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why the long face — The Wildwood 
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Played by Greyer who has 8 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Thoval had no choice but to oblige. Again, safety in numbers. If he did bring the twins to the north, they'd give that old rogue and his charge a run for their hides. A smirk started to morph his features. Yeah, he liked the idea of that.

As Felyx tipped his head, the dark male stared, trying to read him. "Around," he had said. "She's never too far off." Okay, that was a given, and Thoval wouldn't have accepted any other answer. Yes, this whole nomadic band thing was every wolf for themself, but if it ever came to a situation like that... he wanted the last three standing to be them.

Cynder was hanging out with Sov, maybe making some friends. One of Thoval's brows rose. Friends... That seemed highly unlikely, but he obliged Felyx, even when he teased further. "Why? Am I not enough?"

His lips pulled back to show clenched teeth. "Oh, ho, ho," he huffed, "that's a low blow, even for you." Gradually, he grinned, tail lifted in a wag, "You're more than enough." His head lowered so the two could see eye to eye, an almost partial play bow. "You're trouble." And, if he'd ever admit it, he was here for it. Had this meeting been with Cynder, Thoval knew his words would have been the same. While more than capable of playing favorites, he liked when these two felt balanced. Like dual-wielding a pair of revolvers, except one was holstered at the hip and the other close to his chest.

"Now, if we're not going up, I'll jus' follow your lead," he coaxed the little spitfire on. "Promise I won't get lost on you again."
(This post was last modified: Aug 23, 2024, 07:57 AM by Thoval.)
THOVALwhy the long face, my pretty baby
I've got long fangs, come appraise me
Played by Van who has 63 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
A low blow it might have been, but the response he received was delightful. Felyx's eyes glinted with excited energy as he watched Thoval's lips peel back and his posture lower into something more playful, down to his level.

You're more than enough.


Felyx laughed in response. He had no firm grasp on what Thoval thought of the two of them. He'd wager there was some attraction of sorts - physical, mental, whatever - that pulled him as well. Cynder... well, she'd bristled pretty bad the last time Felyx had mentioned Thoval, but he was hoping to get his twin to warm up more to the guy. Felyx, for his part, was more than willing to use and be used in return, for whatever that meant.

If Thoval wanted a revolver, a revolver he would get. It helped that Felyx didn't care who he was fired at.

"How rude. I'll have you know I've been an angel recently," he lied blatantly, tail waving like a flag. "I only aim to please." He had been on his better behavior recently, but it certainly helped that what Paeryl wanted him to do lined up fairly well with what Felyx wanted to do.

If it didn't, he wouldn't do it. Simple as that.

Another laugh, then, and Felyx hopped away from his confrère, just out of reach. "I'll keep the pace slow for you," he offered graciously, hoping it might grant him another show of teeth. "Wouldn't want you exacerbating that injury of yours." For all the statement was meant to rile him up, Felyx knew that logically it would be better to have Thoval in as good a condition as possible. For shenanigans, mostly, but there were other reasons. Felyx just might not know them all yet.

I feel like we can fade soon? ^^
(This post was last modified: Aug 22, 2024, 03:40 AM by Felyx.)
Played by Greyer who has 8 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
"How rude," Felyx countered. "I'll have you know I've been an angel lately." Thoval wasn't exactly oblivious to the lie, but he knew the twins to be a pair of pests by default. "Mmhmm," was his only response. Flat and unconvinced.

"I only aim to please."

Thoval scoffed, but couldn't help the smirk that returned. Felyx blathered on and the tall brute shook out his coat with a few stiff steps.

"Wouldn't want you exacerbating that injury of yours."

Injury. Right.

The wince that marred his masked features became a sneer as he followed the younger wolf. His tail lashed out at the air behind him in an attempt to appear nonchalant. "Yeah, yeah, Felyx," he echoed again, already griping from being reunited. "Jus' go." He gave the yearling a little bump to the flank with his nose. "Get." Wherever they ended up, all Thoval could hope was that it was what Paeryl and the rest of his followers had in mind.

THOVALwhy the long face, my pretty baby
I've got long fangs, come appraise me