unable to actually contribute to his family. Sure he did border patrols and filled caches but he was never there when it mattered. When Magg...Seri...Al...though the latter was beyond his ability at the time he still carried a whisper of guilt for it.

It was time for change.

He found his father's scent and set off to find him. Since his grandmother's passing he had been mulling over how to ask his father to let him make the journey to inform his uncle. Having been to Paradise Falls once before he could easily remember the way and with his mother and sister's pregnancies it would've been best for Nash to stay...but then the hawk and stillbirths. As the Cove leader's scent led to the border his near lookalike quickened his pace. He wasn't leaving already was he?

It seemed like luck was on his side as he just caught his father at the border. The young Eastfall-Slayer let out a bark of alert to his presence. The inky boy contemplated just how he was going to go about this...if his dad was already setting out then he would most likely say no...unless he just hadn't simply considered sending his son in his stead. The time to contemplate ran out as the distance between them closed.

Amber and emerald met dual emerald with a beat of silence between them. "I'm comin' with ya." was all he said, raising his head a bit. Not out of defiance or challenge but instead of resolve. He needed this and Nash needed him.
Played by Flywolf who has 667 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

As he was about to cross the border a voice called out to him. Nash's ears fell back against his head for a moment, not because he was unhappy to hear his son but because he wanted to be on his way. The sooner he left the sooner he could be back home, and he didn't want to leave off telling this news any longer.

Still Nash turned to face Matos, face mostly devoid of emotion, an expression he'd been practicing over the last week. A brow rose as his son's posture, and firm statement. "Are you," he said flatly, torn between a flicker of amusement and annoyance. It was good to see his son so confident, but he'd specifically planned on making this trip alone.

Played by Grae who has 108 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
His father's expression when he turned to face him was unexpected, though not surprising given the circumstances. Though the response to his declaration was a surprise. There was no "No you arent." or "You're staying." or even really anything in his tone. His words were flat causing a falter in the boy's resolve. Dual colored eyes darted to the side as he weighed his next words carefully.

"Yes." He replied reengaging in eye contact. "Ya said it yourself that no one is supposed to leave alone given what happened to Magg. They still havent been found." And what if they found you? He almost added but didn't. He knew his father could hold his own, but there was safety in numbers.
Played by Flywolf who has 667 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

Matos seemed to pause to think for a moment, his bravado faltering, and Nash waited for his response. He had to admit he was curious to the boy's - now, he was a man now - argument. That he started with a statement rather than a question was promising and the leader had to admit it immediately gave more weight to whatever case Matos might make.

Finally the boy spoke, repeating Nash's own directives back to him. A good point, and one Nash had thought of; he knew he should lead by example, but this case seemed different. He was more experienced than the youngsters, and someone might think twice about confronting him as opposed to his young daughter.

"Yes," Nash agreed patiently, "which is exactly why I need you here to protect your mother and sister, and your nieces and nephew." The more guardians present to care for them, the better. He didn't want to leave Aquene alone to face her grief while Nash was gone.

Played by Grae who has 108 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
His confidence waivered at the unexpected initial response. This one though, to watch his mother and sisters, was expected. There was no pause in his rebuttal this time around. No, he had known his father would've tasked him with that.

"Leo and Galen are here. They are more than capable of watching over them." He countered, voice strong once more. The younger inky Eastfall man knew his adoptive brothers were able to protect them. More so than he was if he were to be completely honest. Though letting on to that wouldn't help his case. "There is safety in numbers, even small. An extra set of eyes and ears can ensure ya come back home...safe." Magg had come home but she hadn't been safe. They need him, he needed him. Matos couldn't even bear the thought also losing his father after they had already lost so much. And if he had to plead then he would, but he wasn't letting him leave alone.
Played by Flywolf who has 667 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

This time the response was swift and through his forced apathy Nash's amusement - and sense of pride - grew. His son had prepared for this. He almost wondered if Aquene had set him up to this, but they'd been in agreement. She barely even seemed inclined to argue. She wanted to feel safe too.

Nash's ears flicked. "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself," he said. But so was Leo, and he had been hurt by freak accident, and for the first time in a long while the image of his father, half buried in rock and coughing as he said his goodbyes, flashed in his mind's eye. Perhaps it was because he'd just buried his mother there, encased her in the mountain in the same way they'd done for Tagg all those years ago.

The grief came back full force, piercing through the fog of indifference and despite himself he felt his shoulders drop just a little. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I will be moving fast," he warned. "We are getting there, talking to Chan, and immediately heading back. We are not staying the night. I don't want to be gone longer than absolutely necessary." He'd been wanting to make this journey alone, but... Matos deserved a reward for his bravado, and the boy was grieving too. If accompanying his father on this trip was what he needed...

Well, Nash was still a dad before everything else. He could accommodate his only son this time.

Played by Grae who has 108 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
This need to help, to contribute, to do something was strong within the young man. He wasn't quite sure where it came from but he was determined to do something about it, come hell or high water. They had lost too much, he lost too much. Though he kept that mostly to himself. He wasn't a pup anymore, not even a yearling. It was time to step up.

His fathers clipped words caused his own ears to flick back, though his gaze held. He opened his maw "I know ya can..." was halted at his lips as his father's shoulder's dipped and chest sucked in a deep breath. One beat, two, the son waited for his father to continue, not wanting to push his luck.

The word we struck him as Nash warned him of the pace and timeline. He had done it! Maty hadn't fully expected to convince his father but wasn't going down without a fight. It seemed like the fight part was unnecessary, a little push back had done the trick. Matos halted his tail that threated to begin waving wildly. This was serious. With ears back at attention he simply nodded his head. "There and back." he confirmed.
Played by Flywolf who has 667 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

He could see further arguments prepared on his son's lips, the defiance in his eyes - the slight craze of desperation. It was a look Nash himself knew well; he'd worn it more than once.

Matos was capable, and could keep up, and Nash had to reluctantly admit that he was still sore and bruised from his tumble down the mountainside in his vain attempt to rescue his daughter.

His chest squeezed painfully.

After this visit to his brother, Nash would be having another difficult conversation with his pack as a whole. Everyone here, with the exception of his wife, had been born beside the lake. This was their home... but perhaps it was time to set aside his stubbornness.

Now was not the time. He tilted his head back and howled, announcing Matos was joining him so @Aquene wouldn't worry over his disappearance. Then he turned and crossed the border. "Come on," he said over his shoulder, and began their descent.

Played by Grae who has 108 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
The pace and timeline was understandable. They had to get back sooner rather later, the reasons seemed obvious, his mother, sisters and nieces. The history between his father and uncle were lost on him. He knew he could do this, he had to. Not just for their sakes but his own as well. The ebony boy man needed to start finding his purpose, to start contributing.

The call rang through the air to inform his mother that he's be joining his father and he wondered if she had tried to convince Nash to let someone go with him. Was that why his father caved? Or was it truly because of his argument and points presented? He would have plenty of time to dwell on it as they made their way to the Falls.

The call faded and his dad began their journey by turning and making his way across the border beckoning Maty to follow. Large inky paws followed suit with no hesitation. There was no time to spare after all. Good thing he ate breakfast that day.